The Ethics of Research with Human Subjects
Are you an ÉTS researcher, student or employee? Did you know that all research projects conducted with human subjects must be evaluated by the ÉTS Research Ethics Committee (Comité d'éthique de la recherche or CÉR), regardless of where the work takes place?
What is research with human subjects?
Research with human subjects includes:
- Projects carried out with volunteers who are recruited to carry out activities connected with the project (e.g. filling out a questionnaire, being interviewed, undergoing physical tests, testing experimental equipment, etc.);
- Projects carried out using human biological materials such as cells, blood, embryos, foetuses, foetal tissue, human reproductive material or human stem cells. These materials could originate from living or deceased people.
Do you plan to recruit human subjects or do experiments on human biological material? Your project must be submitted to the ÉTS CÉR for approval.
Has your project already been assessed by another institution’s CÉR? The ÉTS CÉR could recognize their approval if the other establishment and ÉTS are signatories to a reciprocity agreement.
How to Submit a Project to the Research Ethics Committee
Contact the CÉR coordinator to find out the procedure required to create and submit a project for ethical assessment.
When should you submit your project?
For the project submission calendar, see the section When to submit a dossier, located on the Research Ethics Committee page.
Any questions?
Would you like to submit a project to the Reseach Ethics Committee? Contact the CÉR coordinator to learn more about the rules that apply to your project.