Support for Your Success
You might find that your academic journey is quite an adjustment. To help you settle in at ÉTS and move forward with confidence, you’ll have access to the following resources and tools for support every step of the way.
Individual support
Studying at ÉTS is exciting—and challenging! Plenty of students feel the need to seek help when things get tough. The Office of Student Life (OSL) offers free services to help you on the path to success.
To ask for help, contact
Things you can discuss with an academic advisor include:
- Time management strategies
- Motivation
- Note taking
- Memorization and study techniques
- Exam strategies (prioritizing questions, managing stress, etc.)
- Procrastination
- Issues related to remote/online learning
- Managing teamwork, etc.
If you have a diagnosis from a healthcare professional, visit the Accommodations for People with Disabilities page.
Psychological support
If a challenge or problem is affecting your education or your life in general, ÉTS has tools and resources to help! You can talk it over with someone with the peace of mind of knowing everything you share is confidential.
Plan for success
AlgoBalado is a podcast designed to support you in your journey at ÉTS. It covers a variety of topics including procrastination, conflict management in teamwork, and tips and tricks for coping at university. See also our toolbox for a host of other resources and tools.
All episodes are available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts. You can also watch them on the ÉTS YouTube channel.
Lecture suggérée : Déjouer la procrastination pour réussir et survivre à vos études
Procrastination (ULaval)
La procrastination : Cessez de remettre à plus tard (ULaval)
Inside the mind of a master procrastinator (vidéo en anglais)
Vaincre la procrastination (vidéo)
- Stress humain
- Anxiété de performance
- Mieux vivre mon stress (UQAM)
- Stress des examens : cinq conseils pour en faire un atout
- Lâcher prise: l'anxiété de performance (balado)
- Berner le cerveau pour vaincre l'anxiété (vidéo)
- Devenez un détecteur du stress (UQAM)
- Lecture suggérée : Par amour du stress (Sonia Lupien)
- Managing stress during difficult times guide (McGill)
- Comment réduire le stress à un examen : quelques moyens
Mémorisez plus efficacement (ULaval)
Mémorisation (ULaval)
Étude efficace : Mémorisation (UOttawa)
Stratégies d'apprentissage et de mémorisation (Croix-Rouge canadienne)
Techniques pour améliorer sa mémoire (Cégep de Jonquière)
Comment améliorer sa mémoire ? Les conseils du champion de France de mémorisation (vidéo)
Motivation (ULaval) (balado)
Workshops and webinars
Tackle the challenges of student life with our lineup of on-campus and online workshops and webinars. Study as a group using the Pomodoro technique and learn to overcome procrastination. The possibilities are endless!
Nimbus peer tutoring
With Nimbus tutoring, your student peers can guide you through the challenges of your curriculum and offer in-depth explanations, practical advice, and personalized support. Reach your goals with confidence and ace your engineering courses.
Help with language and writing
To improve your language skills, better organize your ideas in writing, or get help writing up your scientific work, the Office of Student Life offers a variety of tools. Learn more today!
NeuroFOCUS program
Developed in collaboration with staff from the Office of Student Life and a kinesiologist from the ÉTS Sports Centre, the NeuroFOCUS special program offers two workshops for credit (1 extracurricular credit) for undergraduate students and a personalized series of non-credit graduate workshops.
Intercultural mentoring: the Contact program
Through the Contact program, international newcomers are paired with members of the student community who can help them settle in to campus life.