Investigation and analysis of health and safety incidents
When investigating and analyzing workplace incidents, the objective is to implement measures aimed at preventing such incidents (accidents or near misses). The goal of the investigation is to systematically collect the facts inherent to the occurrence of an incident through observation and interviews. The analysis component entails organizing and ordering the collected facts with a view to accurately determining the causes of an incident and proposing recommendations for avoiding any recurrence.
In the case of an incident that occurs on the ÉTS campus, the role of the Occupational Health and Safety Division of the Prevention and Safety Office is to conduct an investigation and analysis of the incident, to recommend the implementation of corrective or preventive actions and to follow up on the implementation of these actions with the appropriate individuals.
What to do in the case of a health and safety incident
The following actions must be taken in the case of a health and safety incident:
- Inform your immediate supervisor or manager.
- If necessary, receive first aid and consult a doctor (for ÉTS staff, in the case of a work-related accident, request a medical certificate, which must be submitted to the Human Resources Service if the injury prevents you from working subsequent to the day of the accident).
- Fill out and sign the Incident Declaration form, which is available at the ÉTS Security desk.
- Cooperate fully with the incident investigation and analysis process conducted by the team from the Prevention and Safety Office.
In addition, in the case of a serious incident, the site of the incident must remain undisturbed, unless it is necessary to prevent aggravation of the situation. Serious incidents must be reported to ÉTS Security (extension 55) immediately.
A serious incident is defined as an event involving any of the following, as applicable:
- The death of a person;
- The total or partial loss of an appendage or its use, or significant physical trauma;
- Injuries to multiple people to the extent that they cannot carry out their normal functions for at least one business day;
- Material damage of $150,000 or more.