Georges Kaddoum

Unités de recherche
- Visiter le site web de : Chaire de recherche Ultra TCS sur les communications sans fil tactiques dans les environnements difficiles
- Visiter le site web de : LACIME – Laboratoire de communications et d'intégration de la microélectronique
- Chaire de recherche du Canada sur l’exploitation de la puissance des réseaux 6G de l’IdO
- Chaire de recherche Ultra pour renforcer les réseaux tactiques sans fil
Axe de recherche
- Capteurs, réseaux et connectivité
- Télécommunications spatiales
- Traitement de signal
- Transmissions sécurisées
- Systèmes de communications sans fil
Prix et distinctions
2024 : Membre | Société royale du Canada
2023 : Recipient of the Mitacs Award for Exceptional Leadership - Professor | MITACS
2022 : Recipient of the IEEE TCSC (Technical Committee on Scalable Computing) Award for Excellence in Scalable Computing (Middle Career Researcher)
2018 : Prix d’excellence de la relève volet Sciences naturelles, génie et sciences de la santé du réseau de l’Université du Québec | Université du Québec
2018 : Prix d’excellence en recherche – chercheur émergeant | École de technologie supérieure
2017 : Co-recipient of the best paper award of the IEEE PIMRC conference | IEEE Industrial Electronics Society
2016 : Recipient of the IEEE Transactions on Communications “Exemplary Reviewer Award” | IEEE Industrial Electronics Society
2014 : Co-recipient of the best paper award of the IEEE WIMOB conference | IEEE Industrial Electronics Society
2014 : Recipient of the IEEE Transactions on Communications “Exemplary Reviewer Award” | IEEE Industrial Electronics Society
- En codirection avec : François Gagnon
Optimal Group Detection for Spatial Multiplexing Systems, par Byron Paul Maza Chalan
Automne 2023 - Intelligent Framework for Radio Resource Management for Future Heterogenous Wireless Networks, par Nahed Belhadj Mohamed
Hiver 2025 - Modelling and Optimization of Multiple Access for 5G Networks and Beyond, par Joao Victor De Carvalho Evangelista
Automne 2021 - Radio Resource Management in Cognitive Radio Networks using Reinforcement Learning, par Sadia Khaf
Automne 2024 - Towards an Intelligent Reliable Connectivity for Underwater Wireless Communication, par Imene Romdhane
Hiver 2025 - Modelling and Design of Ultra-Reliable and Low Latency Communications for UAV-IoT Networks in 5G and Beyond, par Ali Nawaz Ranjha
Hiver 2022 - Design and Performance analysis of Novel Decoding Techniques for Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access for 5G and Beyond-5G Wireless Networks, par Elie Sfeir
Été 2023 - Advanced Index Modulation Techniques for Future Wireless Networks, par Ebrahim Soujeri
Été 2018 - En codirection avec : Divanilson Campelo
Towards Intelligent Security Mechanisms for Connected Things, par Paulo Freitas De Araujo Filho
Été 2023 - Performance Analysis of Full Duplex Relaying in Vehicular Cooperative Wireless Communications, par Khaled Mohamed Eshteiwi
Automne 2020 - Physical Layer Security Solutions Against Passive and Colluding Eavesdroppers in Large Wireless Networks and Impulsive Noise Environments, par Michael Atallah
Automne 2019 - Wireless Networks Physical Layer Security: Modeling and Performance Characterization, par Long Kong
Été 2019 - Resource Allocation in Future Green Wireless Networks: Applications and Challenges, par Ha Vu Tran
Automne 2019 - En codirection avec : Jean-Marc Lina
Unobtrusive Sleep Monitoring Using Bed-Sheet Pressure Sensors, par Georges Matar
Été 2020 - En codirection avec : Basile L. Agba
Robust Wireless Sensor Network for Smart Grid Communication: Modeling and Performance Evaluation, par Md. Sahabul Alam
Automne 2019 - Design and Analysis of Chaos-Based Communication Systems, par Mohamed Dawa
Automne 2022 - En codirection avec : Naïm Batani
On the Design and Performance Analysis of mmWave-enabled Next generation of Wireless Networks, par Zeeshan Sattar
Automne 2020 - En codirection avec : Pascal Giard
Design and Implementation of Chaos-Based Random Number Generators for IoT Platforms, par Ngoc Nguyen Thi Thu
Hiver 2022 - Resource Allocation in The Next Generation of Wireless Networks: Vehicular and Energy Harvesting Systems, par Thanh Dat Le
Hiver 2022 - Security Framework for Software Defined Wireless Networks, par Christian Miranda Moreira
Hiver 2023 - Artificial Intelligence-empowered Resource Management System for Fog Computing Networks, par Jungyeon Baek
Été 2022 - AI-Enabled Medium Access Techniques for Heterogeneous Wireless Networks, par Abdul Basit
Hiver 2025 - Reinforcement Learning-Based Distributed Intelligence for a uRLLC 6G Vehicular Networking, par Ghazi Gharsallah
Hiver 2025 - Resource Allocation for Ultra-Dense Heterogeneous Networks, par Maher Marwani
Hiver 2025 - Channel estimation and prediction in non-terrestrial networks (NTNs), par Mohammadjavad Mirzazadeh Moallem
Hiver 2025 - A Docitive Machine Learning Strategy for Ultra-Reliable and Low-Latency Communications, par Mujtaba Ghous
Hiver 2025 - Intelligent Reconfigurable Surface-assisted THz Communications, par Muddasir Rahim
Hiver 2025 - Holographic reconfigurable intelligent surfaces for future wireless networks, par Thanh Luan Nguyen
Hiver 2025 - From Mere Connection to Deep Perception: Sensing in the Age of 6G, par Ahmad Pour Adabi
Hiver 2025 - Machine Learning Empowered Tactical Radio Access Networks, par Ali Pourranjbar
Automne 2022 - AI-Driven Solutions for Safeguarding IoT Environments: An Intrusion Detection and Prevention Study, par Poulmanogo Illy
Hiver 2024 - En codirection avec : Chamseddine Talhi
Differential Privacy for Federated Learning in the Context of Wireless Ad-hoc Networks, par Aida Meftah
Hiver 2025 - Intelligent Signal Classification and Topology Reconstruction for Tactical Wireless Networks, par Hamda Bouzabia
Hiver 2025 - Digital Twin-Empowered Resource Management for Internet-of-Vehicles Networks, par Mohamed Elloumi
Hiver 2025 - AI-Driven Robust Wireless Transceivers Design, par Manel Allani
Hiver 2025 - Intelligent Techniques to Optimize Routing and Scheduling in Tactical Networks, par Andrews Allotei Okine
Hiver 2025 - Optimal Gaming Strategies for MARL (Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning) Heterogeneous Communication Systems Facing Reactive Jammers, par Ibrahim Elleuch
Hiver 2025 - En codirection avec : Paulo Freitas de Araujo Filho
Towards Trustworthy Quantum Machine Learning-Based Intrusion Detection Mechanisms for 6G-Enabled Mission-Critical IoT Applications, par Ivette Kembely Carrera Manosalvas
Hiver 2025 - Online Learning Embowered Resource Allocations in Multi-Layer Flying Ad-Hoc Network (FANET) or Vertical Heterogeneous Network (VHetNet), par Hesam Khoshkbari
Hiver 2025 - Intelligent RRM Techniques for IIoT Smart Grid Networks, par Abdullah Othman
Hiver 2025 - En codirection avec : Kuljeet Kaur
Decentralize AI Empowered Zero Touch Networks, par Ohood Sabr
Hiver 2025 - Advanced IIoT Transceiver for Smart Grid Applications, par Hazem Barka
Hiver 2025 - En codirection avec : Paulo Freitas de Araujo Filho
Towards Robust Intelligent Systems for 5G ADVANCED and 6G, par Mohamed Chiheb Ben Nasr
Hiver 2025 - Proactive Resource Allocation in 6G, par Thien Hieu Hoang
Hiver 2025
- En codirection avec : Pascal Giard
Towards a New Generation of loT Based on Network Coding for the Industry 4.0, par Amir Abbas Modir
Automne 2021 - Détection intelligente de brouillage dans les Réseaux 5G, par Marouane Hachimi
Hiver 2020 - Development of Spectrum Sensing Cooperation and Fusion Strategies for Tactical Heterogeneous Networks in Mobile Environments, par Bryan Gingras
Hiver 2020 - En codirection avec : Zoheb Hassan
Advancing Radio Resource Management Techniques for Non-Terrestrial Networks, par Aymen Daoud
Hiver 2025 - Enhancing Intrusion Detection in Vehicular Networks through Deep Learning Approaches, par Kanika Aggarwal
Automne 2023 - Conception et analyse des méthodes d'ordonnancement dans les réseaux 6TiSCH-802.15.4e à mode TSCH pour les applications industrielles de l'Internet des Objets, par Taieb Hamza
Hiver 2019 - En codirection avec : Bassant Selim
5G Data Generation for Machine Learning Applications, par Rania Farjallah
Hiver 2025 - En codirection avec : Wael Jaafar
Optimisation des réseaux de communication à capture d’énergie et assistés par les surfaces intelligentes, par Nessrine Msilini
Hiver 2025
- Conception de système de détection d'intrusions (IDS) pour la sécurité des réseaux de communications sans fil, par Michele Stella Njipdop Ngounou
Automne 2020 - Étude et analyse de l'implémentation de 300 antennes paraboliques et fourniture d'une solution énergétique alternative, par Kan Rene Denis Akpoue Yao
Automne 2021 - En codirection avec : François Gagnon
Technique d'accès multiples pour les système de transmissions multi porteuses à récepteurs non cohérents, par Sarra Adouni
Hiver 2014 - Implémentation et analyse des performances du réseau internet des objets dans le domaine industriel dans un environnement hostile, par Fouad Salhi
Automne 2019 - La cryptographie basée sur le chaos : Implémentation du cryptosystème ECKBA, par Nabila Aribi
Hiver 2015 - Conception et développement d'une application securedrive sous android pour la sécurité des conducteurs automobiles, par Marcel Emmanuel Elenga
Hiver 2015 - Les issues de la migration vers le réseau LTE et les services des opérateurs mobiles virtuels (MVNO), par Yacouba Coulibaly
Hiver 2015 - Analyse et comparaison de la performance des schèmes de modulation non cohérente proposés pour les systèmes de communication basés sur le chaos, par Carlos Andres Arcila Betancur
Hiver 2015 - Développement d'une application mobile de location d'appartement, par Moudhil Radji
Hiver 2015 - Exploitation de la modulation spatiale MIMO à chaîne RF unique : une communication basée sur l'index des antennes, par Amar Ouadi
Été 2015 - Utilisation des téléphones intelligents pour prendre des mesures et faire des tests sur les réseaux cellulaires, par Djamel Ould Ramoul
Été 2017 - Voice Over WIFI: Feasibility Analysis, par Serge Fabrice Mbianda Ngongang
Hiver 2016 - Développement d'une application de gestion immobilière, par Mohamed Abderrahmane Abeidy
Automne 2015 - Wireless Sensor Network Applied to Smart Mattress Technology: a Review, par Fatou Kine Mbodje
Été 2016 - Air Traffic Surveillance Technologies for Aircraft Detection and Positioning: The Case of ADS-B, par Stephie Biao
Hiver 2016 - Conception des modulations à multiples indices, par Kotchikpa Guy-Landry Allagbe
Automne 2016 - Réseau de capteurs sans fil, par Mehdi Belkebir
Automne 2017 - Modulation d'indice pour les communications par satellites: étude comparative et implémentation des modulations DS-CDMA et CIM, par Myriam Lynda Ramdane
Été 2017 - Proposition et analyse des solutions de sécurité pour les réseaux définis par logiciel, par Elias Ghossein
Été 2018 - Développement d'une application Androide de covoiturage interurbain, par Ahmed Chabarnoux
Hiver 2017 - Conception et implémentation d'un bureau intelligent via la technologie d'internet des objets, par Habiba Attar
Été 2018 - Conception des systèmes de détection d'intrusions (IDS) pour la sécurité des réseaux de communication sans fil, par Hamid Idbrahim
Été 2019 - Système de détection et de prévention d'intrusions dans un réseau en nuage, par Mohamed Mermari
Automne 2019 - Analyse des coûts de calcul et de la précision en déployant l'équilibrage de charge autonome et distribué, par Amine Abdelmounaim Elmahjour
Été 2019 - Évaluation de performance de SDN dans les réseaux de capteurs sans fil, par Abdennour Djellatou
Été 2021 - Simulation et émulation du réseau IOT pour l’analyse du trafic hors ligne, par Moussa Sow
Automne 2020 - Extraction des attributs des en-têtes de paquets pour les IDS en temps réel, par Fatoumata Sylla
Hiver 2021 - A Study of Intrusion Detection on Cyber-Physical Systems Using Generative Adversarial Networks in Fog Environment, par Robinson Raymond
Hiver 2022 - The Role of AI in the Project Management of Smart Buildings, par Youssef Nader
Été 2022
- En codirection avec : Herval Yatchou
Sécurité dans un processus d'échange de données entre le portail web et plateforme MS Dynamics CRM2011, par Jacques Mikael Noupeu Nguemecheu
Hiver 2015 - En codirection avec : Ricardo Machado
Recherche en ludification et intelligence d'affaires pour une application d'accompagnement stratégique, par Julio Mba
Automne 2015 - En codirection avec : Benoit Potvin
Modélisation logicielle et conception d'une carte intelligente transactionnelle interactive (B-CITI), par Sarra Khazri
Automne 2015 - Voiture téléguidée via téléphone mobile sur réseau 5G fermé, par Badr-Eddine El Khettabi
Été 2023
- Visualisation et réalisation de tests de performances sur des réseaux sans fils, par Cécilia Ribeil
Automne 2020
- Analyse de l'applicabilité de la technologie IEEE.802.15.4 pour les réseaux électriques intelligents, par Taha Mrini
Hiver 2019 - Implémentation et analyse des performances du réseau des objets (IOT) sur des applications Smart Grid, par Kahina Younsi
Hiver 2020 - Implémentation et test des générateurs aléatoires basé sur le chaos, par Adel Hariz
Été 2016 - Étude des différents types d'attaque sur les réseaux mobiles, par Silvere Mavoungou
Hiver 2016 - La 5G : Déploiement et infrastructures, par Ibrahim Kone
Été 2020 - Sécurité des réseaux 5G, par Fatoumata Lamarana Diallo
Automne 2021 - Analyse de la couche MAC des réseaux de capteurs sans fil, par Mehdi Belkebir
Automne 2017 - Sécurité des couches PHY/MAC dans les réseaux de capteurs sans fil, par Olivia Teguem Noumsi
Automne 2018 - Études et analyse du déploiement des réseaux 5G, par Clovis Tanga Tchinda
Automne 2020 - Étude et implémentation des méthodes de détection des patrons dans la réalisation des logiciels de gestion des réseaux sans-fil, par Adé-Kounlé Ahmed Ogbinto
Hiver 2020 - Vers la 6G : Se préparer pour la prochaine décennie, par Aissatou Bah
Automne 2020 - Déploiement d'un réseau de nouvelle génération : cas de la 5G, par Hermann Ghislain Denan
Hiver 2021 - Études sur l'intégration de 5G dans les réseaux optiques, par Didier Mpolesha
Été 2020
- En codirection avec : Guillaume Cartesi
Conception d’une antenne adaptative dédiée à la mesure de SER, par Cécilia Ribeil
Automne 2020
- Georges Matar, Jean-Marc Lina, Georges Kaddoum. 2016 « Télesurveillance non obtrusive durant le sommeil: identification de la posture par apprentissage machine en utilisant un réseau de capteur sans fils ». Affiche présentée lors de la conférence : 1er Forum Franco-Québécois d'Innovation en Santé (Montréal, QC, Canada, Oct. 11-13, 2016)
- Georges Matar, Jean-Marc Lina, Julie Carrier, Georges Kaddoum. 2019-04-24 « Surveillance non intrusive du sommeil ». Substance ÉTS
- Georges Matar, Jean-Marc Lina, Julie Carrier, Georges Kaddoum. 2019-04-24 « Unobtrusive Sleep Monitoring ». Substance ÉTS
- Shubhani Aggarwal, Ishan Budhiraja, Sahil Garg, Georges Kaddoum, Bong Jun Choi, M. Shamim Hossain. 2025 « A blockchain-based secure path planning in UAVs communication network ». Alexandria Engineering Journal vol. 113. p. 451-460
- Hazem Barka, Md Sahabul Alam, Georges Kaddoum, Minh Au, Naveed Iqbal. 2025 « Performance analysis of rate-splitting multiple access technique in impulsive noise environments ». IEEE Wireless Communications Letters
- Hazem Barka, Georges Kaddoum, Md Sahabul Alam, Bassant Selim, Minh Au. 2025 « Beyond Shannon capacity: Deep semantic communication for enhanced performance in impulsive noise environments ». IEEE Wireless Communications Letters vol. 14 , nº 1. p. 148-152
- Abdul Basit, Muddasir Rahim, Tri Nhu Do, Nadir Adam, Georges Kaddoum. 2025 « DRL-based maximization of the sum cross-layer achievable rate for networks under jamming ». IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management
- Qianru Cheng, Guofa Cai, Jiguang He, Georges Kaddoum. 2025 « Design and performance analysis of MEC-aided LoRa networks with power control ». IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology vol. 74 , nº 1. p. 1597-1609
- Shahroz Abbas, Ajmery Sultana, Georges Kaddoum. 2024 « Quantum-safe blockchain in hyperledger fabric ». IEEE Networking Letters
- Omid Abbasi, Georges Kaddoum. 2024 « Channel aging-aware LSTM-based channel prediction for satellite communications ». IEEE Networking Letters vol. 6 , nº 3. p. 183-187
- Omid Abbasi, Halim Yanikomeroglu, Georges Kaddoum. 2024 « Hemispherical antenna array architecture for high-altitude platform stations (HAPS) for uniform capacity provision ». IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications vol. 23 , nº 12. p. 19489-19504
- Nadir Adam, Mansoor Ali, Faisal Naeem, Abdallah S. Ghazy, Georges Kaddoum. 2024 « State-of-the-art security schemes for the Internet of Underwater Things: A holistic survey ». IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society vol. 5. p. 6561-6592
- Shubhani Aggarwal, Georges Kaddoum. 2024 « Authentication of smart grid by integrating QKD and blockchain in SCADA systems ». IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management vol. 21 , nº 5. p. 5768-5780
- Mansoor Ali, Faisal Naeem, Georges Kaddoum, Ekram Hossain. 2024 « Metaverse communications, networking, security, and applications: Research issues, state-of-the-art, and future directions ». IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials vol. 26 , nº 2. p. 1238-1278
- Hazem Barka, Md Sahabul Alam, Georges Kaddoum, Minh Au, Basile L. Agba. 2024 « An LLR-based receiver for mitigating bursty impulsive noise with unknown distributions ». IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society vol. 5. p. 6166-6179
- Hamda Bouzabia, Georges Kaddoum, Tri Nhu Do. 2024 « Deep learning-based interference detection, classification, and forecasting algorithm for ESM radar systems ». IEEE Access vol. 12. p. 148120-148142
- Hamda Bouzabia, Aida Meftah, Georges Kaddoum. 2024 « Federated learning-enabled smart jammer detection in terrestrial and non-terrestrial heterogeneous joint sensing and communication networks ». IEEE Communications Letters vol. 28 , nº 9. p. 2026-2030
- Ishan Budhiraja, Neeraj Kumar, Sudjanshu Tyagi, Abhay Bansal, Mohsen Guizani, Georges Kaddoum. 2024 « Joint traffic admission, resource allocation and mode selection protocol for NOMA-based D2D users underlaying cellular network for 5G and beyond networks ». IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering vol. 11 , nº 5. p. 4371-4383
- Haotong Cao, Sahil Garg, Georges Kaddoum, Mubarak Alrashoud, Longxiang Yang. 2024 « Efficient resource allocation of slicing services in softwarized space-aerial-ground integrated networks for seamless and open access services ». IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology vol. 73 , nº 7. p. 9284-9295
- Haotong Cao, Sahil Garg, Shahid Mumtaz, Mubarak Alrashoud, Longxiang Yang, Georges Kaddoum. 2024 « Softwarized resource allocation in digital twins-empowered networks for future quantum-enabled consumer applications ». IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics vol. 70 , nº 1. p. 800-810
- Prakhar Consul, Ishan Budhiraja, Deepak Garg, Sahil Garg, Georges Kaddoum, Mohammad Mehedi Hassan. 2024 « SFL-TUM: Energy efficient SFRL method for large scale AI model's task offloading in UAV-assisted MEC networks ». Vehicular Communications vol. 48
- Cheng Dai, Shuai Wei, Shengxin Dai, Sahil Garg, Georges Kaddoum, M. Shamim Hossain. 2024 « Federated self-supervised learning based on prototypes clustering contrastive learning for Internet-of-Vehicles applications ». IEEE Internet of Things Journal
- Pengfei Du, Yueqiang Shi, Haotong Cao, Sahil Garg, Georges Kaddoum, Mubarak Alrashoud. 2024 « 3-D trajectory optimization and communication resources allocation in UAV-assisted IoT networks for sustainable industry 5.0 ». IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics vol. 70 , nº 1. p. 1423-1433
- Ibrahim Elleuch, Ali Pourranjbar, Georges Kaddoum. 2024 « Deep cross-check Q-learning for jamming mitigation in wireless networks ». IEEE Wireless Communications Letters vol. 13 , nº 5. p. 1448-1452
- Ibrahim Elleuch, Ali Pourranjbar, Georges Kaddoum. 2024 « Leveraging transformer models for anti-jamming in heavily attacked UAV environments ». IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society vol. 5. p. 5337-5347
- Tilahun M. Getu, Georges Kaddoum, Mehdi Bennis. 2024 « A survey on goal-oriented semantic communication: Techniques, challenges, and future directions ». IEEE Access vol. 12. p. 51223-51274
- Tilahun M. Getu, Walid Saad, Georges Kaddoum, Mehdi Bennis. 2024 « Performance limits of a deep learning-enabled text semantic communication under interference ». IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications vol. 23 , nº 8. p. 10213-10228
- Vali Ghanbarzadeh, Mohammadreza Zahabi, Hamid Amiriara, Farahnaz Jafari, Georges Kaddoum. 2024 « Resource allocation in NOMA Networks: Convex optimization and stacking ensemble machine learning ». IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society vol. 5. p. 5276-5288
- Ghazi Gharsallah, Georges Kaddoum. 2024 « MVX-ViT: Multimodal collaborative perception for 6G V2X network management decisions using vision transformer ». IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society vol. 5. p. 5619-5634
- Ghazi Gharsallah, Georges Kaddoum. 2024 « ViT LoS V2X: Vision Transformers for environment-aware LoS blockage prediction for 6G vehicular networks ». IEEE Access vol. 12. p. 133569-133583
- Abdallah S. Ghazy, Georges Kaddoum, Singh Satinder. 2024 « IRS-aided secure reliable underwater acoustic communications ». IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology vol. 73 , nº 11. p. 16861-16875
- Mujtaba Ghous, Thanh Luan Nguyen, TRi Nhu Do, Georges Kaddoum. 2024 « Deep transfer learning-based performance prediction of URLLC in independent and not necessarily identically distributed interference networks ». IEEE Access vol. 12. p. 99071-99093
- Thien Hieu Hoang, Chuyen T. Nguyen, Tri Nhu Do, Georges Kaddoum. 2024 « Joint task offloading and radio resource management in stochastic MEC systems ». IEEE Transactions on Communications vol. 72 , nº 5. p. 2670-2686
- Zakaria Abou El Houda, Diala Naboulsi, Georges Kaddoum. 2024 « A privacy-preserving collaborative jamming attacks detection framework using federated learning ». IEEE Internet of Things Journal vol. 11 , nº 7. p. 12153-12164
- Raja Karmakar, Georges Kaddoum, Ouassima Akhrif. 2024 « A PUF and Fuzzy Extractor-Based UAV-Ground Station and UAV-UAV authentication mechanism with intelligent adaptation of secure sessions ». IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing vol. 23 , nº 5. p. 3858-3875
- Raja Karmakar, Georges Kaddoum, Ouassima Akhrif. 2024 « A blockchain-based distributed and intelligent clustering-enabled authentication protocol for UAV swarms ». IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing vol. 23 , nº 5. p. 6178-6195
- Raja Karmakar, Georges Kaddoum, Ouassima Akhrif. 2024 « A novel federated learning-based smart power and 3D trajectory control for fairness optimization in secure UAV-assisted MEC services ». IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing vol. 23 , nº 5. p. 4832-4848
- Sadia Khaf, Georges Kaddoum, Joao V. C. Evangelista. 2024 « Partially cooperative RL for hybrid action CRNs with imperfect CSI ». IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society vol. 5. p. 3762-3774
- Zhaokun Liang, Guofa Cai, Jiguang He, Georges Kaddoum, Chongwen Huang. 2024 « Performance analysis of Multi-RIS-Aided LoRa systems with outdated and imperfect CSI ». IEEE Transactions on Communications
- Zhaokun Liang, Guofa Cai, Jiguang He, Georges Kaddoum, Chongwen Huang, Mérouane Debbah. 2024 « RIS-enabled anti-interference in LoRa systems ». IEEE Transactions on Communications vol. 72 , nº 10. p. 6599-6616
- Peng Liu, Zhe Liu, Tingtin Fu, Sahil Garg, Georges Kaddoum, Mohammad Mehedi Hassan. 2024 « Optimization of multi-vehicle charging and discharging efficiency under time constraints based on reinforcement learning ». Alexandria Engineering Journal vol. 105. p. 724-735
- Youssef Maghrebi, Mohamed Elhattab, Chadi Assi, Ali Ghrayeb, Georges Kaddoum. 2024 « Cooperative rate splitting multiple access for active STAR-RIS assisted downlink communications ». IEEE Wireless Communications Letters vol. 13 , nº 10. p. 2827-2831
- Maher Marwani, Georges Kaddoum. 2024 « Graph neural networks approach for joint wireless power control and spectrum allocation ». IEEE Transactions on Machine Learning in Communications and Networking vol. 2. p. 717-732
- Maher Marwani, Georges Kaddoum. 2024 « Scalable spatial and geometric learning approach for joint power control and channel allocation ». IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications vol. 23 , nº 11. p. 16976-16991
- Aida Meftah, Tri Nhu Do, Georges Kaddoum, Chamseddine Talhi. 2024 « Federated learning-enabled jamming detection for stochastic terrestrial and non-terrestrial networks ». IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking
- Nahed Belhadj Mohamed, Md Zoheb Hassan, Georges Kaddoum. 2024 « RSMA-enabled interference management for Industrial Internet of Things networks with finite blocklength coding and hardware impairments ». IEEE Transactions on Machine Learning in Communications and Networking vol. 2. p. 1319-1340
- Mohamed Chiheb Ben Nasr, Paulo Freitas de Araujo-Filho, Georges Kaddoum, Azzam Mourad. 2024 « Projected natural gradient method: Unveiling low-power perturbation vulnerabilities in deep learning-based automatic modulation classification ». IEEE Internet of Things Journal vol. 11 , nº 22. p. 37032-37044
- Andrews A. Okine, Nadir Adam, Faisal Naeem, Georges Kaddoum. 2024 « Multi-agent deep reinforcement learning for packet routing in tactical mobile sensor networks ». IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management vol. 21 , nº 2. p. 2155-2169
- Abdullah Othman, Joao V. C. Evangelista, Georges Kaddoum, Minh Au, Basile L. Agba. 2024 « Joint optimization of radio resources and coverage enhancement in massive microgrid networks ». IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management vol. 21 , nº 2. p. 1416-1431
- Biswajit Paul, Chadi Assi, Georges Kaddoum. 2024 « LoRaWAN network planning ». IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking vol. 8 , nº 4. p. 1413-1426
- Biswajit Paul, Chadi Assi, Georges Kaddoum, Rajesh Palit, Salekul Islam. 2024 « An energy-efficient cluster formation based on optimal node distribution in full capacity multi-hop LoRa networks ». IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society vol. 5. p. 779-794
- Muddasir Rahim, Georges Kaddoum, Tri Nhu Do. 2024 « Joint devices and IRSs association for terahertz communications in industrial IoT networks ». IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking vol. 8 , nº 1. p. 375-390
- Muddasir Rahim, Thanh Luan Nguyen, Tri Nhu Do, Georges Kaddoum. 2024 « Joint power and user allocation in coexistence of eMBB and URLLC services ». IEEE Communications Letters vol. 28 , nº 9. p. 2186-2190
- Muddasir Rahim, Thanh Luan Nguyen, Georges Kaddoum. 2024 « JPUSA in coexistence of eMBB and URLLC services in multi-cell IRS-assisted Terahertz networks ». IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking
- Muddasir Rahim, Thanh Luan Nguyen, Georges Kaddoum, Tri Nhu Do. 2024 « Multi-IRS-aided Terahertz networks: Channel modeling and user association with imperfect CSI ». IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society vol. 5. p. 836-855
- Ziyaur Rahman, Md Zoheb Hassan, Georges Kaddoum. 2024 « Ergodic capacity optimization for RSMA-Based UOWC systems over EGG turbulence channel ». IEEE Communications Letters vol. 28 , nº 3. p. 587-591
- Ziyaur Rahman, Imene Romdhane, Georges Kaddoum. 2024 « Performance of RSMA-Based UOWC systems over oceanic turbulence channel with pointing errors ». IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society vol. 5. p. 127-138
- Ohood Sabr, Georges Kaddoum, Kuljeet Kaur. 2024 « PABSO-DRL: Power and beam self-optimization scheme for multiple slices in MU-MISO systems ». IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics
- Sara Sharifi, Hesam Khoshkbari, Georges Kaddoum, Ouassima Akhrif. 2024 « Deep reinforcement learning approach for HAPS user scheduling in massive MIMO communications ». IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society vol. 5. p. 1-14
- Yuhang Song, Ruijin Wang, Zengpeng Li, Sahil Garg, Georges Kaddoum, Mubarak Alrashoud. 2024 « Lightweight infrared and visible image fusion technique: Guided gradient optimization driven ». IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics vol. 70 , nº 4. p. 7233-7243
- Jun Tang, Bing Guo, Yan Shen, Sahil Garg, Georges Kaddoum, M. Shamin Hossain. 2024 « A data completion algorithm based on low-rank prior knowledge for data-driven applications ». IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management
- Amara Umar, Syed Ali Hassan, Haejoon Jung, Sahil Garg, Georges Kaddoum, M. Shamim Hossain. 2024 « HAC-SAGIN: High-altitude computing enabled space–air–ground integrated networks for 6G ». Computer Networks vol. 254
- Shuyi Wang, Longxiang Yang, Sahil Garg, Georges Kaddoum, Mubarak Alrashoud. 2024 « GCN-based multi-agent deep reinforcement learning for dynamic service function chain deployment in IoT ». IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics vol. 70 , nº 3. p. 6105-6118
- Xiaoding Wang, Jiadong Li, Hui Lin, Cheng Dai, Sahil Garg, Georges Kaddoum. 2024 « AEFL: Anonymous and efficient federated learning in vehicle road cooperation systems with augmented Intelligence of Things ». IEEE Internet of Things Journal vol. 11 , nº 22. p. 36157-36167
- Kengyuan Xie, Guofa Cai, Jiguang He, Georges Kaddoum. 2024 « STAR-RIS Aided MISO SWIPT-NOMA system with energy buffer: Performance analysis and optimization ». IEEE Internet of Things Journal vol. 11 , nº 22. p. 37214-37230
- Kengyuan Xie, Guofa Cai, Ting Ning, Jiguang He, Georges Kaddoum. 2024 « Performance analysis of cooperative wireless-powered NOMA system with energy buffer ». IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking
- Bo Xu, Haitao Zhao, Haotong Cao, Sahil Garg, Georges Kaddoum, Mohammad Mehedi Hassan. 2024 « Edge aggregation placement for semi-decentralized federated learning in Industrial Internet of Things ». Future Generation Computer Systems vol. 150. p. 160-170
- Runchen Xu, Zheng Chang, Zhu Han, Sahil Garg, Georges Kaddoum, Joel J. P. C. Rodrigues. 2024 « Energy-efficient joint optimization of sensing and computation in MEC-assisted IoT using mean-field game ». IEEE Internet of Things Journal vol. 11 , nº 23. p. 37857-37871
- Banglie Yang, Linyu Zhu, Cheng Dai, Sahil Garg, Georges Kaddoum. 2024 « An improved reconstruction based multi-attribute contrastive learning for digital twin-enabled industrial system ». IEEE Internet of Things Journal
- Xigang Zhao, Peng Liu, Saïd Mahmoudi, Sahil Garg, Georges Kaddoum, Mohammad Mehedi Hassan. 2024 « DDANF: Deep denoising autoencoder normalizing flow for unsupervised multivariate time series anomaly detection ». Alexandria Engineering Journal vol. 108. p. 436-444
- Ijaz Ahmed, Muhammad Adnan, Mansoor Ali, Georges Kaddoum. 2023 « Supertwisting sliding mode controller for grid-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-grid battery electric vehicle charger ». Journal of Energy Storage vol. 70
- Mansoor Ali, Georges Kaddoum, Wen-Tai Li, Chau Yuen, Muhammad Tariq, H. Vincent Poor. 2023 « A smart digital twin enabled security framework for vehicle-to-grid cyber-physical systems ». IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security vol. 18. p. 5258-5271
- Mansoor Ali, Faisal Naeem, Muhammad Tariq, Georges Kaddoum. 2023 « Federated learning for privacy preservation in smart healthcare systems: A comprehensive survey ». IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics vol. 27 , nº 2. p. 778-789
- H. Babbar, S. Rani, S. Garg, G. Kaddoum, M. Jalil Piran, M. S. Hossain. 2023 « A secure multi-layer architecture for software-defined space information networks (SDSINs) ». IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine vol. 12 , nº 2. p. 64-72
- Jung-Yeon Baek, Georges Kaddoum. 2023 « FLoadNet: Load balancing in fog networks with cooperative multiagent using actor-critic method ». IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management vol. 20 , nº 1. p. 400-414
- Hazem Barka, Md Sahabul Alam, Georges Kaddoum, Fabien Sacuto, Basile L. Agba. 2023 « BNET: A neural network approach for LLR-based detection in the presence of bursty impulsive noise ». IEEE Wireless Communications Letters vol. 12 , nº 1. p. 80-84
- Hamda Bouzabia, Tri Nhu Do, Georges Kaddoum. 2023 « Deep learning-enabled deceptive jammer detection for low probability of intercept communications ». IEEE Systems Journal vol. 17 , nº 2. p. 2166-2177
- Abdulkadir Celik, Imene Romdhane, Georges Kaddoum, Ahmed M. Eltawil. 2023 « A top-down survey on optical wireless communications for the internet of things ». IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials vol. 25 , nº 1. p. 1-45
- Zheng Chang, Hengwei Deng, Li You, Geyong Min, Sahil Garg, Georges Kaddoum. 2023 « Trajectory design and resource allocation for multi-UAV networks: Deep reinforcement learning approaches ». IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering vol. 10 , nº 5. p. 2940-2951
- Shehzad Ashraf Chaudhry, Khalid Yahya, Sahil Garg, Georges Kaddoum, Mohammad Hassan, Yousaf Bin Zikria. 2023 « LAS-SG: An elliptic curve based lightweight authentication scheme for smart grid environments ». IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics vol. 19 , nº 2. p. 1504-1511
- Paula Freitas de Araujo-Filho, Mohamed Naili, Georges Kaddoum, Emmanuel Thepie Fapi, Zhongwen Zhu. 2023 « Unsupervised GAN-based intrusion detection system using temporal convolutional networks and self-attention ». IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management vol. 20 , nº 4. p. 4951-4963
- Paulo Freitas de Araujo-Filho, Georges Kaddoum, Mohamed Chiheb Nasr, Henrique F. Arcoverde, Divanilson R. Campelo. 2023 « Defending wireless receivers against adversarial attacks on modulation classifiers ». IEEE Internet of Things Journal vol. 10 , nº 21. p. 19153-19162
- Pengfei Du, Xiang He, Haotong Cao, Sahil Garg, Georges Kaddoum, Mohammad Mehedi Hassan. 2023 « AI-based energy-efficient path planning of multiple logistics UAVs in intelligent transportation systems ». Computer Communications vol. 207. p. 46-55
- M. T. ElAstal, Ammar M. Abu-Hudrouss, Alaa Alhabbash, Georges Kaddoum. 2023 « Performance analysis of signed quadrature spatial modulation system over Nakagami-m fading channels with spatial correlation ». Physical Communication vol. 57
- Sahil Garg, Kuljeet Kaur, Gagangeet Singh Aujla, Georges Kaddoum, Prasad Garigipati, Mohsen Guizani. 2023 « Trusted explainable AI for 6G-enabled edge cloud ecosystem ». IEEE Wireless Communications vol. 30 , nº 3. p. 163-170
- Tilahun M. Getu, Georges Kaddoum, Mehdi Bennis. 2023 « Making sense of meaning: A survey on metrics for semantic and goal-oriented communication ». IEEE Access vol. 11. p. 45456-45492
- Abdallah S. Ghazy, Georges Kaddoum, Satinder Singh. 2023 « Low-latency low-energy adaptive clustering hierarchy protocols for underwater acoustic networks ». IEEE Access vol. 11. p. 50578-50594
- Poulmanogo Illy, Georges Kaddoum. 2023 « A collaborative DNN-based low-latency IDPS for mission-critical smart factory networks ». IEEE Access vol. 11. p. 96317-96329
- Raja Karmakar, Georges Kaddoum. 2023 « IBAC: An intelligent dynamic bandwidth channel access avoiding outside warning range problem ». IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing vol. 22 , nº 6. p. 3350-3364
- Raja Karmakar, Georges Kaddoum, Samiran Chattopadhyay. 2023 « Mobility management in 5G and beyond: A novel smart handover with adaptive time-to-trigger and hysteresis margin ». IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing vol. 22 , nº 10. p. 5995-6010
- Hesam Khoshkbari, Georges Kaddoum. 2023 « Deep recurrent reinforcement learning for partially observable user association in a vertical heterogenous network ». IEEE Communications Letters vol. 27 , nº 12. p. 3235-3239
- Hesam Khoshkbari, Sara Sharifi, Georges Kaddoum. 2023 « User association in a VHetNet with delayed CSI: A deep reinforcement learning approach ». IEEE Communications Letters vol. 27 , nº 8. p. 2257-2261
- Prabhat Kumar, Randhir Kumar, A. K. M. Najmul Islam, Sahil Garg, Georges Kaddoum, Zhu Han. 2023 « Distributed AI and Blockchain for 6G-assisted terrestrial and non-terrestrial networks: Challenges and future directions ». IEEE Network vol. 37 , nº 2. p. 70-77
- Siyuan Liang, Mengna Xie, Sahil Garg, Georges Kaddoum, Mohammad Mehedi Hassan, Salman A. AlQahtani. 2023 « An augmented SLAM method with a visual-lidar- equipped unmanned vehicle for detecting control measures against COVID-19 ». Human-Centric Computing and Information Sciences vol. 13
- Hui Lin, Kujeet Kaur, Xiaoding Wang, Georges Kaddoum, Jia Hu, Mohammad Mehedi Hassan. 2023 « Privacy-aware access control in IoT-enabled healthcare: A federated deep learning approach ». IEEE Internet of Things Journal vol. 10 , nº 4. p. 2893-2902
- Wenxin Liu, Hui Lin, Xiaoding Wang, Jia Hu, Georges Kaddoum, Md Jalil Piran, Atif Alamri. 2023 « D2MIF: A malicious model detection mechanism for federated-learning-empowered Artificial Intelligence of Things ». IEEE Internet of Things Journal vol. 10 , nº 3. p. 2141-2151
- Aida Meftah, Tri Nhu Do, Georges Kaddoum, Chamseddine Talhi, Satinder Singh. 2023 « Federated learning-enabled jamming detection and waveform classification for distributed tactical wireless networks ». IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management vol. 20 , nº 4. p. 5053-5072
- M. Mobini, M. Herceg, G. Kaddoum. 2023 « Design of an M-Ary DLCSK communication system using deep transfer learning ». IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society vol. 4. p. 2318-2342
- Nahed Belhadj Mohamed, Md. Zoheb Hassan, Georges Kaddoum. 2023 « Spectral efficiency improvement in downlink fog radio access network with deep reinforcement learning-enabled power control ». IEEE Internet of Things Journal vol. 10 , nº 17. p. 15044-15059
- Christian Miranda Moreira, Georges Kaddoum. 2023 « SD6LoWPAN security: Issues, solutions, research challenges, and trends ». IEEE Internet of Things Magazine vol. 6 , nº 3. p. 132-137
- Faisal Naeem, Mansoor Ali, Georges Kaddoum. 2023 « Federated-learning-empowered semi-supervised active learning framework for intrusion detection in ZSM ». IEEE Communications Magazine vol. 61 , nº 2. p. 88-94
- Faisal Naeem, Mansoor Ali, Georges Kaddoum, Chongwen Huang, Chau Yuen. 2023 « Security and privacy for reconfigurable intelligent surface in 6G: A review of prospective applications and challenges ». IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society vol. 4. p. 1196-1217
- Thanh Luan Nguyen, Georges Kaddoum, Tri Nhu Do, Daniel Benevides da Costa, Zygmunt J. Haas. 2023 « Adaptive decoding mechanisms for UAV-enabled double-uplink coordinated NOMA ». IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology vol. 72 , nº 8. p. 10200-10217
- Thanh Luan Nguyen, Georges Kaddoum, Tri Nhu Do, Zygmunt J. Haas. 2023 « Channel characterization of UAV-RIS-aided systems with adaptive phase-shift configuration ». IEEE Wireless Communications Letters vol. 12 , nº 12. p. 2058-2062
- Ali Pourranjbar, Ibrahim Elleuch, Simon Landry-pellerin, Georges Kaddoum. 2023 « Defense and offence strategies for tactical wireless networks using recurrent neural networks ». IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology vol. 72 , nº 6. p. 8278-8283
- Ali Pourranjbar, Georges Kaddoum, Walid Saad. 2023 « Recurrent-neural-network-based anti-jamming framework for defense against multiple jamming policies ». IEEE Internet of Things Journal vol. 10 , nº 10. p. 8799-8811
- Muhammad Anjum Qureshi, Eva Lagunas, Georges Kaddoum. 2023 « Reinforcement learning for link adaptation and channel selection in LEO satellite cognitive communications ». IEEE Communications Letters vol. 27 , nº 3. p. 951-955
- A. Arockia Bazil Raj, Prabu Krishnan, Ucuk Darusalam, Georges Kaddoum, Zabih Ghassemlooy, Mojtaba Mansour Abadi, Arun K. Majumdar, Muhammad Ijaz. 2023 « A review–unguided optical communications: Developments, technology evolution, and challenges ». Electronics vol. 12 , nº 8
- Geetanjali Rathee, Sahil Garg, Georges Kaddoum, Samah M. Alzanin, Abdu Gumaei, Mohammad Mehedi Hassan. 2023 « Accessibility and ensured quality of life for disabled people using trusted edge computing ». Alexandria Engineering Journal vol. 82. p. 35-42
- Geetanjali Rathee, Sahil Garg, Georges Kaddoum, Samah M. Alzanin, Abdu Gumaei, Mohammad Mehedi Hassan. 2023 « Trusted and secure communication system using intelligent devices for individuals with disabilities ». Alexandria Engineering Journal vol. 80. p. 425-432
- Geetanjali Rathee, Sahil Garg, Georges Kaddoum, Bong Jun Choi, Abderrahim Benslimane, Mohammad Mehedi Hassan. 2023 « A secure and trusted context prediction for next generation autonomous vehicles ». Alexandria Engineering Journal vol. 78. p. 131-140
- Geetanjali Rathee, Sahil Garg, Georges Kaddoum, Mohammad Mehedi Hassan. 2023 « A secure emotion aware intelligent system for Internet of healthcare ». Alexandria Engineering Journal vol. 75. p. 605-614
- Imene Romdhane, Ziyaur Rahman, Georges Kaddoum, Ankur Bansal, S. M. Zafaruddin. 2023 « Outage probability analysis for UOWC system over oceanic turbulence with pointing errors ». IEEE Communications Letters vol. 27 , nº 11. p. 2988-2992
- Elie Sfeir, Rangeet Mitra, Georges Kaddoum. 2023 « A random fourier feature based receiver detection for enhanced BER performance in nonlinear PD-NOMA ». IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology vol. 72 , nº 2. p. 2701-2706
- Aman Sikri, Bassant Selim, Georges Kaddoum, Minh Au, Basile L. Agba. 2023 « RIS-aided wireless sensor network in the presence of impulsive noise and interferers for smart-grid communications ». IEEE Communications Letters vol. 27 , nº 9. p. 2501-2505
- Chenjing Tian, Haotong Cao, Yinjin Fu, Sahil Garg, Georges Kaddoum, Mohammad Mehedi Hassan. 2023 « Online and reliable SFC protection scheme of distributed cloud network for future IoT application ». Computer Communications vol. 208. p. 179-189
- Chenjing Tian, Haotong Cao, Sahil Garg, Georges Kaddoum, Mohammad Mehedi Hassan, Jun Xie. 2023 « 5G in healthcare: Matching game-empowered intelligent medical network slicing ». Alexandria Engineering Journal vol. 77. p. 95-107
- L. Tu Tu, Abbas Bradai, Olfa Ben Ahmed, Sahil Garg, Yannis Pousset, Georges Kaddoum. 2023 « Energy efficiency optimization in LoRa networks-a deep learning approach ». IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems vol. 24 , nº 12. p. 15435-15447
- Xiaoding Wang, Sahil Garg, Hui Lin, Georges Kaddoum, Jia Hu, Mohammad Mehedi Hassan. 2023 « Heterogeneous blockchain and ai-driven hierarchical trust evaluation for 5G-enabled intelligent transportation systems ». IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems vol. 24 , nº 2. p. 2074-2083
- Kengyuan Xie, Guofa Cai, Georges Kaddoum. 2023 « Design and performance analysis of RIS-Aided DCSK-WPC system with energy buffer ». IEEE Transactions on Communications vol. 71 , nº 3. p. 1726-1739
- Kengyuan Xie, Guofa Cai, Georges Kaddoum, Jiguang He. 2023 « Performance analysis and resource allocation of STAR-RIS-aided wireless-powered NOMA system ». IEEE Transactions on Communications vol. 71 , nº 10. p. 5740-5755
- Feng Yu, Hui Lin, Xiaoding Wang, Sahil Garg, Georges Kaddoum, Satinder Singh, Mohammad Hassan. 2023 « Communication-efficient personalized federated meta-learning in edge networks ». IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management vol. 20 , nº 2. p. 1558-1571
- Xiaoming Yuan, Zedan Zhang, Chujun Feng, Yejia Cui, Sahil Garg, Georges Kaddoum, Keping Yu. 2023 « A DQN-based frame aggregation and task offloading approach for edge-enabled IoMT ». IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering vol. 10 , nº 3. p. 1339-1351
- Mohammed Abutaha, Basil Atawneh, Layla Hammouri, Georges Kaddoum. 2022 « Secure lightweight cryptosystem for IoT and pervasive computing ». Scientific Reports vol. 12 , nº 1
- Mohammad Furqan Ali, Dushanta Nalin K. Jayakody, Sahil Garg, Georges Kaddoum, M. Shamim Hossain. 2022 « Dual-hop mixed FSO-VLC underwater wireless communication link ». IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management vol. 19 , nº 3. p. 3105-3120
- Imran Ashraf, Yousaf Bin Zikria, Sahil Garg, Yongwan Park, Georges Kaddoum, Satinder Singh. 2022 « Zero touch networks to realize virtualization: Opportunities, challenges, and future prospects ». IEEE Network vol. 36 , nº 6. p. 251-259
- Jung-Yeon Baek, Georges Kaddoum. 2022 « Online partial offloading and task scheduling in SDN-Fog networks with deep recurrent reinforcement learning ». IEEE Internet of Things Journal vol. 9 , nº 13. p. 11578-11589
- Xiangming Cai, Weikai Xu, Lin Wang, Georges Kaddoum. 2022 « Joint energy and correlation detection assisted non-coherent OFDM-DCSK system for underwater acoustic communications ». IEEE Transactions on Communications vol. 70 , nº 6. p. 3742-3759
- Haotong Cao, Sahil Garg, Georges Kaddoum, Mohammad Mehedi Hassan, Salman A. AlQahtani. 2022 « Intelligent virtual resource allocation of QoS-guaranteed slices in B5G-Enabled VANETs for intelligent transportation systems ». IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems vol. 23 , nº 10. p. 19704-19713
- Haotong Cao, Sahil Garg, Georges Kaddoum, Mohammad Mehedi Hassan, Salman A. AlQahtani. 2022 « Secure and intelligent slice resource allocation in vehicles-assisted cyber physical systems ». Computer Communications vol. 191. p. 386-394
- Haotong Cao, Sahil Garg, Georges Kaddoum, Satinder Singh, M. Shamim Hossain. 2022 « Softwarized resource management and allocation with autonomous awareness for 6G-enabled cooperative intelligent transportation systems ». IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems vol. 23 , nº 12. p. 24662-24671
- Twinkle Chatterjee, Raja Karmakar, Georges Kaddoum, Samiran Chattopadhyay, Sandip Chakraborty. 2022 « A survey of VANET/V2X routing from the perspective of non-learning- and learning-based approaches ». IEEE Access vol. 10. p. 23022-23050
- Mohamed Dawa, Marijan Herceg, Georges Kaddoum. 2022 « Design and analysis of Multi-User Faster-Than-Nyquist-DCSK communication systems over multi-path fading channels ». Sensors vol. 22 , nº 20
- Paulo Freitas De Araujo-Filho, Georges Kaddoum, Mohamed Naili, Emmanuel Thepie Fapi, Zhongwen Zhu. 2022 « Multi-objective GAN-based adversarial attack technique for modulation classifiers ». IEEE Communications Letters vol. 26 , nº 7. p. 1583-1587
- Shivani Gaba, Ishan Budhiraja, Vimal Kumar, Sahil Garg, Georges Kaddoum, Mohammad Mehedi Hassan. 2022 « A federated calibration scheme for convolutional neural networks: Models, applications and challenges ». Computer Communications vol. 192. p. 144-162
- Md Zoheb Hassan, Georges Kaddoum, Ouassima Akhrif. 2022 « Resource allocation for joint interference management and security enhancement in cellular-connected internet-of-drones networks ». IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology vol. 71 , nº 12. p. 12869-12884
- Md Zohed Hassan, Georges Kaddoum, Ouassima Akhrif. 2022 « Interference management in cellular-connected internet-of-drones networks with drone-pairing and uplink rate-splitting multiple access ». IEEE Internet of Things Journal vol. 9 , nº 17. p. 16060-16079
- Poulmanogo Illy, Georges Kaddoum, Paulo Freitas de Araujo-Filho, Kuljeet Kaur, Sahil Garg. 2022 « A hybrid multistage DNN-based collaborative IDPS for high-risk smart factory networks ». IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management vol. 19 , nº 4. p. 4273-4283
- Poulmanogo Illy, Georges Kaddoum, Kuljeet Kaur, Sahil Garg. 2022 « ML-based IDPS enhancement with complementary features for home IoT networks ». IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management vol. 19 , nº 2. p. 772-783
- Raja Karmakar, Georges Kaddoum, Samiran Chattopadhyay. 2022 « SmartCon: Deep probabilistic learning based intelligent link-configuration in narrowband-IoT towards 5G and B5G ». IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking vol. 8 , nº 2. p. 1147-1158
- Sadia Khaf, Mohammad T. Alkhodary, Georges Kaddoum. 2022 « Partially cooperative scalable spectrum sensing in cognitive radio networks under SDF attacks ». IEEE Internet of Things Journal vol. 9 , nº 11. p. 8901-8912
- Thanh-Dat Le, Georges Kaddoum. 2022 « Spectrum access allocation in vehicular networks with intermittently interrupted channels ». IEEE Wireless Communications Letters vol. 11 , nº 6. p. 1151-1155
- S. Y. Liang, H. Wu, L. Zhen, Q. Z. Hua, S. Garg, G. Kaddoum, M. M. Hassan, K. P. Yu. 2022 « Edge YOLO: Real-time intelligent object detection system based on edge-cloud cooperation in autonomous vehicles ». IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems vol. 23 , nº 12. p. 25345-25360
- Christian Miranda, Georges Kaddoum, Amine Boukhtouta, Taous Madi, Hyane Assem Alameddine. 2022 « Intrusion prevention scheme against rank attacks for software-defined low power IoT networks ». IEEE Access vol. 10. p. 129970 - 129984
- Rangeet Mitra, Sandesh Jain, Georges Kaddoum, Kwonhue Choi. 2022 « Recursive hyperparameter free criterion learning ». IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs vol. 69 , nº 11. p. 4618-4621
- Rangeet Mitra, Georges Kaddoum. 2022 « Random Fourier Feature-based deep learning for wireless communications ». IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking vol. 8 , nº 2. p. 468-479
- Rangeet Mitra, Georges Kaddoum, Daniel Benevides Da Costa. 2022 « Hyperparameter free MEEF based learning for next generation communication systems ». IEEE Transactions on Communications vol. 70 , nº 3. p. 1682-1696
- Rangeet Mitra, Georges Kaddoum, Gwenael Poitau. 2022 « Analytical guarantees for hyperparameter free RFF based deep learning in the low-data regime ». IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs vol. 69 , nº 2. p. 634-638
- Majid Mobini, Georges Kaddoum, Marijan Herceg. 2022 « Design of a SIMO deep learning-based chaos shift keying (DLCSK) communication system ». Sensors vol. 22 , nº 1
- Vinay Mohan, Aashish Mathur, Georges Kaddoum. 2022 « Analyzing physical-layer security of PLC systems using DCSK: A copula-based approach ». IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society vol. 4. p. 104-117
- Faisal Naeem, Georges Kaddoum, Saud Khan, Komal S. Khan, Adam Nadir. 2022 « IRS-Empowered 6G Networks: Deployment strategies, performance optimization, and future research directions ». IEEE Access vol. 10. p. 118676-118696
- Minh-Thang Nguyen, Georges Kaddoum, Bassant Selim, K. V. Srinivas, Paulo Freitas De Araujo-Filho. 2022 « Deep unfolding network for PAPR reduction in multi-carrier OFDM systems ». IEEE Communications Letters vol. 26 , nº 11. p. 2616-2620
- Ngoc Thi Thu Nguyen, Toan Quang The Bui, Ghyslain Gagnon, Pascal Giard, Georges Kaddoum. 2022 « Designing a pseudo-random bit generator with a novel five-dimensional-hyperchaotic system ». IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics vol. 69 , nº 6. p. 6101-6110
- Thanh Luan Nguyen, Tri Nhu Do, Georges Kaddoum. 2022 « Performance analysis of multi-user NOMA wireless-powered mMTC networks: A stochastic geometry approach ». IEEE Transactions on Communications vol. 70 , nº 11. p. 7400-7417
- Thanh Luan Nguyen, Tri Nhu Do, Georges Kaddoum, Daniel Benevides da Costa, Zygmunt J. Haas. 2022 « Channel characterization for RIS-aided terahertz communications: A stochastic approach ». IEEE Wireless Communications Letters vol. 11 , nº 9. p. 1890-1894
- Ali Pourranjbar, Georges Kaddoum, Keyvan Aghababaiyan. 2022 « Deceiving-based anti-jamming against single-tone and multi-tone reactive jammers ». IEEE Transactions on Communications vol. 70 , nº 9. p. 6133-6148
- Ali Ranjha, Georges Kaddoum. 2022 « URLLC-enabled by laser powered UAV relay: A quasi-optimal design of resource allocation, trajectory planning and energy harvesting ». IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology vol. 71 , nº 1. p. 753-765
- Ali Ranjha, Georges Kaddoum, Kapal Dev. 2022 « Facilitating URLLC in UAV-assisted relay systems with multiple-mobile robots for 6G Networks: A prospective of agriculture 4.0 ». IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics vol. 18 , nº 7. p. 4954-4965
- Ali Ranjha, Georges Kaddoum, Muddasir Rahim, Kapal Dev. 2022 « URLLC in UAV-enabled multicasting systems: A dual time and energy minimization problem using UAV speed, altitude and beamwidth ». Computer Communications vol. 187. p. 125-133
- Geetanjali Rathee, Sahil Garg, Georges Kaddoum, Bong Jun Choi, Mohammad Hassan, Salman A. AlQahtani. 2022 « TrustSys: Trusted decision making scheme for collaborative artificial intelligence of things ». IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics vol. 19 , nº 1. p. 1059-1068
- Imene Romdhane, Georges Kaddoum. 2022 « A reinforcement-learning-based beam adaptation for underwater optical wireless communications ». IEEE Internet of Things Journal vol. 9 , nº 20. p. 20270-20281
- Aman Sikri, Aashish Mathur, Georges Kaddoum. 2022 « Joint impact of phase error, transceiver hardware impairments, and mobile interferers on RIS-aided wireless system over κ-μ fading channels ». IEEE Communications Letters vol. 26 , nº 10. p. 2312-2316
- Aman Sikri, Aashish Mathur, Georges Kaddoum. 2022 « Signal space diversity-based distributed RIS-aided dual-hop mixed RF-FSO systems ». IEEE Communications Letters vol. 26 , nº 5. p. 1066-1070
- José David Vega-Sanchez, Georges Kaddoum, F. Javier Lopez-Martinez. 2022 « Physical layer security of ris-assisted communications under electromagnetic interference ». IEEE Communications Letters vol. 26 , nº 12. p. 2870-2874
- Xiaoding Wang, Sahil Garg, Hui Lin, Jia Hu, Georges Kaddoum, M. Jalil Piran, M. Shamim Hossain. 2022 « Toward accurate anomaly detection in industrial internet-of-things using hierarchical federated learning ». IEEE Internet of Things Journal vol. 9 , nº 10. p. 7110-7119
- Xiaoding Wang, Sahil Garg, Hui Lin, Georges Kaddoum, Jia Hu, M. Shamim Hossain. 2022 « A secure data aggregation strategy in edge computing and blockchain empowered Internet of Things ». IEEE Internet of Things Journal vol. 9 , nº 16. p. 14237-14246
- Xiaoding Wang, Jia Hu, Hui Lin, Sahil Garg, Georges Kaddoum, Md Jalilpiran, M. Shamim Hossain. 2022 « QoS and privacy-aware routing for 5G-enabled industrial internet of things: A federated reinforcement learning approach ». IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics vol. 18 , nº 6. p. 4189-4197
- Imtiaz Ahmed, Md Sahabul Alam, Md Jahangir Hossain, Georges Kaddoum. 2021 « Deep learning for MMSE estimation of a gaussian source in the presence of bursty impulsive noise ». IEEE Communications Letters vol. 25 , nº 4. p. 1211-1215
- Md Sahabul Alam, Bassant Selim, Imtiaz Ahmed, Georges Kaddoum, Halim Yanikomeroglu. 2021 « Bursty impulsive noise mitigation in NOMA: A MAP receiver-based approach ». IEEE Communications Letters vol. 25 , nº 9. p. 2790-2794
- Shadab Alam, Mohammed Shuaib, Wazir Zada Khan, Sahil Garg, Georges Kaddoum, M. Shamim Hossain, Yousaf Bin Zikria. 2021 « Blockchain-based Initiatives: Current state and challenges ». Computer Networks vol. 198
- Jungyeon Baek, Georges Kaddoum. 2021 « Heterogeneous task offloading and resource allocations via deep recurrent reinforcement learning in partial observable multifog networks ». IEEE Internet of Things Journal vol. 8 , nº 2. p. 1041-1056
- Gaurang Bansal, Vinay Chamola, Georges Kaddoum, Md Jalil Piran, Mubarak Alrashoud. 2021 « Next generation stock exchange: Recurrent neural learning model for distributed ledger transactions ». Computer Networks vol. 193
- Haotong Cao, Gagangeet Singh Aujla, Sahil Garg, Georges Kaddoum, Longxiang Yang. 2021 « Embedding security awareness for virtual resource allocation in 5G HetNets using reinforcement learning ». IEEE Communications Standards Magazine vol. 5 , nº 2. p. 20-27
- Paulo Freitas de Araujo-Filho, Georges Kaddoum, Divanilson R. Campelo, Aline Gondim Santos, David Macêdo, Cleber Zanchettin. 2021 « Intrusion detection for cyber-physical systems using generative adversarial networks in fog environment ». IEEE Internet of Things Journal vol. 8 , nº 8. p. 6247-6256
- Tri Nhu Do, Georges Kaddoum, Thanh Luan Nguyen, Daniel Benevides Da Costa, Zygmunt J. Haas. 2021 « Multi-RIS-aided wireless systems: Statistical characterization and performance analysis ». IEEE Transactions on Communications vol. 69 , nº 12. p. 8641-8658
- Ibrahim Elleuch, Ali Pourranjbar, Georges Kaddoum. 2021 « A novel distributed multi-agent reinforcement learning algorithm against jamming attacks ». IEEE Communications Letters vol. 25 , nº 10. p. 3204-3208
- P. Freitas De Araujo-Filho, A. J. Pinheiro, G. Kaddoum, D. R. Campelo, F. L. Soares. 2021 « An efficient intrusion prevention system for CAN: Hindering cyber-attacks with a low-cost platform ». IEEE Access vol. 9. p. 166855-166869
- Sahil Garg, Kuljeet Kaur, Georges Kaddoum, Prasad Garigipati, Gagangeet Singh Aujla. 2021 « Security in IoT-driven mobile edge computing: new paradigms, challenges, and opportunities ». IEEE Network vol. 35 , nº 5. p. 298-305
- Sahil Garg, Kuljeet Kaur, Georges Kaddoum, Song Guo. 2021 « SDN-NFV-Aided edge-cloud interplay for 5G-Envisioned energy internet ecosystem ». IEEE Network vol. 35 , nº 1. p. 356-364
- Vu Nguyen Ha, Georges Kaddoum, Gwenael Poitau. 2021 « Joint radio resource management and link adaptation for multicasting 802.11ax-based WLAN Systems ». IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications vol. 20 , nº 9. p. 6122-6138
- Kuljeet Kaur, Sahil Garg, Georges Kaddoum, Neeraj Kumar. 2021 « Energy and SLA-driven MapReduce job scheduling framework for cloud-based cyber-physical systems ». ACM Transactions on Internet Technology vol. 21 , nº 2
- Kuljeet Kaur, Georges Kaddoum, Sherali Zeadally. 2021 « Blockchain-based cyber-physical security for electrical vehicle aided smart grid ecosystem ». IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems vol. 22 , nº 8. p. 5178-5189
- Long Kong, Yun Ai, Lei Lei, Georges Kaddoum, Symeon Chatzinotas, Bjorn Ottersten. 2021 « An overview of generic tools for information-theoretic secrecy performance analysis over wiretap fading channels ». EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking vol. 2021
- Dat Thanh Le, Georges Kaddoum. 2021 « LSTM-based channel access scheme for vehicles in cognitive vehicular networks with multi-agent settings ». IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology vol. 70 , nº 9. p. 9132-9143
- Thanh-Dat Le, Georges Kaddoum, Ha Vu Tran, Chadi Abou-Rjeily. 2021 « Evolution strategies for lightwave power transfer networks ». IEEE Wireless Communications Letters vol. 10 , nº 11. p. 2572-2576
- Hui Lin, Sahil Garg, Jia Hu, Georges Kaddoum, Min Peng, M. Shamim Hossain. 2021 « A blockchain-based secure data aggregation strategy using sixth generation enabled Network-in-Box for industrial applications ». IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics vol. 17 , nº 10. p. 7204-7212
- Hui Lin, Sahil Garg, Jia Hu, Georges Kaddoum, Min Peng, M. Shamim Hossain. 2021 « Blockchain and deep reinforcement learning empowered spatial crowdsourcing in software-defined Internet of Vehicles ». IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems vol. 22 , nº 6. p. 3755-3764
- Tianle Mai, Sahil Garg, Haipeng Yao, Jiangtian Nie, Georges Kaddoum, Zehui Xiong. 2021 « In-network intelligence control: Toward a self-driving networking architecture ». IEEE Network vol. 35 , nº 2. p. 53-59
- Christian Miranda, Georges Kaddoum, Jung-yeon Baek, Bassant Selim. 2021 « Task allocation framework for software-defined fog v-RAN ». IEEE Internet of Things Journal vol. 8 , nº 18. p. 14187-14201
- Rangeet Mitra, Georges Kaddoum, Vimal Bhatia. 2021 « Hyperparameter-free transmit-nonlinearity mitigation using a kernel-width sampling technique ». IEEE Transactions on Communications vol. 69 , nº 4. p. 2613-2627
- Rangeet Mitra, Georges Kaddoum, Ghassan Dahman, Gwenael Poitau. 2021 « Error analysis of localization based on minimum-error entropy with fiducial points ». IEEE Communications Letters vol. 25 , nº 4. p. 1187-1191
- Rangeet Mitra, Georges Kaddoum, Ghassan Dahman, Gwenael Poitau. 2021 « Hyperparameter free MEE-FP based localization ». IEEE Signal Processing Letters vol. 28. p. 1938-1942
- Rangeet Mitra, Georges Kaddoum, Ghassan Dahman, Gwenael Poitau. 2021 « Performance analysis of information theoretic learning-based cooperative localization ». IEEE Communications Letters vol. 25 , nº 7. p. 2196-2200
- Rangeet Mitra, Sanjeev Sharma, Georges Kaddoum, Vimal Bhatia. 2021 « Color-Domain SCMA NOMA for visible light communication ». IEEE Communications Letters vol. 25 , nº 1. p. 200-204
- Ali Pourranjbar, Georges Kaddoum, Aidin Ferdowsi, Walid Saad. 2021 « Reinforcement learning for deceiving reactive jammers in wireless networks ». IEEE Transactions on Communications vol. 69 , nº 6. p. 3682-3697
- Ali Ranjha, Georges Kaddoum. 2021 « Quasi-optimization of uplink power for enabling green URLLC in mobile uav-assisted iot networks: a perturbation-based approach ». IEEE Internet of Things Journal vol. 8 , nº 3. p. 1674-1686
- Ali Ranjha, Georges Kaddoum. 2021 « URLLC facilitated by mobile UAV relay and RIS: a joint design of passive beamforming, blocklength and UAV positioning ». IEEE Internet of Things Journal vol. 8 , nº 6. p. 4618-4627
- Geetanjali Rathee, Sahil Garg, Georges Kaddoum, Bong Jun Choi. 2021 « Decision-making model for securing IoT Devices in smart industries ». IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics vol. 17 , nº 6. p. 4270-4278
- Geetanjali Rathee, Sahil Garg, Georges Kaddoum, Dushantha Nalin K. Jayakody. 2021 « An IoT-Based secure vaccine distribution system through a blockchain network ». IEEE Internet of Things Magazine vol. 4 , nº 2. p. 10-15
- Geetanjali Rathee, Sahil Garg, Georges Kaddoum, Dushantha Nalin K. Jayakody, Jalil Piran, Ghulam Muhammad. 2021 « A trusted social network using hypothetical mathematical model and decision-based scheme ». IEEE Access vol. 9. p. 4223-4232
- Geetanjali Rathee, Sahil Garg, Georges Kaddoum, Yulei Wu, Dushantha Nalin K. Jayakody, Atif Alamri. 2021 « ANN assisted-IoT enabled COVID-19 patient monitoring ». IEEE Access vol. 9. p. 42483-42492
- A. B. Saleem, S. A. Hassan, H. Jung, S. Garg, G. Kaddoum, M. Guizani. 2021 « Full-duplex quadrature spatial modulation for multi-antenna systems ». IEEE Network vol. 35 , nº 5. p. 226-233
- Elie Sfeir, Rangeet Mitra, Georges Kaddoum, Vimal Bhatia. 2021 « Comparative analytical study of SCMA detection methods for PA nonlinearity mitigation ». Sensors vol. 21 , nº 24
- Elie Sfeir, Rangeet Mitra, Georges Kaddoum, Vimal Bhatia. 2021 « Performance analysis of maximum-correntropy based detection for SCMA ». IEEE Communications Letters vol. 25 , nº 4. p. 1114-1118
- Aman Sikri, Aashish Mathur, Manav Bhatnagar, Georges Kaddoum, Prakriti Saxena, Jamel Nebhen. 2021 « Artificial noise injection-based secrecy improvement for FSO systems ». IEEE Photonics Journal vol. 13 , nº 2
- Aman Sikri, Aashish Mathur, Prakriti Saxena, Manav R. Bhatnagar, Georges Kaddoum. 2021 « Reconfigurable intelligent surface for mixed FSO-RF systems with co-channel interference ». IEEE Communications Letters vol. 25 , nº 5. p. 1605-1609
- Xiaoding Wang, Sahil Garg, Hui Lin, Georges Kaddoum, Jia Hu, Mohammed F. Alhamid. 2021 « An intelligent UAV based data aggregation algorithm for 5G-enabled internet of things ». Computer Networks vol. 185
- Xiaoding Wang, Sahil Garg, Hui Lin, Georges Kaddoum, Jia Hu, M. Shamim Hossain. 2021 « PPCS: An intelligent privacy-preserving mobile edge crowdsensing strategy for Industrial IoT ». IEEE Internet of Things Journal vol. 8 , nº 13. p. 10288-10298
- Adam Zielonka, Marcin Wozniak, Sahil Garg, Georges Kaddoum, Jalil Md. Piran, Ghulam Muhammad. 2021 « Smart homes: How much will they support us? A research on recent trends and advances ». IEEE Access vol. 9. p. 26388-26419
- Chadi Abou-Rjeily, Georges Kaddoum. 2020 « Free space optical cooperative communications via an energy harvesting harvest-store-use relay ». IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications vol. 19 , nº 10. p. 6564-6577
- Md Sahabul Alam, Bassant Selim, Georges Kaddoum, Basile L. Agba. 2020 « Mitigation techniques for impulsive noise with memory modeled by a two state markov-gaussian process ». IEEE Systems Journal vol. 14 , nº 3. p. 4079-4088
- Huu-Phuc Dang, Minh-Sang Van Nguyen, Dinh-Thuan Do, Hong-Lien Pham, Bassant Selim, Georges Kaddoum. 2020 « Joint relay selection, full-duplex and device-to-device transmission in wireless powered NOMA networks ». IEEE Access vol. 8. p. 82442-82460
- Mohamed Dawa, Georges Kaddoum, Marijan Herceg. 2020 « A framework for the lower bound on the BER of DCSK systems over multi-path Nakagami-m fading channels ». IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs vol. 67 , nº 10. p. 1859-1863
- Francisco J. Escribano, Alexandre Wagemakers, Georges Kaddoum, Joao V. C. Evangelista. 2020 « A spatial time-frequency hopping index modulated scheme in turbulence-free optical wireless communication channels ». IEEE Transactions on Communications vol. 68 , nº 7. p. 4437-4450
- Khaled Eshteiwi, Georges Kaddoum, M. S. Alam. 2020 « Ergodic capacity analysis of full duplex relaying in the presence of Co-channel interference in V2V communications ». Sensors vol. 20 , nº 1
- Khaled Eshteiwi, Georges Kaddoum, Bassant Selim, François Gagnon. 2020 « Impact of co-channel interference and vehicles as obstacles on full-duplex V2V cooperative wireless network ». IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology vol. 69 , nº 7. p. 7503-7517
- Sahil Garg, Kuljeet Kaur, Shalini Batra, Georges Kaddoum, Neeraj Kumar, Azzedine Boukerche. 2020 « A multi-stage anomaly detection scheme for augmenting the security in IoT-enabled applications ». Future Generation Computer Systems vol. 104. p. 105-118
- Sahil Garg, Kuljeet Kaur, Georges Kaddoum, Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo. 2020 « Toward secure and provable authentication for Internet of Things: Realizing Industry 4.0 ». IEEE Internet of Things Journal vol. 7 , nº 5. p. 4598-4606
- Sahil Garg, Kuljeet Kaur, Georges Kaddoum, Joel J. P. C. Rodrigues, Mohsen Guizani. 2020 « Secure and lightweight authentication scheme for smart metering infrastructure in smart grid ». IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics vol. 16 , nº 5. p. 3548-3557
- Vikas Hassija, Vinay Chamola, Sahil Garg, Dara Nanda Gopala Krishna, Georges Kaddoum, Dushantha Nalin K. Jayakody. 2020 « A blockchain-based framework for lightweight data sharing and energy trading in V2G network ». IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology vol. 69 , nº 6. p. 5799-5812
- Tran Ha-Vu, Georges Kaddoum, Hany Elgala, Chadi Abou-Rjeily, Hemani Kaushal. 2020 « Lightwave power transfer for federated learning-based wireless networks ». IEEE Communications Letters vol. 24 , nº 7. p. 1472-1476
- Kuljeet Kaur, Sahil Garg, Georges Kaddoum, Syed Hassan Ahmed, Mohammed Atiquzzaman. 2020 « KEIDS: Kubernetes-based Energy and Interference Driven Scheduler for industrial IoT in edge-cloud ecosystem ». IEEE Internet of Things Journal vol. 7 , nº 5. p. 4228-4237
- Kuljeet Kaur, Sahil Garg, Georges Kaddoum, Elias Bou-Harb, Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo. 2020 « A big data-enabled consolidated framework for energy efficient software defined data centers in IoT setups ». IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics vol. 16 , nº 4. p. 2687-2697
- Thanh-Dat Le, Georges Kaddoum. 2020 « A distributed channel access scheme for vehicles in multi-agent V2I systems ». IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking vol. 6 , nº 4. p. 1297-1307
- Georges Matar, Jean-Marc Lina, Georges Kaddoum. 2020 « Artificial neural network for in-bed posture classification using bed-sheet pressure sensors ». IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics vol. 24 , nº 1. p. 101-110
- Byron P. Maza, Ghassan Dahman, Georges Kaddoum, Francois Gagnon. 2020 « Average vector-symbol error rate closed-form expression for ML group detection receivers in large MU-MIMO channels with transmit correlation ». IEEE Access vol. 8. p. 45653-45663
- Christian Miranda, Georges Kaddoum, Elias Bou-Harb, Sahil Garg, Kuljeet Kaur. 2020 « A collaborative security framework for software-defined wireless sensor networks ». IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security vol. 15. p. 2602-2615
- Majid Mobini, Georges Kaddoum. 2020 « Deep chaos synchronization ». IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society vol. 1. p. 1571-1582
- Ngoc Nguyen, Georges Kaddoum, Fabio Pareschi, Riccardo Rovatti, Gianluca Setti. 2020 « A fully CMOS true random number generator based on hidden attractor hyperchaotic system ». Nonlinear Dynamics vol. 102. p. 2887–2904
- Ngoc Nguyen, Loan Pham-Nguyen, Minh B. Nguyen, Georges Kaddoum. 2020 « A low power circuit design for chaos-key based data encryption ». IEEE Access vol. 8. p. 104432-104444
- Ali Pourranjbar, Mohammadamin Baniasadi, Aliazam Abbasfar, Georges Kaddoum. 2020 « A novel distributed algorithm for phase synchronization in unmanned aerial vehicles ». IEEE Communications Letters vol. 24 , nº 10. p. 2260-2264
- Ali Ranjha, Georges Kaddoum. 2020 « Quasi-optimization of distance and blocklength in URLLC aided multi-hop UAV relay links ». IEEE Wireless Communications Letters vol. 9 , nº 3. p. 306-310
- Geetanjali Rathee, Sahil Garg, Georges Kaddoum, Choi Bong Jun, M. Shamim Hossain. 2020 « Trusted computation using ABM and PBM decision models for ITS ». IEEE Access vol. 8. p. 195788-195798
- Geetanjali Rathee, Sahil Garg, Georges Kaddoum, Bong Jun Choi, M. Shamim Hossain. 2020 « Trusted orchestration for smart decision-making in internet of vehicles ». IEEE Access vol. 8. p. 157427-157436
- Zeeshan Sattar, Joao V. C. Evangelista, Georges Kaddoum, Naïm Batani. 2020 « Antenna Array Gain and Capacity improvements of Ultra-Wideband Millimeter Wave Systems using a Novel Analog Architecture Design ». IEEE Wireless Communications Letters vol. 9 , nº 3. p. 289-293
- Zeeshan Sattar, Joao Victor De Carvalho Evangelista, Georges Kaddoum, Naïm Batani. 2020 « Full-duplex two-tier heterogeneous network with decoupled access: Cell association, coverage, and spectral efficiency analysis ». IEEE Access vol. 8. p. 172982-172995
- Bassant Selim, Md Sahabul Alam, Joao V. C. Evangelista, Georges Kaddoum, Basile L. Agba. 2020 « NOMA-based IoT networks: impulsive noise effects and mitigation ». IEEE Communications Magazine vol. 58 , nº 11. p. 69-75
- Bassant Selim, Md Sahabul Alam, Georges Kaddoum, Basile L. Agba. 2020 « Effect of impulsive noise on uplink NOMA systems ». IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology vol. 69 , nº 3. p. 3454-3458
- Elie Sfeir, Rangeet Mitra, Georges Kaddoum, Vimal Bhatia. 2020 « RFF based detection for SCMA in presence of PA nonlinearity ». IEEE Communications Letters vol. 24 , nº 11. p. 2604-2608
- Amritpal Singh, Gagangeet Singh Aujla, Sahil Garg, Georges Kaddoum, Gurpreet Singh. 2020 « Deep learning-based SDN model for Internet of Things: An incremental tensor train approach ». IEEE Internet of Things Journal vol. 7 , nº 7. p. 6302-6311
- Duc-Dung Tran, Ha-Vu Tran, Dac-Binh Ha, Georges Kaddoum. 2020 « Secure transmit antenna selection protocol for MIMO NOMA networks over nakagami-m channels ». IEEE Systems Journal vol. 14 , nº 1. p. 253-264
- Ha-Vu Tran, Georges Kaddoum, Chadi Abou-Rjeily. 2020 « Collaborative RF and lightwave power transfer for next-generation wireless networks ». IEEE Communications Magazine vol. 58 , nº 2. p. 27-33
- Chadi Abou-Rjeily, Georges Kaddoum. 2019 « Optical spatial modulation for FSO IM/DD communications with photon-counting receivers: performance analysis, transmit diversity order and aperture selection ». IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications vol. 37 , nº 9. p. 2053-2068
- Chadi Abou-Rjeily, Georges Kaddoum, George Karagiannidis Karagiannidis. 2019 « Ground-to-air FSO communications: When high data rate communication meets efficient energy harvesting with simple designs ». Optics Express vol. 27 , nº 23. p. 34079-34092
- Md Sahabul Alam, Georges Kaddoum, Basile L. Agba. 2019 « A novel relay selection strategy of cooperative network impaired by bursty impulsive noise ». IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology vol. 68 , nº 7. p. 6622-6635
- Michael Atallah, Md. Sahabul Alam, Georges Kaddoum. 2019 « Secrecy analysis of wireless sensor network in smart grid with destination assisted jamming ». IET Communications vol. 13 , nº 12. p. 1748-1752
- Michael Atallah, Georges Kaddoum. 2019 « Design and performance analysis of secure multicasting cooperative protocol for wireless sensor network applications ». IEEE Wireless Communications Letters vol. 8 , nº 5. p. 1468-1472
- Michael Atallah, Georges Kaddoum. 2019 « Secrecy analysis in wireless network with passive eavesdroppers by using partial cooperation ». IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology vol. 68 , nº 7. p. 7225-7230
- Minh Au, Georges Kaddoum, Md Sahabul Alam, Ertugrul Basar, Francois Gagnon. 2019 « Joint code-frequency index modulation for IoT and multi-user communications ». IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Signal Processing vol. 13 , nº 6. p. 1223-1236
- Romain Delhaye, Rita Noumeir, Georges Kaddoum, Philippe Jouvet. 2019 « Compression of patient's video for transmission over low bandwidth network ». IEEE Access vol. 7. p. 24029-24040
- Francisco J. Escribano, Alexandre Wagemakers, Georges Kaddoum, Joao V. C. Evangelista. 2019 « Design and performance analysis of an index time frequency modulation scheme for optical communications ». IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Signal Processing vol. 13 , nº 6. p. 1403-1416
- Khaled Eshteiwi, Georges Kaddoum, Kais Ben Fredj, Ebrahim Soujeri, François Gagnon. 2019 « Performance analysis of full-duplex vehicle relay-based selection in dense multi-lane highways ». IEEE Access vol. 7. p. 61581-61595
- Joao V. C. Evangelista, Zeeshan Sattar, Georges Kaddoum, Anas Chaaban. 2019 « Fairness and Sum-Rate Maximization via Joint Subcarrier and Power Allocation in Uplink SCMA Transmission ». IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications vol. 18 , nº 12. p. 5855-5867
- Sahil Garg, Kuljeet Kaur, Syed Hassan Ahmed, Abbas Bradai, Georges Kaddoum, Mohammed Atiquzzaman. 2019 « MobQoS: Mobility-Aware and QoS-Driven SDN Framework for Autonomous Vehicles ». IEEE Wireless Communications vol. 26 , nº 4. p. 12-20
- Sahil Garg, Kuljeet Kaur, Georges Kaddoum, Syed Hassan Ahmed, Dushantha Nalin K. Jayakody. 2019 « SDN-based secure and privacy-preserving scheme for vehicular networks: a 5G perspective ». IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology vol. 68 , nº 9. p. 8421-8434
- Sahil Garg, Kuljeet Kaur, Neeraj Kumar, Georges Kaddoum, Albert Y. Zomaya, Rajiv Ranjan. 2019 « A hybrid deep learning based model for anomaly detection in cloud datacenter networks ». IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management vol. 16 , nº 3. p. 924-935
- Tilahun M. Getu, Wessam Ajib, René Jr. Landry, Georges Kaddoum. 2019 « Toward overcoming a hidden terminal problem arising in MIMO cognitive radio networks: a tensor-based spectrum sensing algorithm ». IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology vol. 68 , nº 10. p. 9833-9847
- Marijan Herceg, Luka Filipovic, Tomislav Matic, Georges Kaddoum. 2019 « Inductance index modulation for human body communication systems ». IEEE Wireless Communications Letters vol. 8 , nº 3. p. 937-940
- Furqan Jameel, Shurjeel Wyne, Georges Kaddoum, Trung Q. Duong. 2019 « A comprehensive survey on cooperative relaying and jamming strategies for physical layer security ». IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials vol. 21 , nº 3. p. 2734-2771
- Kuljeet Kaur, Sahil Garg, Georges Kaddoum, Syed Hassan Ahmed, François Gagnon, Mohammed Atiquzzaman. 2019 « Demand-response management using a fleet of electric vehicles: an opportunistic-SDN-based edge-cloud framework for smart grids ». IEEE Network vol. 33 , nº 5. p. 46-53
- Kuljeet Kaur, Sahil Garg, Georges Kaddoum, Neeraj Kumar, François Gagnon. 2019 « SDN-based internet of autonomous vehicles: An energy-efficient approach for controller placement ». IEEE Wireless Communications vol. 26 , nº 6. p. 72-79
- Long Kong, Georges Kaddoum. 2019 « Secrecy characteristics with assistance of mixture gamma distribution ». IEEE Wireless Communications Letters vol. 8 , nº 4. p. 1086-1089
- Long Kong, Georges Kaddoum, Hatim Chergui. 2019 « On physical layer security over fox's H-function wiretap fading channels ». IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology vol. 68 , nº 7. p. 6608-6621
- Aashish Mathur, Yun Ai, Michael Cheffena, Georges Kaddoum. 2019 « Secrecy performance of correlated α -μ fading channels ». IEEE Communications Letters vol. 23 , nº 8. p. 1323-1327
- Nataliia Neshenko, Elias Bou-Harb, Jorge Crichigno, Georges Kaddoum, Nasir Ghani. 2019 « Demystifying IoT security: an exhaustive survey on IoT vulnerabilities and a first empirical look on internet-scale IoT exploitations ». IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials vol. 21 , nº 3. p. 2702-2733
- Truong Xuan Quach, Hung Tran, Elisabeth Uhlemann, Georges Kaddoum, Quang Anh Tran. 2019 « Power allocation policy and performance analysis of secure and reliable communication in cognitive radio networks ». Wireless Networks vol. 25 , nº 4. p. 1477-1489
- Zeeshan Sattar, Joao V. C. Evangelista, Georges Kaddoum, Naïm Batani. 2019 « Spectral efficiency analysis of the decoupled access for downlink and uplink in two-tier network ». IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology vol. 68 , nº 5. p. 4871-4883
- Ha-Vu Tran, Georges Kaddoum. 2019 « Robust design of AC computing-enabled receiver architecture for SWIPT networks ». IEEE Wireless Communications Letters vol. 8 , nº 3. p. 801-804
- Ha-Vu Tran, Georges Kaddoum, Panagiotis D. Diamantoulakis, Chadi Abou-Rjeily, George K. Karagiannidis. 2019 « Ultra-small cell networks with collaborative RF and lightwave power transfer ». IEEE Transactions on Communications vol. 67 , nº 9. p. 6243-6255
- Md Sahabul Alam, Georges Kaddoum, Basile L. Agba. 2018 « Bayesian MMSE estimation of a gaussian source in the presence of bursty impulsive noise ». IEEE Communications Letters vol. 22 , nº 9. p. 1846-1849
- Md Sahabul Alam, Georges Kaddoum, Basile L. Agba. 2018 « Performance analysis of distributed wireless sensor networks for gaussian source estimation in the presence of impulsive noise ». IEEE Signal Processing Letters vol. 25 , nº 6. p. 803-807
- Mohamed Dawa, Georges Kaddoum, Zeeshan Sattar. 2018 « A generalized lower bound on the Bit-Error-Rate of DCSK Systems over multi-path rayleigh fading channels ». IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs vol. 65 , nº 3. p. 321-325
- Marijan Herceg, Georges Kaddoum, Denis Vranjes, Ebrahim Soujeri. 2018 « Permutation Index DCSK modulation technique for secure multi-user high-data-rate communication systems ». IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology vol. 67 , nº 4. p. 2997-3011
- Marijan Herceg, Denis Vranješ, Georges Kaddoum, Ebrahim Soujeri. 2018 « Commutation Code Index DCSK modulation technique for high-data-rate communication systems ». IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs vol. 65 , nº 12. p. 1954-1958
- Furqan Jameel, Shurjeel Wyne, Dushantaha Nalin K. Jayakody, Georges Kaddoum, Richard O'Kennedy. 2018 « Wireless social networks: A survey of recent advances, applications and challenges ». IEEE Access vol. 6. p. 59589-59617
- Long Kong, Georges Kaddoum. 2018 « On physical layer security over the fisher-snedecor f wiretap fading channels ». IEEE Access vol. 6. p. 39466-39472
- Long Kong, Georges Kaddoum, Daniel Benevides da Costa. 2018 « Cascaded α-μ : Fading channels: Reliability and security analysis ». IEEE Access vol. 6. p. 41978-41992
- Long Kong, Georges Kaddoum, Zouheir Rezki. 2018 « Highly accurate and asymptotic analysis on the SOP over SIMO α-μ fading channels ». IEEE Communications Letters vol. 22 , nº 10. p. 2088-2091
- Long Kong, Satyanarayana Vuppala, Georges Kaddoum. 2018 « Secrecy analysis of random MIMO wireless networks over α-μ fading channels ». IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology vol. 67 , nº 12. p. 11654-11666
- Thanh-Dat Le, Georges Kaddoum, Oh-Soon Shin. 2018 « Joint channel resources allocation and beamforming in energy harvesting systems ». IEEE Wireless Communications Letters vol. 7 , nº 5. p. 884-887
- Georges Matar, Jean-Marc Lina, Julie Carrier, Georges Kaddoum. 2018 « Unobtrusive sleep monitoring using cardiac, breathing and movements activities: an exhaustive review ». IEEE Access vol. 6. p. 45129-45152
- E. Soujeri, G. Kaddoum, M. Herceg. 2018 « Design of an initial condition-index chaos shift keying modulation ». Electronics Letters vol. 54 , nº 7. p. 447-449
- Navid Tadayon, Georges Kaddoum. 2018 « Packet-level modeling of cooperative diversity: A queueing network approach ». IEEE Access vol. 6. p. 35223-35242
- Yohannes Jote Tolossa, Satyanarayana Vuppala, Georges Kaddoum, Giuseppe Abreu. 2018 « On the uplink secrecy capacity analysis in D2D-enabled cellular network ». IEEE Systems Journal vol. 12 , nº 3. p. 2297-2307
- Ha Vu Tran, Georges Kaddoum, Kien Trung Truong. 2018 « Resource allocation in SWIPT networks under a nonlinear energy harvesting model: Power efficiency, user fairness, and channel nonreciprocity ». IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology vol. 67 , nº 9. p. 8466-8480
- Ha-Vu Tran, Georges Kaddoum. 2018 « RF wireless power transfer: Regreening future networks ». IEEE Potentials vol. 37 , nº 2. p. 35-41
- Satyanarayana Vuppala, Yohannes Jote Tolossa, Georges Kaddoum, Giuseppe Abreu. 2018 « On the physical layer security analysis of hybrid millimeter wave networks ». IEEE Transactions on Communications vol. 66 , nº 3. p. 1139-1152
- Wei Hu, Lin Wang, Georges Kaddoum. 2017 « Design and performance analysis of a differentially spatial modulated chaos shift keying modulation system ». IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs vol. 64 , nº 11. p. 1302-1306
- Hung Iran, Georges Kaddoum, François Gagnon, Louis Sibomana. 2017 « Cognitive radio network with secrecy and interference constraints ». Physical Communication vol. 22. p. 32-41
- Georges Kaddoum, Navid Tadayon. 2017 « Differential chaos shift keying: A robust modulation scheme for power-line communications ». IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs vol. 64 , nº 1. p. 31-35
- Georges Kaddoum, Ha-Vu Tran, Long Kong, Micheal Atallah. 2017 « Design of simultaneous wireless information and power transfer scheme for short reference DCSK communication systems ». IEEE Transactions on Communications vol. 65 , nº 1. p. 431-443
- Hemani Kaushal, Georges Kaddoum. 2017 « Applications of lasers for tactical military operations ». IEEE Access vol. 5. p. 20736-20753
- Hemani Kaushal, Georges Kaddoum. 2017 « Optical communication in space: Challenges and mitigation techniques ». IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials vol. 19 , nº 1. p. 57-96
- Hemani Kaushal, Georges Kaddoum, ViranderKumar Jain, Subrat Kar. 2017 « Experimental investigation of optimum beam size for FSO uplink ». Optics Communications vol. 400. p. 106-114
- Ebrahim Soujeri, Georges Kaddoum, Minh Au, Marijan Herceg. 2017 « Frequency index modulation for low complexity low energy communication networks ». IEEE Access vol. 5. p. 23276-23287
- Ha-Vu Tran, Georges Kaddoum, Hung Tran, Een Kee Hong. 2017 « Downlink power optimization for heterogeneous networks with time reversal-based transmission under backhaul limitation ». IEEE Access vol. 5. p. 755-770
- Md Sahabul Alam, Fabrice Labeau, Georges Kaddoum. 2016 « Performance analysis of DF cooperative relaying over bursty impulsive noise channel ». IEEE Transactions on Communications vol. 64 , nº 7. p. 2848-2859
- Yahia Alghorani, Georges Kaddoum, Sami Muhaidat, Samuel Pierre, Naofal Al-Dhahir. 2016 « On the performance of multihop-intervehicular communications systems over n*Rayleigh fading channels ». IEEE Wireless Communications Letters vol. 5 , nº 2. p. 116-119
- Michael Atallah, Georges Kaddoum. 2016 « Secrecy capacity scaling with untrustworthy aggressive relays cooperating with a wire-tapper ». IEEE Wireless Communications Letters vol. 5 , nº 4. p. 376-379
- Francisco J. Escribano, Georges Kaddoum, Alexandre Wagemakers, Pascal Giard. 2016 « Design of a new differential chaos-shift-keying system for continuous mobility ». IEEE Transactions on Communications vol. 64 , nº 5. p. 2066-2078
- Georges Kaddoum. 2016 « Design and performance analysis of a multiuser OFDM based differential chaos shift keying communication system ». IEEE Transactions on Communications vol. 64 , nº 1. p. 249-260
- Georges Kaddoum. 2016 « Wireless chaos-based communication systems: A comprehensive survey ». IEEE Access vol. 4. p. 2621-2648
- Georges Kaddoum, Yogesh Nijsure, Hung Tran. 2016 « Generalized code index modulation technique for high data rate communication systems ». IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology vol. 65 , nº 9. p. 7000-7009
- Georges Kaddoum, Ebrahim Soujeri. 2016 « NR-DCSK: A noise reduction differential chaos shift keying system ». IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs vol. 63 , nº 7. p. 648-652
- Georges Kaddoum, Ebrahim Soujeri, Yogesh Nijsure. 2016 « Design of a short reference noncoherent chaos-based communication systems ». IEEE Transactions on Communications vol. 64 , nº 2. p. 680-689
- Hemani Kaushal, Georges Kaddoum. 2016 « Underwater optical wireless communication ». IEEE Access vol. 4. p. 1518-1547
- Moez Ben Kilani, Yogesh Nijsure, Ghyslain Gagnon, Georges Kaddoum, François Gagnon. 2016 « Cognitive waveform and receiver selection mechanism for multistatic radar ». IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation vol. 10 , nº 2. p. 417-425
- Long Kong, Hung Tran, Georges Kaddoum. 2016 « Performance analysis of physical layer security over α–μ fading channel ». Electronics Letters vol. 52 , nº 1. p. 45-47
- Rajarshi Mahapatra, Yogesh Nijsure, Georges Kaddoum, Naveed Ul Hassan, Yuen Chau. 2016 « Energy efficiency tradeoff mechanism towards wireless green communication: a survey ». IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials vol. 18 , nº 1. p. 686-705
- Silvere Mavoungou, Georges Kaddoum, Mostafa Taha, Georges Matar. 2016 « Survey on threats and attacks on mobile networks ». IEEE Access vol. 4. p. 4543-4572
- Yogesh Anil Nijsure, Georges Kaddoum, Nazih Khaddaj Mallat, Ghyslain Gagnon, François Gagnon. 2016 « Cognitive chaotic UWB-MIMO detect-avoid radar for autonomous UAV navigation ». IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems vol. 17 , nº 11. p. 3121-3131
- Yogesh Nijsure, Georges Kaddoum, Ghyslain Gagnon, François Gagnon, Chau Yuen, Rajarshi Mahapatra. 2016 « Adaptive air-to-ground secure communication system based on ADS-B and wide area multilateration ». IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology vol. 65 , nº 5. p. 3150-3165
- Ebrahim Soujeri, Georges Kaddoum. 2016 « The impact of antenna switching time on spatial modulation ». IEEE Wireless Communications Letters vol. 5 , nº 3. p. 256-259
- Navid Tadayon, Georges Kaddoum, Rita Noumeir. 2016 « Inflight broadband connectivity using cellular networks ». IEEE Access vol. 4. p. 1595-1606
- Ashraf Tahat, Georges Kaddoum, Siamak Yousefi, Shahrokh Valaee, Francois Gagnon. 2016 « A look at the recent wireless positioning techniques with a focus on algorithms for moving receivers ». IEEE Access vol. 4. p. 6652-6680
- Hung Tran, Georges Kaddoum, François Gagnon. 2016 « Power allocation for cognitive underlay networks with spectrum band selection ». Physical Communication vol. 21. p. 41-48
- Yahia Alghorani, Georges Kaddoum, Sami Muhaidat, Samuel Pierre. 2015 « On the approximate analysis of energy detection over n* Rayleigh fading channels through cooperative spectrum sensing ». IEEE Wireless Communications Letters vol. 4 , nº 4. p. 413-416
- Georges Kaddoum, Mohammed F. A. Ahmed, Yogesh Nijsure. 2015 « Code index modulation: a high data rate and energy efficient communication system ». IEEE Communications Letters vol. 19 , nº 2. p. 175-178
- Georges Kaddoum, Farhad Shokraneh. 2015 « Analog network coding for multi-user multi-carrier differential chaos shift keying communication system ». IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications vol. 14 , nº 3. p. 1492-1505
- Georges Kaddoum, Ebrahim Soujeri, Carlos Arcila, Khaled Eshteiwi. 2015 « I-DCSK: An improved noncoherent communication system architecture ». IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs vol. 62 , nº 9. p. 901-905
- Yogesh Nijsure, Georges Kaddoum, Henry Leung. 2015 « Cognitive chaotic UWB-MIMO radar based on nonparametric Bayesian technique ». IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems vol. 51 , nº 3. p. 2360-2378
- Georges Kaddoum, François Gagnon. 2014 « Lower bound on the bit error rate of a decode-and-forward relay network under chaos shift keying communication system ». IET Communications vol. 8 , nº 2. p. 227-232
- Georges Kaddoum, Fanny Parzysz, Farhad Shokraneh. 2014 « Low-complexity amplify-and-forward relaying protocol for non-coherent chaos-based communication system ». IET Communications vol. 8 , nº 13. p. 2281-2289
- Georges Kaddoum, François Gagnon. 2013 « Performance analysis of STBC-CSK communication system over slow fading channel ». Signal Processing vol. 93 , nº 7. p. 2055-2060
- Georges Kaddoum, Ghyslain Gagnon, François Gagnon. 2013 « Spread spectrum communication system with sequence synchronization unit using chaotic symbolic dynamics modulation ». International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos vol. 23 , nº 2
- Georges Kaddoum, Francois-Dominique Richardson, François Gagnon. 2013 « Design and analysis of a multi-carrier differential chaos shift keying communication system ». IEEE Transactions on Communications vol. 61 , nº 8. p. 3281-3291
- Georges Kaddoum, François Gagnon. 2012 « Design of a high-data-rate differential chaos-shift keying system ». IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs vol. 59 , nº 7. p. 448-452
- Georges Kaddoum, François Gagnon, Pascal Charge, Daniel Roviras. 2012 « A generalized BER prediction method for differential chaos shift keying system through different communication channels ». Wireless Personal Communications vol. 64 , nº 2. p. 425-437
- Georges Kaddoum, T. Lambard, François Gagnon. 2012 « Performance analysis of a chaos shift keying system with polarisation sensitivity under multipath channel ». IET Communications vol. 6 , nº 12. p. 1837-1845
- Georges Kaddoum, Samuel Gagné, François Gagnon. 2011 « Removing cyclostationary properties in a chaos-based communication system ». Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing vol. 30 , nº 6. p. 1391-1400
- Georges Kaddoum, A. Lawrance, P. Charge, D. Roviras. 2011 « Chaos communication performance: theory and computation ». Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing vol. 30 , nº 1. p. 185-208
- Georges Kaddoum, Martial Coulon, Daniel Roviras, Pascal Chargé. 2010 « Theoretical performance for asynchronous multi-user chaos-based communication systems on fading channels ». Signal Processing vol. 90 , nº 11. p. 2923-2933
- Georges Kaddoum, P. Chargé, D. Roviras. 2009 « A generalized methodology for bit-error-rate prediction in correlation-based communication schemes using chaos ». IEEE Communications Letters vol. 13 , nº 8. p. 567-569
- Georges Kaddoum, P. Chargé, D. Roviras, D. Fournier-Prunaret. 2009 « A methodology for bit error rate prediction in chaos-based communication systems ». Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing vol. 28 , nº 6. p. 925-944
- Georges Kaddoum, Daniel Roviras, Pascal Chargé, Danièle Fournier-Prunaret. 2009 « Accurate bit error rate calculation for asynchronous chaos-based DS-CDMA over multipath channel ». EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing vol. 2009
- Georges Kaddoum, Daniel Roviras, Pascal Chargé, Danièle Fournier-Prunaret. 2009 « Robust synchronization for asynchronous multi-user chaos-based DS-CDMA ». Signal Processing vol. 89 , nº 5. p. 807-818
- Tri N. Do, Georges Kaddoum, Thanh L. Nguyen. 2022 « Distributed multi-IRS-assisted 6G wireless networks: Channel characterization and performance analysis ». In Intelligent reconfigurable surfaces (IRS) for prospective 6G wireless networks. p. 189-211. Wiley Blackwell
- Mohammed F. A. Ahmed, Osama M. Haraz, Georges Kaddoum, Saleh A. Alshebili, Abdel-Razik Sebak. 2014 « On using Gaussian excitation amplitudes to improve the antenna array radiation characteristics ». Communication lors de la conférence : 2014 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Applied Electromagnetics (APACE) (Johor Bahru, Malaysia, Dec. 8-10, 2014)
- Amir H. Forghani, Georges Kaddoum, Yogesh Nijsure, François Gagnon. 2014 « System analysis of relaying with modulation diversity ». Communication lors de la conférence : 2014 IEEE 10th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob) (Larnaca, Cyprus, Oct. 8-10, 2014)
- Omid Abbasi, Halim Yanikomeroglu, Georges Kaddoum. 2024 « Hemispherical massive MIMO architecture for high-altitude platform station (HAPS) ». IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) (Dubai, UAE, Apr. 21-24, 2024) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
- Hazem Barka, Md Sahabul Alam, Georges Kaddoum, Minh Au, Basile L. Agba. 2024 « RL-based relay selection for cooperative WSNs in the presence of bursty impulsive noise ». IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) (Dubai, UAE, Apr. 21-24, 2024) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
- Abdul Basit, Muddasir Rahim, Georges Kaddoum, Tri Nhu Do, Nadir Adam. 2024 « DRL-based dynamic channel access and SCLAR maximization for networks under jamming ». IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) (Dubai, UAE, Apr. 21-24, 2024) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
- Hamda Bouzabia, Georges Kaddoum, Tri Nhu Do. 2024 « Integrated sensing and communications using generative AI: Countering adversarial machine learning attacks ». IEEE International Conference on Communications (Denver, CO, USA, June 09-13, 2024) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
- Mohamed Elhattabt, Shreya Khisa, Chadi Assi, Ali Ghrayeb, Marwa Qaraqe, Georges Kaddoum. 2024 « Cooperative rate splitting multiple access in multi-cell networks ». IEEE International Conference on Communications (Denver, CO, USA, June 09-13, 2024) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
- Pengtao Liu, Jing Lei, Haotong Cao, Sahil Garg, Kuljeet Kaur, Georges Kaddoum. 2024 « A stochastic geometry model and analysis scheme for SCMA aided mobile edge computing ». IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) (Dubai, UAE, Apr. 21-24, 2024) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
- Nahed Belhadj Mohamed, Md Zoheb Hassan, Georges Kaddoum. 2024 « Deep reinforcement learning-enabled resilient radio resource allocation for internet-of-things networks with receiver non-linearity ». 7th Conference on Cloud and Internet of Things (CIoT) (Montreal, QC, Canada, Oct. 29-31, 2024) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
- Faisal Naeem, Nadir Adam, Georges Kaddoum, Omer Waqar. 2024 « Learning MAC protocols in HetNets: A cooperative multi-agent deep reinforcement learning approach ». IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) (Dubai, UAE, Apr. 21-24, 2024) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
- Thanh Luan Nguyen, Georges Kaddoum, Tri Nhu Do, Zygmunt J. Haas. 2024 « Statistical characterization of RIS-Assisted UAV communications in terrestrial and non-terrestrial networks under channel aging ». IEEE International Conference on Communications (Denver, CO, USA, June 09-13, 2024) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
- Muddasir Rahim, Thanh Luan Nguyen, Georges Kaddoum, Tri Nhu Do. 2024 « User association optimization for IRS-aided terahertz networks: A matching theory approach ». IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) (Dubai, UAE, Apr. 21-24, 2024) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
- Imene Romdhane, Ziyaur Rahman, Georges Kaddoum. 2024 « DDPG-based link adaptation for direct air-to-underwater optical communication under noisy CSI conditions ». 20th International Conference on the Design of Reliable Communication Networks (DRCN) (Montreal, QC, Canada, May 06-09, 2024) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
- Min Wu, Kefeng Guo, Zhi Lin, Sahil Garg, Kuljeet Kaur, Georges Kaddoum. 2024 « Energy efficiency optimization in RIS-assisted ISATRNs with RSMA: A federated deep reinforcement learning approach ». IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) (Dubai, UAE, Apr. 21-24, 2024) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
- Kanika Aggarwal, Georges Kaddoum. 2023 « LSTM-based hybrid intrusion detection system for Internet of Vehicles ». IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Dec. 04-08, 2023) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
- Zakaria Abou El Houda, Diala Nabousli, Georges Kaddoum. 2023 « Advancing security and efficiency in federated learning service aggregation for wireless networks ». IEEE 34th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC) (Toronto, ON, Canada, Sept. 05-08, 2023) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
- Arianna Halamandaris, Md Sahabul Alam, Imtiaz Ahmed, Kamrul Hasan, Georges Kaddoum. 2023 « Performance analysis of 6G communication links in the presence of phase noise ». IEEE Latin-American Conference on Communications (LATINCOM) (Panama city, Panama, Nov. 15-17, 2023) IEEE
- Chen Han, Haotong Cao, Zhi Lin, Kang An, Sahil Garg, Georges Kaddoum, Satinder Singh. 2023 « Anti-jamming transmission in NOMA-based multi-cell satellite-terrestrial integrated networks ». International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (IWCMC) (Marrakesh, Morocco, June 19-23, 2023) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
- Aida Meftah, Georges Kaddoum, Tri Nhu Do, Chamseddine Talhi. 2023 « Federated learning-based jamming detection for tactical terrestrial and non-terrestrial networks ». IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Dec. 04-08, 2023) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
- Christian Miranda Moreira, Georges Kaddoum. 2023 « QL vs. SARSA: Performance evaluation for intrusion prevention systems in software-defined iot networks ». International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (IWCMC) (Marrakesh, Morocco, June 19-23, 2023) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
- Andrews A. Okine, Nadir Adam, Georges Kaddoum. 2023 « Reinforcement learning aided routing in tactical wireless sensor networks ». Ubiquitous Networking : 8th International Symposium, UNet 2022 (Montreal, QC, Canada, Oct. 25-27, 2022) Springer Science and Business Media
- Aman Sikri, Georges Kaddoum, Bassant Selim, Minh Au, Basile L. Agba. 2023 « RIS-aided wireless sensor network in presence of bursty impulsive noise for smart-grid communications ». IEEE 34th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC) (Toronto, ON, Canada, Sept. 05-08, 2023) IEEE
- Sandeep Verma, Satnam Kaur, Aneek Adhya, Georges Kaddoum, Bouziane Brik. 2023 « CROP: Cluster-based routing using optimized framework for IoT-based precision agriculture ». IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) (Rome, Italy, May 28-June 01, 2023) IEEE
- Chen Wang, Daosen Zhai, Ruonan Zhang, Georges Kaddoum, Satinder Singh. 2023 « Energy consumption minimization in dynamic UAV-assisted mobile edge computing networks ». IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) (Rome, Italy, May 28-June 01, 2023) IEEE
- Hamda Bouzabia, Georges Kaddoum, Tri Nhu Do. 2022 « Deep learning-based interference detection and classification for LPI/LPD radar systems ». IEEE Military Communications Conference MILCOM (Rockville, MD, USA, Nov. 28-Dec. 02, 2022) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
- Zakaria Abou El Houda, Diala Nabousli, Georges Kaddoum. 2022 « Cost-efficient federated reinforcement learning- based network routing for wireless networks ». IEEE Future Networks World Forum, FNWF (Montreal, QC, Canada, Oct. 10-14, 2022) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
- Anh-Tu Le, Dinh-Thuan Do, Haotong Cao, Sahil Garg, Georges Kaddoum, Shahid Mumtaz. 2022 « Spectrum efficiency design for intelligent reflecting surface-aided IoT systems ». IEEE Global Communications Conference, GLOBECOM (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Dec. 04-08, 2022) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
- Aida Meftah, Georges Kaddoum, Tri Nhu Do, Chamseddine Talhi. 2022 « Federated learning-based jamming detection for distributed tactical wireless networks ». IEEE Military Communications Conference MILCOM (Rockville, MD, USA, Nov. 28-Dec. 02, 2022) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
- Hao She, Xiaozhen Zhu, Yongan Guo, Haotong Cao, Sahil Garg, Georges Kaddoum. 2022 « BCLB: Blockchain-based controller load balance for safe and reliable resource optimization ». IEEE GLOBECOM Workshops, GC Wkshps (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Dec. 04-08, 2022) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
- Aman Sikri, Aashish Mathur, Georges Kaddoum. 2022 « Performance of RIS-aided wireless systems in the presence of mobile interferers ». IEEE 33rd Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC) (Kyoto, Japan, Sept. 12-15, 2022) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
- Xiaobo Yang, Daosen Zhai, Ruonan Zhang, Haotong Cao, Sahil Garg, Georges Kaddoum. 2022 « Impact of UAV 3D wobbles on the non-stationary air-to-ground channels at sub-6 GHz bands ». IEEE Global Communications Conference, GLOBECOM (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Dec. 04-08, 2022) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
- Tri Nhu Do, Georges Kaddoum, Thanh Luan Nguyen, Daniel Benevides Da Costa, Zygmunt J. Haas. 2021 « Aerial reconfigurable intelligent surface-aided wireless communication systems ». IEEE 32nd Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC) (Helsinki, Finland, Sept. 13-16, 2021) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
- Alka Isac, Bassant Selim, Zeinab Sobhanigavgani, Georges Kaddoum, Mallik Tatipamula. 2021 « Impulsive noise parameter estimation: A deep CNN-LSTM network approach ». 4th International Conference on Advanced Communication Technologies and Networking (CommNet) (Rabat, Morocco, Dec. 03-05, 2021) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
- Faisal Naeem, Georges Kaddoum, Muhammad Tariq. 2021 « Digital twin-empowered network slicing in B5G networks: Experience-driven approach ». IEEE Globecom Workshops (GC Wkshps) (Madrid, Spain, Dec. 07-11, 2021) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
- Ali Pourranjbar, Georges Kaddoum, Walid Saad. 2021 « Jamming pattern recognition over multi-channel networks: A deep learning approach ». 55th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers (Pacific Grove, CA, USA, Oct. 31-Nov. 03, 2021) IEEE Computer Society
- Bassant Selim, Md Sahabul Alam, Georges Kaddoum, Basile L. Agba. 2021 « Optimal multi-stage clipping for impulsive noise mitigation in OFDM-NOMA systems ». 4th International Conference on Advanced Communication Technologies and Networking (CommNet) (Rabat, Morocco, Dec. 03-05, 2021) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
- Aman Sikri, Aashish Mathur, Gyandeep Verma, Georges Kaddoum. 2021 « Distributed RIS-based dual-hop Mixed FSO-RF systems with RIS-Aided jammer ». 94th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 2021-Fall) (Norman, OK, USA, Sept. 27-30, 2021) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
- Khaled Eshteiwi, Bassant Sleim, Georges Kaddoum. 2020 « Full duplex of V2V cooperative relaying over cascaded nakagami-m fading channels ». International Symposium on Networks, Computers and Communications (ISNCC) (Montréal, QC, Canada, Oct. 20-22, 2020) IEEE
- Sahil Garg, Kuljeet Kaur, Georges Kaddoum, Min Client. 2020 « ECC-based secure and provable authentication mechanism for smart healthcare ecosystem ». IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) (Dublin, Ireland, June 07-11, 2020) IEEE
- Bryan Gingras, Ali Pourranjbar, Georges Kaddoum. 2020 « Collaborative spectrum sensing in tactical wireless networks ». IEEE International Conference on Communications (Dublin, Ireland, June 07-11, 2020) IEEE
- Marouane Hachimi, Georges Kaddoum, Ghyslain Gagnon, Poulmanogo Illy. 2020 « Multi-stage jamming attacks detection using deep learning combined with kernelized support vector machine in 5G cloud radio access networks ». International Symposium on Networks, Computers and Communications (ISNCC) (Montreal, QC, Canada, Oct. 20-22, 2020) IEEE
- Kuljeet Kaur, Sahil Garg, Georges Kaddoum, Mohsen Guizani. 2020 « Secure authentication and key agreement protocol for tactile internet-based tele-surgery ecosystem ». IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) (Dublin, Ireland, June 07-11, 2020) IEEE
- Kuljeet Kaur, Sahil Garg, Georges Kaddoum, Song Guo. 2020 « ESP-VDCE: Energy, SLA, and price-driven virtual data center embedding ». IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) (Dublin, Ireland, June 07-11, 2020) IEEE
- Bassant Selim, Md Sahabul Alam, Georges Kaddoum, Mohammad T. Alkhodary, Basile L. Agba. 2020 « A deep learning approach for the estimation of Middleton class-A Impulsive noise parameters ». IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) (Dublin, Ireland, June 07-11, 2020) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
- Md-Sahabul Alam, Bassant Selim, Georges Kaddoum. 2019 « Analysis and comparison of several mitigation techniques for Middleton class-A noise ». 2019 IEEE Latin-American Conference on Communications (LATINCOM) (Salvador, Brazil, Nov. 11-13, 2019) IEEE
- Jung-yeon Baek, Georges Kaddoum, Sahil Garg, Kuljeet Kaur, Vivianne Gravel. 2019 « Managing fog networks using reinforcement learning based load balancing algorithm ». Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) (Marrakesh, Morocco, Apr. 15-18, 2019) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
- Joao V. C. Evangelista, Zeeshan Sattar, Georges Kaddoum. 2019 « Analysis of contention-based SCMA in mMTC networks ». 2019 IEEE Latin-American Conference on Communications (LATINCOM) (Salvador, Brazil, Nov. 11-13, 2019) IEEE
- Sahil Garg, Kuljeet Kaur, Georges Kaddoum, Syed Hassan Ahmed, François Gagnon, Mohsen Guizani. 2019 « ECC-based secure and lightweight authentication protocol for mobile environment ». IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM Workshops) (Paris, France, 29 Apr.-02 May, 2019) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
- Sahil Garg, Kuljeet Kaur, Georges Kaddoum, François Gagnon, Syed Hassan Ahmed, Dushantha Nalin K. Jayakody. 2019 « LiSA: A lightweight and secure authentication mechanism for smart metering infrastructure ». IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) (Waikoloa, HI, USA, Dec. 09-13, 2019) IEEE
- Sahil Garg, Kuljeet Kaur, Georges Kaddoum, François Gagnon, Neeraj Kumar, Zhu Han. 2019 « Sec-IoV: a multi-stage anomaly detection scheme for internet of vehicles ». Proceedings of the International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing (MobiHoc) (Catania, Italy, July 02-05, 2019) Association for Computing Machinery
- Sahil Garg, Kuljeet Kaur, Georges Kaddoum, François Gagnon, Joel J. P. C. Rodrigues. 2019 « An efficient blockchain-based hierarchical authentication mechanism for energy trading in V2G environment ». IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC Workshops) (Shanghai, China, May 20-24, 2019) IEEE
- Tilahun M. Getu, Wessam Ajib, René Jr. Landry, Georges Kaddoum. 2019 « Matrix- and tensor-based RFI detectors for multi-antenna wireless communications ». 7th IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP) (Ottawa, ON, Canada, Nov. 11-14, 2019) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
- Tilahun M. Getu, Wessam Ajib, René Landry, Georges Kaddoum. 2019 « A tensor-based spectrum sensing technique for mimo cognitive radio networks ». 7th IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP) (Ottawa, ON, Canada, Nov. 11-14, 2019) IEEE
- Taieb Hamza, Georges Kaddoum. 2019 « Enhanced minimal scheduling function for IEEE 802.15.4e TSCH networks ». Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) (Marrakesh, Morocco, Apr. 15-18, 2019) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
- Poulmanogo Illy, Georges Kaddoum, Christian Miranda Moreira, Kuljeet Kaur, Sahil Garg. 2019 « Securing fog-to-things environment using intrusion detection system based on ensemble learning ». Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) (Marrakesh, Morocco, Apr. 15-18, 2019) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
- Kuljeet Kaur, Sahil Garg, Georges Kaddoum, Syed Hassan Ahmed, Dushantha Nalin K. Jayakody. 2019 « En-OsCo: energy-aware osmotic computing framework using hyper-heuristics ». Proceedings of the International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing (MobiHoc) (Catania, Italy, July 02-05, 2019) Association for Computing Machinery
- Kuljeet Kaur, Sahil Garg, Georges Kaddoum, François Gagnon, Syed Hassan Ahmed. 2019 « Blockchain-based lightweight authentication mechanism for vehicular fog infrastructure ». IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC Workshops) (Shanghai, China, May 20-24, 2019) IEEE
- Kuljeet Kaur, Sahil Garg, Georges Kaddoum, François Gagnon, Syed Hassan Ahmed, Mohsen Guizani. 2019 « A secure, lightweight, and privacy-preserving authentication scheme for V2G connections in smart grid ». IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS) (Paris, France, Apr. 29-May 02, 2019) IEEE
- Kuljeet Kaur, Sahil Garg, Georges Kaddoum, François Gagnon, Dushanta Nalin K. Jayakody. 2019 « EnLoB: Energy and load balancing-driven container placement strategy for data centers ». IEEE Globecom Workshops (GC Wkshps) (Waikoloa, HI, USA, Dec. 09-13, 2019) IEEE
- Kuljeet Kaur, Sahil Garg, Georges Kaddoum, François Gagnon, Neeraj Kumar, Syed Hassan Ahmed. 2019 « An energy-driven network function virtualization for multi-domain software defined networks ». IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM Workshops) (Paris, France, Apr. 29-May 02, 2019) IEEE
- Kuljeet Kaur, Sahil Garg, Georges Kaddoum, Mohsen Guizani, Dushantha Nalin K. Jayakody. 2019 « A lightweight and privacy-preserving authentication protocol for mobile edge computing ». IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) (Waikoloa, HI, USA, Dec. 09-13, 2019) IEEE
- Long Kong, Yun Ai, Jiguang He, Nandana Rajatheva, Georges Kaddoum. 2019 « Intercept probability analysis over the cascaded fisher-snedecor F fading wiretap channels ». 16th International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS) (Oulu, Finland, Aug. 27-30, 2019) IEEE
- Khaled Eshteiwi, Kais Ben Fredj, Georges Kaddoum, François Gagnon. 2018 « Performance analysis of peer-to-peer V2V wireless communications in the presence of interference ». IEEE 28th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC) (Montreal, QC, Canada, Oct. 8-13, 2017) IEEE
- Long Kong, Georges Kaddoum, Daniel Benevides Da Costa, Elias Bou-Harb. 2018 « On secrecy bounds of MIMO wiretap channels with ZF detectors ». 14th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2018) (Limassol, Cyprus, June 25-29, 2018) IEEE
- Long Kong, Georges Kaddoum, Satyanarayana Vuppala. 2018 « On secrecy analysis for D2D networks over alpha- fading channels with randomly distributed eavesdroppers ». IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC Workshops 2018) (Kansas City, MO, USA, May 20-24, 2018) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
- Christian Miranda Moreira, Georges Kaddoum, Elias Bou-Harb. 2018 « Cross-layer authentication protocol design for ultra-dense 5G HetNets ». IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2018) (Kansas City, MO, USA, May 20-24, 2018) IEEE
- T. T. Nguyen, Georges Kaddoum, Francois Gagnon. 2018 « Implementation of a chaotic true random number generator based on fuzzy modeling ». 2018 16th IEEE International New Circuits and Systems Conference (NEWCAS) (Montreal, QC, Canada, June 24-27, 2018) IEEE
- Dang-Kièn Germain Pham, Ghyslain Gagnon, François Gagnon, Georges Kaddoum, Chadi Jabbour, Patricia Desgreys. 2018 « FFT-based limited subband digital predistortion technique for ultra wideband 5G systems ». 2018 16th IEEE International New Circuits and Systems Conference (NEWCAS) (Montréal, QC, Canada, June 24-27, 2018) IEEE
- Duc-Dung Tran, Ha-Vu Tran, Dac Binh Ha, Georges Kaddoum. 2018 « Cooperation in NOMA networks under limited user-to-user communications: Solution and analysis ». IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) (Barcelona, Spain, Apr. 15-18, 2018) IEEE
- Ha-Vu Tran, Georges Kaddoum. 2018 « Green cell-less design for RF-wireless power transfer networks ». IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) (Barcelona, Spain, Apr. 15-18, 2018) IEEE
- Satyanarayana Vuppala, Georges Kaddoum. 2018 « Secrecy capacity analysis in D2D underlay cellular networks: Colluding eavesdroppers ». IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC) (Montreal, QC, Canada, Oct. 08-13, 2017) IEEE
- Michael Atallah, Georges Kaddoum. 2017 « Secrecy analysis of cooperative network with untrustworthy relays using location-based multicasting technique ». 5th International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud Workshops (FiCloudW) (Prague, Czech Republic, Aug. 21-23, 2017) IEEE
- Jung-Yeon Baek, Een-Kee Hong, Georges Kaddoum. 2017 « A study on channel estimation algorithm with sounding reference signal for TDD downlink scheduling ». IEEE 28th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC) (Montreal, QC, Canada, Oct. 8-13, 2017) IEEE
- Mario Galluscio, Nataliia Neshenko, Elias Bou-Hard, Yongliang Huang, Nasir Ghani, Jorge Crichigno, Georges Kaddoum. 2017 « A first empirical look on internet-scale exploitations of IoT devices ». IEEE 28th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC) (Montreal, QC, Canada, Oct. 8-13, 2017) IEEE
- Yogesh Nijsure, Georges Kaddoum, Golnaz Ghodoosipour, Guofa Cai, Lin Wang. 2017 « A novel spectrum sensing mechanism based on distribution discontinuity estimation within cognitive radio ». 84th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Fall) (Montreal, QC, Canada, Sept. 18-21, 2016) IEEE
- Zeeshan Sattar, Joao Victor de Carvalho Evangelista, Georges Kaddoum, Naïm Batani. 2017 « Analysis of the cell association for decoupled wireless access in a two tier network ». IEEE 28th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC) (Montreal, QC, Canada, Oct. 8-13, 2017) IEEE
- Dung D. Vu, Georges Kaddoum. 2017 « A waste city management system for smart cities applications ». Advances in Wireless and Optical Communications (RTUWO) (Riga, Latvia, Nov. 2-3, 2017) IEEE
- Guofa Cai, Lin Wang, Long Kong, Georges Kaddoum. 2016 « SNR estimation for FM-DCSK system over multipath rayleigh fading channels ». IEEE 83rd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 2016-Spring) (Nanjing, China, May 15–18, 2016) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
- Taieb Hamza, Georges Kaddoum, Aref Meddeb, Georges Matar. 2016 « A survey on intelligent MAC layer jamming attacks and countermeasures in WSNs ». IEEE 84th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Fall) (Montreal, QC, Canada, Sept. 18-21, 2016) IEEE
- Georges Kaddoum, Navid Tadayon, Ebrahim Soujeri. 2016 « Performance of DCSK system with blanking circuit for power-line communications ». IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) (Montreal, QC, Canada, May 22-25, 2016) IEEE
- Long Kong, Jiguang He, Georges Kaddoum, Satyanarayana Vuppala, Lin Wang. 2016 « Secrecy analysis of a MIMO full-duplex active eavesdropper with channel estimation errors ». IEEE 84th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Fall) (Montreal, QC, Canada, Sept. 18-21, 2016) IEEE
- Georges Matar, Jean-Marc Lina, Julie Carrier, Anna Riley, Georges Kaddoum. 2016 « Internet of Things in sleep monitoring: an application for posture recognition using supervised learning ». 18th International Conference on E-Health Networking, Applications and Services (Healthcom) (Munich, Germany, Sept. 14-16, 2016) IEEE
- Serge Fabrice Mbianda Ngongang, Navid Tadayon, Georges Kaddoum. 2016 « Voice over Wi-Fi: feasibility analysis ». 2016 Advances in Wireless and Optical Communications (RTUWO) (Riga, Latvia, Nov. 03-04, 2016) IEEE
- Yogesh Nijsure, Mohammed F. A Ahmed, Georges Kaddoum, Ghyslain Gagnon, François Gagnon. 2016 « WSN-UAV monitoring system with collaborative beamforming and ADS-B based multilateration ». IEEE 83rd Vehicular Technology Conference: (VTC2016-Spring) (Nanjing, China, May 15–18, 2016) IEEE
- Duc-Dung Tran, Ha-Vu Tran, Da-Binh Ha, Hung Tran, Georges Kaddoum. 2016 « Performance analysis of two-way relaying system with RF-EH and multiple antennas ». IEEE 84th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Fall) (Montreal, QC, Canada, Sept. 18-21, 2016) IEEE
- Ha-Vu Tran, Georges Kaddoum, Hung Tran, Duc-Dung Tran, Dac-Binh Ha. 2016 « Time reversal SWIPT networks with an active eavesdropper: SER-Energy region analysis ». IEEE 84th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Fall) (Montreal, QC, Canada, Sept. 18-21, 2016) IEEE
- Michael Atallah, Georges Kaddoum, Long Kong. 2015 « A Survey on cooperative jamming applied to physical layer security ». IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Wireless Broadband (IEEE ICUWB) (Montreal, QC, Canada, Oct. 4-7, 2015) IEEE
- Yacouba Coulibaly, Georges Kaddoum, Mohammed F. A. Ahmed. 2015 « Mobile virtual network operator strategy for migration towards 4G ». 2015 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Research (ICTRC 2015) (Abu Dhabi, UAE, May 17-19, 2015) IEEE
- Khaled Eshteiwi, Georges Kaddoum, François Gagnon. 2015 « Impact of imperfect channel estimation error and jamming on the performance of decode-and-forward relaying ». IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Wireless Broadband (IEEE ICUWB) (Montreal, QC, Canada, Oct. 4-7, 2015) IEEE
- Georges Kaddoum, Mohammed F. A. Ahmed, Tareq Y. Al-Naffouri. 2015 « Differential on-on keying: A robust non-coherent digital modulation scheme ». 2015 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Research (ICTRC 2015) (Abu Dhabi, UAE, May 17-19, 2015) IEEE
- Georges Kaddoum, Ebrahim Soujeri. 2015 « On the comparison between code-index modulation and spatial modulation techniques ». 2015 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Research (ICTRC 2015) (Abu Dhabi, UAE, May 17-19, 2015) IEEE
- Long Kong, Georges Kaddoum, Mostafa Taha. 2015 « Performance analysis of physical layer security of chaos-based modulation schemes ». IEEE 11th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob) (Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Oct. 19-21, 2015) IEEE
- Ebrahim Soujeri, Georges Kaddoum. 2015 « Performance comparison of spatial modulation detectors under channel impairments ». IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Wireless Broadband (IEEE ICUWB) (Montreal, QC, Canada, Oct. 4-7, 2015) IEEE
- Duc-Dung Tran, Dac-Binh Ha, Ha-Vu Tran, Georges Kaddoum. 2015 « Wireless information transfer in relay networks with energy harvesting over non-identical channels ». 2015 International Conference on Computing, Management and Telecommunications (ComManTel) (Danang, Vietnam, Dec. 28-30, 2015) IEEE
- Ha-Vu Tran, Hung Tran, Georges Kaddoum, Duc-Dung Tran, Dac-Binh Ha. 2015 « Effective secrecy-sinr analysis of time reversal-employed systems over correlated multi-path channel ». IEEE 11th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob) (Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Oct. 19-21, 2015) IEEE
- Mohammed F. A. Ahmed, Osama M. Haraz, Georges Kaddoum, Saleh A. Alshebili, Abdel-Razik Sebak. 2014 « On using Gaussian excitation amplitudes to improve the antenna array radiation characteristics ». 2014 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Applied Electromagnetics (APACE) (Johor Bahru, Malaysia, Dec. 8-10, 2014) IEEE
- Amir H. Forghani, Georges Kaddoum, Yogesh Nijsure, François Gagnon. 2014 « System analysis of relaying with modulation diversity ». 2014 IEEE 10th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob) (Larnaca, Cyprus, Oct. 8-10, 2014) IEEE
- Georges Kaddoum, Pascal Giard. 2014 « Analog network coding for multi-user spread-spectrum communication systems ». IEEE wireless communications and networking conference WCNC 2014 (Istanbul, Turkey, Apr. 6-9, 2014) IEEE
- Georges Kaddoum, François-Dominique Richardson, Sarra Adouni, François Gagnon, Claude Thibeault. 2013 « Multi-user multi-carrier differential chaos shift keying communication system ». 2013 9th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference, IWCMC 2013 (Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy, July 1-5, 2013) IEEE Computer Society
- Marwen Bouanen, François Gagnon, Georges Kaddoum, Denis Couillard, Claude Thibeault. 2012 « An LPI design for secure OFDM systems ». 2012 IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM) (Orlando, FL, USA, Nov. 1, 2012) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
- Pascal Giard, Georges Kaddoum, François Gagnon, Claude Thibeault. 2012 « FPGA implementation and evaluation of discrete-time chaotic generators circuits ». 38th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2012 (Montreal, QC, Canada, Oct. 25-28, 2012) IEEE Computer Society
- Georges Kaddoum, François Gagnon, Denis Couillard. 2012 « An enhanced spectral efficiency chaos-based symbolic dynamics transceiver design ». 2012 6th International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ICSPCS 2012). Proceedings (Gold Coast, QLD, Australia, Dec. 12-14, 2012) IEEE
- Georges Kaddoum, François Gagnon, François-Dominique Richardson. 2012 « Design of a secure multi-carrier DCSK system ». 2012 International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS) (Paris, France, Aug. 28-31, 2012) IEEE
- Georges Kaddoum, Julien Olivain, Guillaume Beaufort Samson, Pascal Giard, François Gagnon. 2012 « Implementation of a Differential Chaos Shift Keying communication system in GNU radio ». 2012 9th International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS) (Paris, France, Aug. 28-31, 2012) IEEE
- Georges Kaddoum, Mai Vu, François Gagnon. 2012 « Chaotic symbolic dynamics modulation in MIMO systems ». 2012 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) (Republic of Seoul, Korea, May 20-23, 2012) IEEE Computer Society
- Étienne Collard-Fréchette, Georges Kaddoum, Ghyslain Gagnon. 2011 « Dynamic range scaling of sigma-delta modulators based on a multi-criteria optimization process ». IEEE 9th International New Circuits and Systems Conference (NEWCAS) (Bordeaux, France, June 26-29, 2011) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
- Georges Kaddoum, Ghyslain Gagnon, François Gagnon. 2011 « Robust synchronization technique for chaotic symbolic dynamics modulation ». IEEE International Symposium of Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, May 15-18, 2011) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
- Georges Kaddoum, Thomas Lambard, François Gagnon. 2011 « Chaos shift keying receiver with a polarization sensitive array ». 5th International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ICSPCS) (Honolulu, HI, Dec. 12-14, 2011) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
- Georges Kaddoum, Mai Vu, François Gagnon. 2011 « On the performance of chaos shift keying in MIMO communications systems ». IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) (Cancun, Mexico, Mar. 28-31, 2011) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
- Georges Kaddoum, Mai Vu, François Gagnon. 2011 « Performance analysis of differential chaotic shift keying communications in MIMO systems ». IEEE International Symposium of Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, May 15-18, 2011) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
- Georges Kaddoum, Pascal Charge, Daniel Roviras, François Gagnon. 2010 « Performance analysis of differential chaos shift-keying over an m-distributed fading channel ». IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems : Nano-Bio Circuit Fabrics and Systems (ISCAS) (Paris, France, May 30-June 2, 2010) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Computer Society
- Georges Kaddoum, Samuel Gagné, François Gagnon. 2010 « Cyclostationary signature suppression in chaos-based communication system ». 25th Queen's Biennial Symposium on Communications (QBSC) (Kingston, ON, Canada, May 12-14, 2010) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Computer Society
- Georges Kaddoum, François Gagnon. 2010 « Error correction codes for secure chaos-based communication system ». 25th Queen's Biennial Symposium on Communications (QBSC) (Kingston, ON, Canada, May 12-14, 2010) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Computer Society
- Georges Kaddoum, François Gagnon. 2010 « Performance analysis of communication system based on chaotic symbolic dynamics ». International Conference on Signals and Electronic Systems (ICSES) (Gliwice, Poland, Sept. 7-10, 2010) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
- Georges Kaddoum, François Gagnon, Sacha Atwal. 2010 « Performance analysis of a chaotic symbolic communication system under sinusoidal jammer ». 2010 Military Communications Conference (MILCOM 2010) (San Jose, CA, USA, Oct. 1- Nov. 3, 2010) IEEE
- Georges Kaddoum, P. Chargé, D. Roviras, D. Fournier-Prunaret. 2009 « Asynchronous chaos-based DS-CDMA over multi-path channels: analytical bit error rate ». 2nd Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International Conference (CHAOS2009) (Chania, Crete, Greece, June 1-5, 2009)
- Georges Kaddoum, Pascal Chargé, Daniel Roviras, Danièle Fournier-Prunaret. 2009 « Performance analysis of differential chaos shift keying over an AWGN channel ». 2009 International Conference on Advances in Computational Tools for Engineering Applications (ACTEA'09) (Zouk Mosbeh, Lebanon, July 15-17, 2009) IEEE
- Georges Kaddoum, Martial Coulon, Daniel Roviras, Pascal Chargé. 2009 « Performance of multi-user asynchronous chaos-based communication systems through m-distributed fading channel ». 17th European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO 2009, August 24, 2009 - August 28, 2009 (Glasgow, Scotland, Aug. 24-28, 2009) European Signal Processing Conference
- Georges Kaddoum, D. Roviras, P. Chargé, D. Fournier-Prunaret. 2009 « Performance of multi-user chaos-based DS-CDMA system over multipath channel ». IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems - ISCAS 2009 (Taipei, Taiwan, May 24-27, 2009) IEEE
- Georges Kaddoum, P. Chargé, D. Roviras, D. Fournier-Prunaret. 2008 « Analytical BER expression of multi-user chaos-based DS-CDMA system using a piecewise linear chaotic map ». NOLTA 2008: International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications (Budapest, Hungary, Sept. 7-10, 2008) Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
- Georges Kaddoum, Pascal Chargé, Daniel Roviras, Danièle Fournier-Prunaret. 2008 « Chaos aided synchronization for asynchronous multi-user chaos-based DS-CDMA ». 15th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS 2008) (Malta, Aug. 31-Sept. 3, 2008) IEEE
- Georges Kaddoum, D. Roviras, P. Chargé, D. Fournier-Prunaret. 2008 « Analytical calculation of BER in communication systems using a piecewise linear chaotic map ». 18th European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design 2007, ECCTD 2007 (Seville, Spain, Aug. 26-30, 2007) IEEE
- Georges Kaddoum, D. Roviras, P. Chargé, D. Fournier-Prunaret. 2008 « Code acquisition for asynchronous multi-user chaos-based DS-CDMA ». NOLTA 2008: International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications (Budapest, Hungary, Sept. 6-10, 2008) Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
- Georges Kaddoum, P. Chargé, D. Roviras, D. Fournier-Prunaret. 2007 « Comparison of chaotic sequences in a chaos based DS-CDMA system ». Proceedings of the 2007 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA'07) (Vancouver, BC, Canada, Sept. 16-19, 2007) Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
- Georges Kaddoum, P. Chargé, D. Roviras, D. Fournier-Prunaret. 2007 « Improvement of synchronization performance for multi-user chaos-based DS-CDMA system ». International workshop on nonlinear maps and their applications (NOMA'07) (Toulouse, France, Dec. 13-14, 2007) IEEE
- Georges Kaddoum, D. Fournier-Prunaret, P. Chargé, D. Roviras. 2007 « Chaos synchronization between Lorenz systems using two numerical integration methods ». IEEE International Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics of Electronic Systems (NDES) (Tokushima, Japan, July 23-26, 2007)
- Georges Kaddoum. 2010 « Systèmes de communications basés sur le chaos: contributions à l'amélioration des systèmes de communication multi-utilisateur par chaos: synchronisation et analyse des performances ». Sarrebruck, Allemagne : Editions universitaires europeennes EUE. 168 p.
- Georges Kaddoum. 2008 « Contributions à l’amélioration des systèmes de communication multi-utilisateur par chaos: synchronisation et analyse des performances ». 136 p.Thèse de doctorat. Toulouse, Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Toulouse.

Georges Kaddoum nommé membre de la Société royale du Canada