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51 Résultats pour : « Portes ouvertes »

L'ÉTS vous donne rendez-vous à sa journée portes ouvertes qui aura lieu sur son campus à l'automne et à l'hiver : Samedi 18 novembre 2023 Samedi 17 février 2024 Le dépôt de votre demande d'admission à un programme de baccalauréat ou au cheminement universitaire en technologie sera gratuit si vous étudiez ou détenez un diplôme collégial d'un établissement québécois.

Multimedia Lab

The Lab

The team at the Multimedia Lab, which is part of the Software and IT Engineering Department, includes research professors and students who conduct research related to multimedia: computer graphics, human-computer interaction, digital signal processing of images and videos, mobile multimedia systems, and medical imaging.

Areas of research

Our objectives are to develop innovative solutions aimed at enhancing knowledge and to work in collaboration with our industrial partners to produce concrete advances with real-world applications in four main areas of research:

  • Computer graphics: Realistic image synthesis; computer animation; simulation of natural phenomena.
  • Human-computer interaction: User interfaces; information visualization; haptics; interaction design.
  • Mobile multimedia systems: Video compression and transcoding; architecture of multimedia systems; multimedia applications.
  • Medical imaging: Segmentation, fusion and 3D reconstruction; clinical application in cardiology.

Sheldon Andrews


Département de génie logiciel et TI

Real-time physical simulation, 3D character animation, motion capture, modelling of virtual environments, digital contact mechanics and articulated mechanisms

Stéphane Coulombe


Département de génie logiciel et TI

Video processing, compression and transcoding

Simon Drouin


Département de génie logiciel et TI

Virtual and augmented reality, medical imaging, 3D visualization, computer graphics, computer-assisted surgery

Luc Duong


Département de génie logiciel et TI

Medical imaging, computer vision, shape recognition

Adrien Gruson


Département de génie logiciel et TI

Computer graphics, physically based rendering, light transport simulation, Monte Carlo sampling, Markov Chain Monte Carlo

David Labbé


Département de génie logiciel et TI

Virtual reality, real-time animation of virtual characters, motion capture and analysis, motor recovery

Vincent Lévesque


Département de génie logiciel et TI

Haptic interfaces, tactile and haptic surface, mobile and portable displays, human-machine interaction, interaction design, assistive technologies for the visually impaired

Michael McGuffin


Département de génie logiciel et TI

Human-machine interaction, information visualization

Eric Paquette


Département de génie logiciel et TI

3D computer graphics, animation, simulation of fluids

Carlos Vázquez


Département de génie logiciel et TI

Digital image and video processing, stereoscopic and multiview imaging, 3D TV systems

Are you interested in joining the Multimedia Lab?

We are always looking for individuals who are passionate about multimedia to take part in our projects.

Please feel free to contact any member of the Multimedia Lab whose expertise piques your interest.

You can also consult the following page: Research Projects for Students.

Contact us

Michael McGuffin

Professeur - Département de génie logiciel et TI

Multimedia Lab

École de technologie supérieure
Room A-3460
1100 Notre-Dame Street West
Montréal, Québec H3C 1K3

Phone. : 514 396-8418
Email : michael.mcguffin@etsmtl.ca

"Students engaged in advanced technical research in a university lab."