11 septembre 2018
Vahé Nerguizian
Département de génie électrique
B.Ing. (Polytechnique Montréal), M.Eng. (McGill), Ph.D (Université Concordia)
Vue d'ensemble
Nerguizian, Vahé
Unité de recherche
Axe de recherche
- Technologies de la santé
- Bio-ingénierie
- Détection des cellules cancérigènes
- Système microfluidique (LOC) et Point of Care (POC)
- Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS)
- Micro-ondes
- Microélectronique
Prix et distinctions
2015 : Prix d'excellence du c.a. de l'ÉTS en enseignement
- En codirection avec : Maarouf Saad
Nonlinear Control and Perturbation Compensation in UAV Quadrotor, par Walid Khalil Ahmad Alqaisi
Automne 2019 - En codirection avec : Serioja Ovidiu Tatu
Measurement Techniques of Scattering Parameters Based on Six-Port Technology for Microwave Applications, par Rabih Barakat
Hiver 2022 - En codirection avec : Ion G. Stiharu
Controlled Liposome Production using Micromixers Based on Dean Flow Dynamics, par Ruben Lopez Salazar
Été 2020 - En codirection avec : Maarouf Saad
Perception et commande des véhicules autonomes dans les conditions hivernales, par Baptiste Bancel
Hiver 2025
- En codirection avec : Vartivar Aklian
Implémentation en VHDL/FPGA d'Afficheur Vidéo Numérique (AVN) pour des applications aérospatiales, par Sébastien Pelletier
Automne 2008 - En codirection avec : René Jr Landry
Étude et réalisation d'une architecture de communication et de tests pour réseaux multi-capteurs MEMS dans les applications avioniques, par Atik Bara
Automne 2008 - En codirection avec : Nicolas Constantin
Régulateur de tension CMOS à faible consommation de courant et bas voltage pour amplificateurs RF intégrés, par Guy François Valery Ayissi Eyebe
Hiver 2012 - En codirection avec : Maarouf Saad
Commande de vol non linéaire d'un drone à voilure fixe par la méthode du backstepping, par Edouard Finoki
Hiver 2015 - En codirection avec : Julia Burnier
Drug/Genetic Materials via Liposome Nanoparticles for Cancer Therapeutics, par Wissal Bhiri
Hiver 2025 - En codirection avec : Ion G. Stiharu
Design and Fabrication of Fluidic Devices for Industrial-scale Production of Lipid-based Nanoparticles and Biomolecules Encapsulation, par Fatemeh Behrouz
Automne 2024 - En codirection avec : Julia Burnier
Engineering Liposomes Using Microfluidic Devices to Model Cancer-Derived Extracellular Vesicles (EV), par Chaymaa Zouggari Ben El Khyat
Été 2022 - En codirection avec : Julia Burnier
Modeling Cancer Cell-derived Extracellular Vesicles (EVs) using Synthetic Nanoparticles, par Ishman Kaur
Hiver 2025 - The Effect of Geometry on Mixing Efficiency for Microfluidic Device, par Ayeh Darooeizadeh
Automne 2020
- En codirection avec : Maarouf Saad
Commande en temps réel d'un robot hyper redondant sous environnement QNX, par Brice Le Boudec
Automne 2004 - En codirection avec : François Gagnon
Conception et fabrication d'un filtre accordable avec la technologie des MEMS pour les applications micro-ondes, par Mathieu Hemon
Hiver 2007 - En codirection avec : René Jr Landry
Packing design of MEMS pressure, temperature and other sensors, par Jun Wang
Automne 2008
- En codirection avec : Maarouf Saad
Utilisation de capteurs Mems pour la navigation d'un robot mobile, par Samer Bizri
Hiver 2009 - Conception d'interrupteur RF haute puissance en MEMS, par Bahaedinne Jlassi
Été 2011 - En codirection avec : Maarouf Saad
Modélisation et commande non linéaire d'un robot manipulateur mobile à travers le réseau d'internet, par Smail Nekab
Hiver 2015 - En codirection avec : Guy Gauthier
Système de mesure de la posture d'un pantin pour valider un robot de réhabilitation, par Djillali Hani
Été 2017 - Efficacité énergétique d'une habitation isolée avec l'intégration de solutions d'efficacité énergétique active, par Safya Tibeche
Été 2017 - En codirection avec : Gheorghe Marcel Gabrea
Séparation aveugle de sources 'la voix et la musique' avec la méthode d'information mutuelle, par Mohammed Nadjib Yahiaoui
Automne 2016 - Habitation alimentée par un système hybride de source d'énergie renouvelable (éolienne-solaire) et connectée au réseau avec stockage du surplus, par Imad Hachemi
Été 2017 - Véhicules propres utilisant des technologies hybrides, par Chahrazad Boualdja
Hiver 2017 - Conception et réalisation d'un micromélangeur passif pour la synthèse efficace de liposomes avec une production élevée, par Moussa Gholmieh
Été 2024 - Conception et réalisation d'un milli-mélangeur passif pour la synthèse efficace de liposomes, par Abdo Bachaalani
Été 2024 - Modèle collaboratif pour internet des objets (IdO), par Imen Chekhab
Été 2024
- Yunxi Chen, Ruben R. Lopez, Chaymaa Zouggari Ben El Khyat, Thupten Tsering, Vahé Nerguizian, Julia V. Burnier. 2023 « Engineering extracellular vesicle like liposomes with integrin αVβ5 to study its role in cancer metastasis ». Affiche présentée lors de la conférence : AACR Annual Meeting (Orlando, FL, USA, Apr. 14-19, 2023)
- Armen Erzingatzian, Ruben Lopez, Chaymaa Zouggari, Vahé Nerguizian, Julia V. Burnier. 2023 « Comparative study of calcein encapsulation into nanoparticles using three different micromixers as a model for small ». Affiche présentée lors de la conférence : AACR Annual Meeting (Orlando, FL, USA, Apr. 14-19, 2023)
- R. R. López, P. Bustamante, V. Nerguizian, J. Burnier. 2023 « Exploration of transmembrane proteins in extracellular vesicles derived from liver metastatic cancer model shows markers of organotropism ». Affiche présentée lors de la conférence : ISEV Annual Meeting (Seattle, WA, USA, May 17-21, 2023)
- R. R. Lopez, P. Bustamante, C. Zouggari, Y. Chen, T. Tsering, C. Mounier, I. Stiharu, V. Nerguizian, J. Burnier. 2023 « Lipidomic profiling of extracellular vesicles derived from cancer cell lines: Lipid species as potential biomarkers and cellular uptake enhancers ». Affiche présentée lors de la conférence : AACR Annual Meeting (Orlando, FL, USA, Apr. 14-19, 2023)
- R. R. López, C. Zouggari, T. Tsering, Y. Chen, P. Bustamante, V. Nerguizian, J. Burnier. 2023 « Modeling cancer cell-derived extracellular vesicles using liposomes: A synthetic model to determine the impact of EV characteristics on cellular uptake ». Affiche présentée lors de la conférence : ISEV Annual Meeting (Seattle, WA, USA, May 17-21, 2023)
- R. R. López, C. Zouggari, T. Tsering, P. Bustamante, C. Mounier, I. Stiharu, V. Nerguizian, J. Burnier. 2022 « Uveal melanoma derived extracellular vesicles mimicking: A parametric study of EVs physicochemical characteristics influence over cellular uptake ». Affiche présentée lors de la conférence : American Association Cancer Research Annual Meeting (New Orleans, LA, USA, Apr. 08-13, 2022)
- Chaymaa Zouggari Ben El Khyat, Ruben Lopez Salazar, Catherine Mounier, Ion Stiharu, Julia V. Burnier, Vahé Nerguizian. 2022 « The effect of aqueous solvent and anionic lipid concentration on liposome physicochemical characteristics ». Affiche présentée lors de la conférence : 11th International Colloids Conference (Lisbon, Portugal, June 12-15, 2022)
- Lyne Woodward, Alexandre Hatin-Limoges, Nicolas Constantin, Vahé Nerguizian, Sylvie Ratté. 2013 « Support intranet d'apprentissage interactif et approche personnalisée en génie électrique ». Affiche présentée lors de la conférence : Journée Découvertes ÉTS, 2013 (Montréal, QC, canada, 13 mars 2013)
- Alexandre Hatin limoges, Nicolas Constantin, Vahé Nerguizian, Sylvie Ratté, Lyne Woodward. 2012 « Support intranet d’apprentissage interactif et approche personnalisée en génie électrique ». Affiche présentée lors de la conférence : 80ième Congrès de l'ACFAS (Montréal, QC, Canada, 7-11 mai 2012)
- Saber Ouertani, Maarouf Saad, Radhi Mhiri, Madou Moustapha Dodo, Sandra Sahli, Gérald Brady, Vahé Nerguizian. 2012 « Le laboratoire à distance pour le partage et l'innovation ». Affiche présentée lors de la conférence : Congrès International de Pédagogie Universitaire AIPU 2012 (Trois-Rivières, QC, Canada, 17 mai 2012)
- Dacian Roman, Andrei Dulipovici, Anas Allazam, Ion Stiharu, Vahé Nerguizian, Nicolas Constantin. 2010 « Analysis of on-chip heat distribution in the design of RF power ». Defense Tech Briefs vol. 4 , nº 1. p. 20-21
- Ruben Rodrigo Lopez, Vahé Nerguizian, Ion Stiharu. 2018-09-11 « Mass Production of Liposomes—Pushing Forward Next-Generation Therapies ». Substance ÉTS
- Ruben Rodrigo Lopez, Vahé Nerguizian, Ion Stiharu. 2018-09-11 « Une percée dans la production de masse des liposomes ». Substance ÉTS
- Édouard Finoki, Vahé Nerguizian, Maarouf Saad. 2015-12-09 « Commande de vol non linéaire par la méthode du Backstepping ». Substance ÉTS
- Édouard Finoki, Vahé Nerguizian, Maarouf Saad. 2015-12-09 « Simulation of Non-Linear Flight Control Using the Backstepping Method ». Substance ÉTS
- Ghazaleh Ramezani, Ion Stiharu, Theo G. M. van de Ven, Vahé Nerguizian. 2024 « Advancement in biosensor technologies of 2D materialintegrated with cellulose—physical properties ». Micromachines vol. 15 , nº 1
- Ghazaleh Ramezani, Ion Stiharu, Theo G. M. van de Ven, Vahé Nerguizian. 2024 « Advancements in cellulose/reduced graphene oxide composites: Synthesis, characterization and applications in transistor technologies ». International Journal of Mechatronics and Applied Mechanics vol. 2024 , nº 16. p. 185-201
- Ghazaleh Ramezani, Ion Stiharu, Theo G. M. van de Ven, Vahé Nerguizian. 2024 « Advancements in hybrid cellulose-based films: Innovations and applications in 2D nano-delivery systems ». Journal of Functional Biomaterials vol. 15 , nº 4
- Abdulrahman Agha, Waqas Waheed, Ion Stiharu, Vahé Nerguizian, Ghulam Destgeer, Eiyad Abu-Nada, Anas Alazzam. 2023 « A review on microfluidic-assisted nanoparticle synthesis, and their applications using multiscale simulation methods ». Nanoscale Research Letters vol. 18 , nº 1
- Walid Alqaisi, Brahim Brahmi, Jawhar Ghommam, Maarouf Saad, Vahé Nerguizian. 2023 « Hierarchical perturbation compensation system with ERL sliding mode controller in a quadrotor ». IFAC Journal of Systems and Control vol. 26
- Yunxi Chen, Rubén R. López, Chaymaa Zouggari Ben El Khyat, Thupten Tsering, Vahé Nerguizian, Julia V. Burnier. 2023 « Abstract 2001: Engineering extracellular vesicle like liposomes with integrin αVβ5 to study its role in cancer metastasis ». Cancer Research vol. 83 , nº 7_Suppl.. p. 2001
- Armen Erzingatzian, Rubén R. López, Chaymaa Zouggari, Vahé Nerguizian, Julia V. Burnier. 2023 « Abstract 827: Comparative study of calcein encapsulation into nanoparticles using three different micromixers as a model for small drug molecules ». Cancer Research vol. 83 , nº 7_Suppl.. p. 827
- Ruben R. Lopez Salazar, Prisca Bustamante, Chaymaa Zouggari, Yunxi Chen, Thupten Tsering, Ion Stiharu, Catherine Mounier, Vahe Nerguizian, Julia Burnier. 2023 « Abstract 5311: Lipidomic profiling of extracellular vesicles derived from cancer cell lines: Lipid species as potential biomarkers and cellular uptake enhancers ». Cancer Research vol. 83 , nº 7_Suppl.. p. 5311
- R. R. L. Salazar, C. Zouggari, T. Tsering, P. B. Alvarez, I. Stiharu, C. Mounier, V. Nerguizian, J. V. Burnier. 2022 « Cancer cell-derived extracellular vesicle mimicking: A parametric study of the physicochemical characteristics of EVs and their influence on cellular uptake in metastasis ». Cancer Research vol. 82 , nº 12
- Ruben R. Lopez, Paula G. Font de Rubinat, Luz-Maria Sanchez, Thupten Tsering, Anas Alazzam, Karl- F. Bergeron, Catherine Mounier, Julia V. Burnier, Ion Stiharu, Vahé Nerguizian. 2021 « The effect of different organic solvents in liposome properties produced in a periodic disturbance mixer: Transcutol, a potential organic solvent replacement ». Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces vol. 198
- Rubén R. López, Ixchel Ocampo, Paula G. Font De Rubinat, Paula G. Sánchez, Anas Alazzam, Thupten Tsering, Karl-F. Bergeron, Sergio Camacho-Léon, Julia V. Burnier, Catherine Mounier, Ion Stiharu, Vahé Nerguizian. 2021 « Parametric study of the factors influencing liposome physicochemical characteristics in a periodic disturbance mixer ». Langmuir vol. 37 , nº 28. p. 8544–8556
- Ruben R. Lopez, Luz-Maria Sanchez, Anas Alazzam, Julia V. Burnier, Ion Stiharu, Vahé Nerguizian. 2021 « Numerical and experimental validation of mixing efficiency in periodic disturbance mixers ». Micromachines vol. 12 , nº 9
- Ixchel Ocampo, Rubén R. López, Sergio Camacho-León, Vahé Nerguizian, Ion Stiharu. 2021 « Comparative evaluation of artificial neural networks and data analysis in predicting liposome size in a periodic disturbance micromixer ». Micromachines vol. 12 , nº 10
- Walid Alqaisi, Jawhar Ghommam, Anas Alazzam, Maarouf Saad, Vahe Nerguizian. 2020 « Three-loop uncertainties compensator and sliding mode quadrotor control ». Computers and Electrical Engineering vol. 81
- Walid Alqaisi, Yassine Kali, Jawhar Ghommam, Maarouf Saad, Vahé Nerguizian. 2020 « Position and attitude tracking of uncertain quadrotor unmanned aerial vehicles based on non-singular terminal super-twisting algorithm ». Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering vol. 234 , nº 3. p. 396-408
- Rabih Barakat, Vahe Nerguizian, Djilali Hammou, Serioja Ovidiu Tatu. 2020 « Modified ring power divider using stepped-impedance resonator ». Journal of Microwaves, Optoelectronics and Electromagnetic Applications vol. 19 , nº 1. p. 26-38
- Rubén R. López, Ixchel Ocampo, Luz-María Sánchez, Anas Alazzam, Karl- F. Bergeron, Sergio Camacho-León, Catherine Mounier, Ion Stiharu, Vahé Nerguizian. 2020 « Surface response based modeling of liposome characteristics in a periodic disturbance mixer ». Micromachines vol. 11 , nº 3
- Ruben Rodrigo Lopez Salazar, Thupten Tsering, Prisca Raquel Bustamante, Paula Gonzalez Font de Rubinat, Ion Stiharu, Julia Valdemarin Burnier, Vahé Nerguizian. 2020 « Unraveling uveal melanoma-derived extracellular vesicles: a physicochemical characterization ». Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science vol. 61 , nº 7. p. 3
- Anas Alazzam, Nahla Alamoodi, Mohammad Abutayeh, Ion Stiharu, Vahé Nerguizian. 2019 « Fabrication of porous gold film using graphene oxide as a sacrificial layer ». Materials vol. 12 , nº 14
- Anas Alazzam, Mohammad Al-Khaleel, Mohamed Kamel Riahi, Bobby Mathew, Amjad Gawanmeh, Vahé Nerguizian. 2019 « Dielectrophoresis multipath focusing of microparticles through perforated electrodes in microfluidic channels ». Biosensors vol. 9 , nº 3
- Walid Alqaisi, Brahim Brahmi, Jawhar Ghommam, Maarouf Saad, Vahé Nerguizian. 2019 « Vision-based leader-follower approach for uncertain quadrotor dynamics using feedback linearisation sliding mode control ». International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control vol. 33 , nº 1. p. 9-19
- Mahmoud Hussein, Jawhar Ghommam, Azeddine Ghodbane, Maarouf Saad, Vahe Nerguizian. 2019 « Distributed active fault tolerant control design against actuator faults for multiple mobile robots ». Control Theory and Technology vol. 17 , nº 4. p. 367-381
- Vahé Nerguizian, Ion Stiharu, Nosayba Al-Azzam, Bader Yassine-Diab, Anas Alazzam. 2019 « The effect of dielectrophoresis on living cells: crossover frequencies and deregulation in gene expression ». Analyst vol. 144 , nº 12. p. 3853-3860
- V. Nerguizian, A. Alazzam, I. Stiharu, M. Burnier. 2017 « Characterization of several cancer cell lines at microwave frequencies ». Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation vol. 109. p. 354-358
- Ala-Eddin Al Moustafa, Etienne Mfoumou, Darcian E. Roman, Vahé Nerguizian, Anas Alazzam, Ion Stiharu, Amber Yasmeen. 2016 « Impact of single-walled carbon nanotubes on the embryo: A brief review ». International Journal of Nanomedicine vol. 11. p. 349-355
- Vahé Nerguizian, Anas Alazzam, Jules Gauthier, Dacian Roman, Ion Stiharu, Miguel Burnier. 2016 « Microfluidic device fabrication with serigraphy technique ». Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture vol. 230 , nº 7. p. 1309-1316
- Ion Stiharu, Anas Alazzam, Vahé Nerguizian, Dacian Roman. 2015 « Single living cell manipulation and identification using microsystems technologies ». Microsystems & Nanoengineering vol. 1
- Radhi Mhiri, Maarouf Saad, Moustapha Dodo Amadou, Vahé Nerguizian. 2014 « Potential of ICTs and pedagogical approaches to improve remote laboratory ». International Journal of Engineering Education vol. 30 , nº 5. p. 1130-1135
- V. Nerguizian, R. Mhiri, C. Mounier, D. Lemieux, A. O. Dahmane. 2014 « Flipping from flipped classroom to multimodal mobile learning (MML) ». International Journal of Teaching and Education vol. 2 , nº 4. p. 53-66
- Vahé Nerguizian, Anas Alazzam, Dacian Roman, Ion Stiharu, Miguel Jr Burnier. 2012 « Analytical solutions and validation of electric field and dielectrophoretic force in a bio-microfluidic channel ». Electrophoresis vol. 33 , nº 3. p. 426-435
- Vahé Nerguizian, Radhi Mhiri, Maarouf Saad. 2011 « Active e-Learning approach for e-Business ». International Journal of e-Business Management vol. 5 , nº 1. p. 48-60
- Anas Alazzam, Dacian Roman, Vahé Nerguizian, Ion Stiharu, Rama Bhat. 2010 « Analytical formulation of electric field and dielectrophoretic force for moving dielectrophoresis using Fourier series ». Microfluidics and Nanofluidics vol. 9 , nº 6. p. 1115-1124
- G. Rinaldi, I. Stiharu, M. Packirisamy, V. Nerguizian, R. Jr. Landry. 2010 « Dynamic pressure for gas turbine engine condition monitoring ». International Review of Aerospace Engineering vol. 3 , nº 5. p. 274-283
- G. Rinaldi, Ion Stiharu, M. Packirisamy, Vahé Nerguizian, René Jr Landry, J. P. Raskin. 2010 « Dynamic pressure as a measure of gas turbine engine (GTE) performance ». Measurement Science and Technology vol. 21 , nº 4
- Brice Le Boudec, Maarouf Saad, Vahé Nerguizian. 2006 « Modeling and adaptive control of redundant robots ». Mathematics and Computers in Simulation vol. 71 , nº 4-6. p. 395-403
- Vahé Nerguizian, Mustapha Rafaf, Muthukumaran Packirisamy, Ion Stiharu. 2006 « Ultra violet detection sensors ». International Journal of High Speed Electronics and Systems vol. 16 , nº 2. p. 583-588
- Kevork R. Piloyan, Vahé Nerguizian. 2006 « Novel architecture for routing packetized voice over existing internet infrastructure without using the Internet protocol ». International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security vol. 6 , nº 7B. p. 56-62
- Salim Belkhous, Adel Azzouz, Maarouf Saad, Chahé Nerguizian, Vahé Nerguizian. 2005 « A novel approach for mobile robot navigation with dynamic obstacles avoidance ». Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems vol. 44 , nº 3. p. 187-201
- Huijun Li, Ion Stiharu, Packirisamy Muthukumaran, Vahé Nerguizian. 2005 « Micro-optical thermally actuated platform in MUMPS technology ». WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and Systems vol. 4 , nº 5. p. 490-494
- Vahé Nerguizian, Chahé Nerguizian. 2005 « Transmission zeros redundancy determination during the design of ladder passive RF filters ». WSEAS Transactions on Communications vol. 4 , nº 10. p. 1122-1127
- Vahé Nerguizian, Mustapha Rafaf, Louis-A. Dessaint, Muthukumaran Packirisamy, Ion Stiharu. 2005 « MEMS magnetic linear motor for micro applications ». WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and Systems vol. 4 , nº 4. p. 267-273
- Vahé Nerguizian, Mustapha Rafaf, Chahé Nerguizian. 2005 « Electric and electronic circuit analysis with Millman theorem ». WSEAS Transactions on Electronics vol. 2 , nº 4. p. 166-169
- Maarouf Saad, G. Latombe, K. Suen, Vahé Nerguizian. 2005 « Mobile robot path generation using fuzzy radial basis functions neural networks ». WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and Systems vol. 4 , nº 4. p. 248-256
- R. R. López, P. Bustamante, C. Zouggari, T. Tsering, C. Mounier, I. Stiharu, V. Nerguizian, J. Burnier. 2022 « Lipidomic profiling of uveal melanoma and colorectal cell lines: Potential biomarkers ». Communication lors de la conférence : FRQS Cancer Research Network, TFRI and QCC joint symposium (Montreal, QC, Canada, Sept. 23, 2022)
- R. R. López, C. Zouggari, T. Tsering, P. Bustamante, C. Mounier, I. Stiharu, V. Nerguizian, J. Burnier. 2022 « Mimicking natural occurring extracellular vesicles using liposomes produced in a periodic disturbance mixer: A response surface methodology approach ». Communication lors de la conférence : 11th International Colloids Conference (Lisbon, Portugal, June 12-15, 2022)
- R. R. López, C. Zouggari, T. Tsering, P. Bustamante, C. Mounier, I. Stiharu, V. Nerguizian, J. Burnier. 2022 « Uveal melanoma derived extracellular vesicles mimicking: A parametric study of EVs physicochemical characteristics influence over cellular uptake ». Communication lors de la conférence : Celebration of Research and Training in Oncology (CORTO) (Montreal, QC, Canada, June 21, 2022)
- Radhi Mhiri, Moustapha Dodo Amadou, Maarouf Saad, Vahé Nerguizian, Hamadou Saliah-Hassane, Sandra Sahli, Saber Ouertani, Gérald Brady. 2011 « Le laboratoire à distance pour la flexibilité d'utilisation et l'amélioration des apprentissages ». Communication lors de la conférence : 79e Congrès de l’ACFAS (Sherbrooke, QC, Canada, 9-13 mai 2011)
- Nicolas Constantin, Guy Ayissi Eyebe, Vahé Nerguizian. 2010 « Un nouvel outil éducatif pour la formation des ingénieurs et ingénieures en électronique analogique ». Communication lors de la conférence : 78e Congrès de l'Association Francophone pour le Savoir (ACFAS) (Montréal, Canada, 10-14 mai, 2010)
- Ruben R. Lopez, Paula G. Font De Rubinat, Luz-Maria Sanchez, Anas Alazzam, Ion Stiharu, Vahé Nerguizian. 2020 « Lipid fatty acid chain length influence over liposome physicochemical characteristics produced in a periodic disturbance mixer ». 20th IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology (NANO) (En ligne, July 29-31, 2020) IEEE Computer Society
- Walid Kh. Alqaisi, Brahim Brahmi, Jawhar Ghommam, Maarouf Saad, Vahé Nerguizian. 2019 « Adaptive sliding mode control based on RBF neural network approximation for quadrotor ». 13th IEEE International Symposium on Robotic and Sensors Environments (ROSE 2019) (Ottawa, ON, Canada, June 17-18, 2019) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
- Ruben R. Lopez Salazar, Ixchel Ocampo, Karl F. Bergeron, Anas Alazzam, Catherine Mounier, Ion Stiharu, Vahé Nerguizian. 2019 « Assessment of the factors influencing liposome size in dean forces based µmixers ». 23rd International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS) (Basel, Switzerland, Oct. 27-31, 2019) Chemical and Biological Microsystems Society
- Walid Alqaisi, Brahim Brahmi, Jawhar Ghommam, Maarouf Saad, Vahé Nerguizian. 2018 « Multivariable super-twisting control in a vision-based quadrotor utilized in agricultural application ». 2018 IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Virtual Environments for Measurement Systems and Applications (CIVEMSA 2018) (Ottawa, ON, Canada, June 12-16, 2018) IEEE
- Walid Alqaisi, Brahim Brahmi, Jawhar Ghommam, Maarouf Saad, Vahé Nerguizian. 2018 « Sliding mode controller and hierarchical perturbation compensator in a UAV quadrotor ». 2018 IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Virtual Environments for Measurement Systems and Applications (CIVEMSA 2018) (Ottawa, ON, Canada, June 12-13, 2018) IEEE
- Ruben Lopez, Vahé Nerguizian, Ion Stiharu. 2018 « Low-cost 3D-printed PLA-COC micro hydrodynamic focused device ». 16th IEEE International New Circuits and Systems Conference (NEWCAS) (Montreal, QC, Canada, June 24-27, 2018) IEEE
- Anas Alazzam, Ion Stiharu, Vahé Nerguizian, Bobby Mathew, Hyung Jin Sung. 2015 « Manipulation of cells by dielectrophoresis using parallel interdigitated electrodes: analytical and experimental data ». ASME 2015 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (IMECE) (Houston, TX, USA, Nov. 13-19, 2015)
- Edouard Finoki, Vahé Nerguizian, Maarouf Saad. 2015 « Simulation of non-linear flight control using backstepping method ». 2nd International Conference of Control, Dynamic Systems, and Robotics (CDSR'15) (Ottawa, ON, Canada, May 7-8, 2015)
- Edouard Finoki, Vahé Nerguizian, Maarouf Saad. 2015 « Simulation of non-linear flight control using backstepping method ». 62nd CASI Aeronautics Conference and AGM 3rd GARDN Conference (Montreal, QC, Canada, May 19-21, 2015) Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute
- A. Alazzam, I. Stiharu, S. Khashan, V. Nerguizian, A. Bani Younes. 2014 « Deregulated genes by separation of living cells using dielectrophoresis ». 20th International Symposium on Separation Sciences (ISSS) (Prague, Czech Republic, Aug. 30-Sept. 02, 2014) Univerzita Pardubice
- A. O. Dahmane, D. Lemieux, C. Mounier, R. Mhiri, V. Nerguizian. 2014 « TIC, laboratoires mobiles et apprentissage multimodale ». 49e congrès annuel de l’AESTQ – Science, technologie et innovation: un trio branché! (Trois Rivières, QC, Canada, 22-24 oct. 2014)
- Radhi Mhiri, Maarouf Saad, Catherine Mounier, Daniel Lemieux, Omar Adel Dahmane, Vahé Nérguizian. 2014 « Multimodal mobile learning ». 3rd Annual Supporting Active Learning & Technological Innovation in Studies of Education (SALTISE) Conference: Bridging knowing how with knowing why (Montreal, QC, Canada, June 12, 2014)
- Radhi Mhiri, Maarouf Saad, Vahé Nerguizian, Catherine Mounier, Adel Omar. 2014 « L'apprentissage multimodal mobile ». Colloque international sur la Recherche-Action en Pédagogie Universitaire: RAPU 2014 (Thalasso, Tunisie, 16-17 mai 2014)
- C. Mounier, D. Lemieux, V. Nerguizian, R. Mhiri, A. O. Dahmane. 2014 « La classe inversée en apprentissage par problèmes, un essai, des perspectives ». 49e congrès annuel de l’AESTQ – Science, technologie et innovation: un trio branché! (Trois Rivières, QC, Canada, 22-24 oct. 2014)
- Vahé Nerguizian, Radhi Mhiri, Catherine Mounier, Daniel Lemieux, Adel Omar Dahmane. 2014 « Flipping from flipped classroom to multimodal mobile learning (MML) ». Proceedings of the 13th International Academic Conference (Antibes, France, Sept. 15-18, 2014) International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences (IISES)
- Maarouf Saad, Vahé Nerguizian, Radhi Mhiri. 2014 « Les laboratoires à distance apportent un changement profond dans les formations en science et en génie ». Colloque REFAD 2014: Diversité des modèles de cours à distance : pratiques et défis (Montréal,QC, Canada, 29-30 mai 2014)
- A. Alazzam, B. Yassine-Diab, J. B. Loubert, Vahé Nerguizian, I. Stiharu. 2013 « Genes affected by dielectrophoretic manipulation of living cells in micro-fluidic devices ». 13th AES-ATEMA International Conference on Advances and Trends in Engineering Materials and Their Applications, ATEMA MONTREAL 2013 (Montreal, QC, Canada, June 3-7, 2013) Advanced Engineering Solutions
- Hamdjatou Kane, Hamadou Saliah-Hassane, Djibo Karimou, Jean-Sébastien Deschênes, Vahé Nerguizian, Rhadi Mhiri. 2013 « A planning model for resources access management for online laboratory ». International Conference on Engineering Education and Research, iCEEER 2013 (Marrakesh, Morocco, July 1-5, 2013)
- R. Mhiri, M. Besbes, Maarouf Saad, Vahé Nerguizian, H. Ben Attia. 2013 « Implementation of Laboratory At Distance (LAD): specific considerations and recommendations ». 2013 7th IEEE International Conference on e-Learning in Industrial Electronics (ICELIE) (Vienna, Austria, Nov. 10-13, 2013) IEEE
- Vahé Nerguizian, Radhi Mhiri, Jean-Sébastien Deschênes, Hamdjatou Kane, Maarouf Saad. 2013 « Laboratory at distance: importance of student's profile and their evaluated experience ». Proceedings of the 2013 Canadian Engineering Education Association (CEEA13) Conference (Montreal, QC, Canada, June 17-20, 2013)
- Maarouf Saad, Radhi Mhiri, Moustapha Dodo Amadou, Sandra Sahli, Saber Ouertani, Gérald Brady, Vahé Nerguizian. 2013 « Enhanced remote laboratory work for engineering training ». Proceedings of the 2013 Canadian Engineering Education Association (CEEA13) Conference (Montreal, QC, Canada, June 17-20, 2013)
- Geneviève Samson, Jean-Sébastien Deschênes, Hamdjatou Kane, Radhi Mhiri, Vahé Nerguizian, Hamadou Hassane-Saliah. 2013 « A supportive pedagogical package for distance learning and remote laboratories ». Proceedings of the 2013 Canadian Engineering Education Association (CEEA13) Conference (Montreal, QC, Canada, June 17-20, 2013)
- Guy Ayissi Eyebe, Vahé Nerguizian, Nicolas Constantin. 2012 « A low current CMOS voltage regulator including RF desensitization for RFIC power amplifiers ». 2012 25th IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE) (Montreal, QC, Canada, Apr. 29-May 2, 2012) IEEE Computer Society
- Guy Ayissi Eyebe, Vahé Nerguizian, Nicolas Constantin. 2012 « Régulateur CMOS fonctionnant à basse tension et à faible consommation de courant pour amplificateurs RF intégrés ». 80e Congrès de l'Association Canadienne et Française pour l'Avancement des Sciences (Montréal, QC, Canada, 7-11 mai 2012) L'Association Canadienne et Française pour l'Avancement des Sciences
- R. Mhiri, V. Nerguizian, H. Saliah-Hassane, M. Saad, H. Kane, J. S. Deschênes. 2012 « Les TIC et les nouvelles perspectives pour des travaux de laboratoire à distance et en mode ''Lab@home'' ». Colloque scientifique international sur les TIC en éducation : bilan, enjeux actuels et perspectives futures (Montréal, QC, Canada, 3-4 mai 2012)
- Radhi Mhiri, Maarouf Saad, Moustapha Dodo Amadou, Vahé Nerguizian, Gerard Brady, Saber Ouertani, Sandra Sahli, Hamadou Saliah-Hassane. 2012 « The experience of a collaborative project on remote laboratory: From development to operation ». 2012 6th IEEE International Conference on E-Learning in Industrial Electronics (ICELIE) (Montreal, QC, Canada, Oct. 25-28, 2012) IEEE Computer Society
- Radhi Mhiri, Maarouf Saad, Dodo Amadou Moustapha, Sandra Sahli, Saber Ouertani, Gérald Brady, Vahé Nerguizian, Hamadou Saliah-Hassane. 2012 « La techno-pédagogie dans les travaux de laboratoire contribue pour un meilleur apprentissage et plus de motivation en science et en technologie ». 27ème Congrès International de l’AIPU (Trois-Rivieres, QC, Canada, 14-18 mai 2012) Association Internationale de Pédagogie Universitaire (AIPU)
- Rhadi Mhiri, Maarouf Saad, Vahé Nerguizian, Moustapha Dodo Amadou, Gérard Brady, Saber Ouertani, Sandra Salih, Hamadou Saliah-Hassane, Hamdjatou Kane, Jean-Sébastien Deschênes. 2012 « Remote laboratory: specific considerations, challenges and ambitious perspectives ». International Conference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic Control & Computing Engineering (STA'2012) (Sousse, Tunisia, Dec. 20-22, 2012)
- Vahé Nerguizian, Radhi Mhiri, Maarouf Saad, Hamdjatou Kane, Jean-Sébastien Deschenes, Hamadou Saliah-Hassane. 2012 « Lab@home for analog electronic circuit laboratory ». 2012 6th IEEE International Conference on E-Learning in Industrial Electronics (ICELIE) (Montreal, QC, Canada, Oct. 25-28, 2012) IEEE Computer Society
- Maarouf Saad, Radhi Mhiri, Vahé Nerguizian, Moustapha Dodo Amadou, Hamadou Saliah-Hassane, Sandra Sahli, Saber Ouertani, Gérald Brady. 2012 « Collaborative activities in the remote laboratory work ». 2012 15th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL) (Villach, Austria, Sept. 26-28, 2012) IEEE Computer Society
- Lyne Woodward, Alexandre H. Limoges, Nicolas Constantin, Sylvie Ratté, Vahé Nerguizian. 2012 « An interactive web-based pedagogical tool for the training of engineers in electrical engineering ». Proceedings of the Canadian Engineering Education Association Conference, CEEA 2012 (Winnipeg, MB, Canada, June 17-20, 2012) CEEA/ACEG
- Bahaedinnie Jlassi, Vahé Nerguizian, Adel Merdassi. 2011 « Design methodology of a high power RF MEMS switch for wireless applications ». 4th Annual Caneus Fly-By-Wireless Workshop (FBW) (Montreal, Canada, June 14-17, 2011) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Computer Society
- Nicolas Constantin, Guy Ayissi Eyebe, Vahé Nerguizian. 2010 « A new pedagogical tool for the training of engineers in analog electronics ». Proceedings of the Canadian Engineering Education Association (CEEA) (Kingston, Canada, June 7-9, 2010)
- Andrei Dulipovici, Dacian Roman, Ion Stiharu, Vahé Nerguizian, Nicolas Constantin. 2009 « An efficient finite element analysis on a RF structure used to evaluate the effect of microwave radiation on uveal melanoma cells ». Proceedings of the COMSOL conference (Boston, MA, USA, Oct. 8-10, 2009) COMSOL
- Mathieu Hémon, Frédéric Domingue, Ammar B. Kouki, Vahé Nerguizian, François Gagnon. 2009 « Band 3+ RF MEMS micro switch and its application to a high power tunable filter ». IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium (RWS) (San Diego, CA, USA, Jan. 18-22, 2009) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Computer Society
- Vahé Nerguizian, S. Bakalian, Ion Stiharu, Jr. Burnier. 2009 « The effect of low power microwave frequencies on uveal melanoma cells ». Armenian American Health Professionals Organization - 10th Armenian Medical World Congress (AAHPO-AMWC) (New York, NY, USA, July 1-4, 2009)
- Vahé Nerguizian, Andrei Dulipovici, D. Abourbih, S. Maloney, S. Bakalian, Ion Stiharu, Jr. Burnier. 2009 « The effect of non thermal radio frequency radiation on uveal melanoma cells ». Annual Meeting : Reducing Disparities in Eye Disease and Treatment (ARVO) (Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology) (Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA, May 3-7, 2009)
- Vahé Nerguizian, C. Nerguizian, Ion Stiharu, Jr. Burnier. 2009 « The detection of different enzymes through enzyme-substrate reaction based on signature detection ». Armenian American Health Professionals Organization - 10th Armenian Medical World Congress (AAHPO-AMWC) (New York, NY, USA, July 1-4, 2009)
- Dacian Roman, Andrei Dulipovici, Anas Allazam, Ion Stiharu, Vahé Nerguizian, Nicolas Constantin. 2009 « Analysis of on-chip heat distribution in the design of RF power detectors and RF transistor arrays for MMIC power amplifiers ». COMSOL Conference (Boston, MA, USA, Oct. 8-10, 2009)
- Anas Alazzam, Dacian Roman, Vahé Nerguizian, Ion Stiharu, Rama Bhat, Amber Yasmeen, Ala-Eddin Al Moustafa. 2008 « Real-time continuous dielectrophoretic separation of malignant cells ». 1st Microsystems and Nanoelectronics Research Conference (MNRC) (Ottawa, Canada, Oct. 15, 2008) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Computer Society
- Vahé Nerguizian, Mustapha Rafaf. 2008 « Problems and projects based approach for analog electronic circuits' course ». WMSCI 2008 - The 12th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Jointly with the 14th International Conference on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis, ISAS 2008 - Proceedings (Orlando, FL, USA, June 29-July 2, 2008) International Social Science Council (ISSC)
- Dacian Roman, Vahé Nerguizian, Ion Stiharu. 2008 « Droplet evaporation in capillary bridges ». ASME 2008 Summer Bioengineering Conference (SBC) (Marco Island, FL, USA, June 25-29, 2008) American Society of Mechanical Engineers
- Chahé Nerguizian, Vahé Nerguizian. 2007 « Indoor fingerprinting geolocation using wavelet-based features extracted from the channel impulse response in conjunction with an artificial neural network ». IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE) (Vigo, Spain, June 4-7, 2007) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
- A. Bendali, R. Labedan, F. Domingue, Vahé Nerguizian. 2006 « Holes effects on RF MEMS parallel membranes capacitors ». Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE) (Ottawa, Canada, May 7-10, 2006) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
- Arvind Chandrasekaran, Muthukumaran Packirisamy, Vahé Nerguizian. 2006 « Modeling of SOI based photonic crystals for far IR applications ». 2006 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (Montreal, QC, Canada, July 9-13, 2006) IEEE
- K. Chatrathi, M. Packirisamy, I. Stiharu, Vahé Nerguizian. 2006 « Effect of curvature on dynamic behavior of cantilever MEMS ». IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE) (Montreal, Canada, Jul. 9-13, 2006) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
- H. H. Djambazian, Chahé Nerguizian, Vahé Nerguizian, Maarouf Saad. 2006 « 3D inclinometer and MEMS acceleration sensors ». IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE) (Montreal, Canada, Jul. 9-13, 2006) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
- Mamane Moustapha Dodo Amadou, Jean-Pierre Kenné, Maarouf Saad, Vahé Nerguizian. 2006 « Virtual and remote laboratories ». IEEE International Conference on E-Learning in Industrial Electronics (Hammamet, Tunisia, Dec. 18-20, 2006) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
- Mohamed El-Asmar, Y. Hariri, Frederic Domingue, Vahé Nerguizian. 2006 « Improving the time response of MEMS switches for RF applications ». Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE) (Ottawa, Canada, May 7-10, 2006) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
- Ahmed Elzayat, Médéa Degbe, Frédéric Domingue, Vahé Nerguizian. 2006 « A suspended MEMS inductor of a new geometry and a novel anchor for RF applications ». IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE) (Montreal, Canada, Jul. 9-13, 2006) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
- Abdelaziz Hamdi, Vahé Nerguizian. 2006 « A CPW millimeter wave reconfigurable antenna using MEMS capacitors ». Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Wireless Communications in Underground and Confined Area (IWWCUCA) (Val d'Or, QC, Canada, June 6-7, 2005)
- Amritsar Jeetender, Ion Stiharu, Muthukumaran Packirisamy, Vahé Nerguizian. 2006 « Behaviour of enzyme molecules under piezo-electric vibrations ». Photonics North 2006 (Quebec, Canada, June 5-8, 2006) SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
- Amritsar Jeetender, Ion Stiharu, Muthukumaran Packirisamy, Vahé Nerguizian. 2006 « MEMS based sensor and method for optical detection of peptides bio-reaction time ». MEMS, MOEMS, and Micromachining II (Strasbourg, France, April 3-4, 2006) SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
- Vahé Nerguizian, Chahé Nerguizian. 2006 « E-learning for MEMS graduate course - challenges, difficulties and benefits ». IEEE International Conference on E-Learning in Industrial Electronics (Hammamet, Tunisia, Dec. 18-20, 2006) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
- Vahé Nerguizian, Mustapha Rafaf. 2006 « E-learning project based approach for analog electronic circuits ». IEEE International Conference on E-Learning in Industrial Electronics (Hammamet, Tunisia, Dec. 18-20, 2006) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
- Kiran Kumar Chatrathi, Muthukumaran Packirisamy, Ion Stiharu, Vahé Nerguizian. 2005 « PVDF actuated cylindrical waveguide based optical attenuation ». MOEMS and Miniaturized Systems V (San Jose, CA, USA, Jan. 25-26, 2005) SPIE
- Frédéric Domingue, Charles Richard, Vahé Nerguizian. 2005 « A compact size 10 to 15 GHz MEMS coupler suitable for microwave applications ». Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Wireless Communications in Underground and Confined Area (IWWCUCA) (Val d'Or, QC, Canada, June 6-7, 2005) Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue
- Brice Le Boudec, Maarouf Saad, Vahé Nerguizian. 2005 « Adaptive control of redundant robots ». Proceedings 8th international conference on modeling and simulation of electric machines, converters and systems : April 17-20 2005, Hammamet, Tunisia (Hammamet, Tunisia, April 17-20, 2005) École de technologie supérieure
- Huijun Li, Ion Stiharu, Muthukumaran Packirisamy, Vahé Nerguizian. 2005 « Micro-optical thermally actuated platform in MUMPS technology ». 4th WSEAS International Conference on Electronics, Signal Processing and Control (ESPOCO) (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Apr. 25-27, 2005)
- Chahé Nerguizian, Lamia Hamza, Vahé Nerguizian, Maarouf Saad. 2005 « 3D indoor geolocation with received signal strength fingerprinting technique and neural networks ». 4th WSEAS International Conference on Electronics, Signal Processing and Control (ESPOCO) (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Apr. 25-27, 2005) World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society
- Vahé Nerguizian, Chahé Nerguizian. 2005 « Transmission zeros redundancy determination during the design of ladder passive RF filters ». ICCOM'05 Proceedings of the 9th WSEAS International Conference on Communications (Athens, Greece, July 11-16, 2005) World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society
- Vahé Nerguizian, Mustapha Rafaf. 2005 « General purpose dedicated software for MEMS applications ». Proceedings 8th international conference on modeling and simulation of electric machines, converters and systems : April 17-20 2005, Hammamet, Tunisia (Hammamet, Tunisia, April 17-20, 2005) École de technologie supérieure
- Vahé Nerguizian, Mustapha Rafaf, Louis-A. Dessaint, Muthukumaran Packirisamy, Ion Stiharu. 2005 « Design and characterization of a novel MEMS linear motor ». Proceedings of the 4th WSEAS International Conference on Electronics, Signal Processing and Control (ESPOCO) (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Apr. 25-27, 2005) World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society
- Vahé Nerguizian, Mustapha Rafaf, Louis-A. Dessaint, Maarouf Saad, Muthukumaran Packirisamy, Ion Stiharu. 2005 « MEMS controlled linear motor ». 9th International Conference on the Commercialization of Micro and Nano Systems (COMS) (Baden-Baden, Germany, Aug. 21-25, 2005)
- Vahé Nerguizian, Mustapha Rafaf, Chahé Nerguizian. 2005 « Electric and electronic circuit analysis with millman theorem ». Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Communications, Computers and Control (CSCC) (Athens, Greece, July 11-16, 2005) World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society
- Vahé Nerguizian, Mustapha Rafaf, Muthukumaran Packirisamy, Ion Stiharu. 2005 « A novel magnetic optical detector for health monitoring ». 9th International Conference on the Commercialization of Nano and Micro Systems (COMS) (Baden-Baden, Germany, Aug. 21-25, 2005)
- Srinivasa R. Pendyala, Muthukumaran Packirisamy, Ion Stiharu, Narayanswamy Sivakumar, Vahé Nerguizian. 2005 « Modeling of electrostatically actuated cylindrical-waveguide-based optical microsystem ». MOEMS and Miniaturized Systems V (San Jose, CA, USA, Jan. 25-26, 2005) SPIE
- Maarouf Saad, Guillaume Latombe, Karnon Suen, Vahé Nerguizian. 2005 « Mobile robot path generation using fuzzy radial basis function neural netowrks ». 4th WSEAS International Conference on Electronics, Signal Processing and Control (ESPOCO) (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Apr. 25-27, 2005) World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society
- Salim Belkhous, Adel Azzouz, Chahe Nerguizian, Maarouf Saad, Vahé Nerguizian. 2004 « Trajectory optimization in both static and dynamic environments ». IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT) (Hammamet, Tunisia, Dec. 8-10, 2004) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
- Nicolas Dévé, Ammar B. Kouki, Vahé Nerguizian. 2004 « A compact size reconfigurable 1-3 GHz impedance tuner suitable for RF MEMS applications ». 16th International Conference on Microelectronics (ICM) (Tunis, Tunisia, Dec. 6-8, 2004) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
- Chahe Nerguizian, Salim Belkhous, Adel Azzouz, Vahé Nerguizian, Maarouf Saad. 2004 « Mobile robot geolocation with received signal strength (RSS) fingerprinting technique and neural networks ». IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT) (Hammamet, Tunisia, Dec. 8-10, 2004) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
- Vahé Nerguizian, Ali Qobadian-Kalhor, Muthukumaran Packirisamy, Ion Stiharu. 2004 « MEMS based gyroscopes ». 10th Microoptics Conference (MOC) (Jena, Germany, Sept. 1-3, 2004)
- Vahé Nerguizian, Ali Qobadian-Kalhor, Muthukumaran Packirisamy, Ion Stiharu. 2004 « Optical detection of angular acceleration rate for MEMS based gyroscopes ». International Conference on Applications of Photonics Technology (Ottawa, Canada, Sept. 27, 2004) SPIE
- Vahé Nerguizian, Mustapha Rafaf. 2004 « Infrastructure for the design and fabrication of MEMS for RF/microwave and millimeter wave applications ». Mems, Moems, and Micromachining (Strasbourg, France, Apr. 29-30, 2004) SPIE
- Vahé Nerguizian, Mustapha Rafaf. 2004 « MEMS general application software for the design and manufacturing resources ». Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on the Commercialization of Micro and Nano Systems, August 29 - September 2, 2004, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada : COMS 2004, Commercialization of Micro and Nano Systems Conference (Edmonton, AB, Canada, Aug. 29-Sept. 2, 2004) Micro and Nanotechnology Commercialization Education Foundation
- Vahé Nerguizian, Mustapha Rafaf, Muthukumaran Packirisamy, Ion Stiharu. 2004 « Intelligent sensors for ultra violet detection ». IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT) (Hammamet, Tunisia, Dec. 8-10, 2004) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
- Vahé Nerguizian, Mustapha Rafaf, Muthukumaran Packirisamy, Ion Stiharu. 2004 « MEMS dynamic sensors for asynchronous motor control ». European micro and nano systems 2004 (EMN) (France, Oct. 20-21, 2004) TIMA
- Vahé Nerguizian, Mustapha Rafaf, Muthukumaran Packirisamy, Ion Stiharu. 2004 « MEMS dynamic sensors for electrical motor control ». 9th International Conference on the Commercialization of Micro and Nano Systems, COMS 2004 (Edmonton, AB, Canada, Aug. 29-Sept. 2, 2004)
- Vahé Nerguizian, Ion Stiharu. 2003 « Packaging of MEMS: an aerospace perspective ». 2003 Aerospace Congress and Exhibition (ACE 2003) (Montreal, QC, Canada, Sept. 9-11, 2003)
- Chahé Nerguizian, Vahé Nerguizian. 2017 « Circuits électriques : des fondements aux applications ». Montréal : Presses Internationales Polytechnique. 896 p.