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51 Résultats pour : « Portes ouvertes »

L'ÉTS vous donne rendez-vous à sa journée portes ouvertes qui aura lieu sur son campus à l'automne et à l'hiver : Samedi 18 novembre 2023 Samedi 17 février 2024 Le dépôt de votre demande d'admission à un programme de baccalauréat ou au cheminement universitaire en technologie sera gratuit si vous étudiez ou détenez un diplôme collégial d'un établissement québécois.

Psychological Assistance

If an adverse event or problem is having an impact on your education or your life in general, ÉTS provides you with the tools and resources to cope! You can talk it over with someone with the peace of mind of knowing everything you share is confidential.

If you are a victim of harassment, report it to the respectful campus office, Bureau du respect de la personne (BRP).

Workshops and training courses are also available to people who want to support their peers in difficult times or be an active witness during social and festive events.

Individual counselling

No matter what you’re going through, whether it’s school challenges or difficult personal experiences, this service is free and confidential. It includes one assessment meeting and up to six additional therapeutic follow-up meetings.

During the first appointment, you’ll learn about the approach and structure of meetings, confidentiality, cancellation procedures, and more.

To book an appointment with a student counsellor

While the vast majority of requests are processed within 15 business days, it may take slightly longer to process certain requests deemed less urgent.

External assistance resources

As a complement to individual consultations, you can contact telephone counselling services and community resources that can give you the support you need.

Info-Santé, call 8-1-1

Phone service to consult a professional 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can speak to a healthcare professional at Info-Santé about non-urgent issues.

Quick links

Outreach Worker

Are you unsure whether your situation requires consultation with a professional, but you need someone to talk to, someone to vent to or even someone with a sympathetic ear to listen to you?

Anxiety, feelings of isolation, loneliness, depression, discouragement, procrastination, self-doubt, romantic difficulties, financial stress, consumption issues, conflict – whatever you are experiencing is important, and there are no problems that are too small to ask for help!

  • Do you need to resolve a specific issue or a difficult situation that cannot wait?
  • Are you worried about yourself or a loved one and you don’t know where to turn for assistance?
  • Are you looking to talk to someone who won’t judge you?
  • Are you looking to organize awareness-raising / prevention workshops related to specific problems?
Contact Kevin Phaneuf, Outreach Worker, Student Life Office, to receive immediate support without having to fill out a form
Faculty member in plaid shirt, standing confidently in a modern university building.
Student Life Office

Teams or emailkevin.phaneuf@etsmtl.ca
: weekdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and evenings by appointment

Sentinelles ÉTS

Some members of the staff at ÉTS belong to the Sentinelles, whose mission is to look out for the positive mental health of the student community. If you are experiencing psychological distress, the Sentinelles ÉTS are there to welcome you, listen to you and help you get settled. There are no taboo subjects at ÉTS. Feel free to talk about anything and don’t hesitate to ask for help.

"Logo of SENTINELLES with a flame, symbolizing guidance and network in higher education."

Caring campus training

The Office of Student Life provides its employees with a two-session training series led by facilitators from Psychological Assistance.

Are you interested in learning strategies for dealing with an individual who is experiencing personal difficulties or psychological distress? The Sentinelles ÉTS project includes training offered in two components, focusing on psychological first aid with the goal of helping you to direct individuals in distress toward the resources that are best suited to their needs.

This 3-hour in-person training session comprises practical exercises, role-playing and group discussions aimed at enhancing the learning experience.

Targets for participants:

  • Develop enhanced knowledge related to mental health and psychological distress;
  • Identify individuals who are experiencing distress;
  • Identify the most effective actions and attitudes for supporting individuals with care;
  • Understand how to properly direct individuals to the main resources

If you found Component 1 (Identifying psychological distress) beneficial, and you would like to increase your knowledge, Component 2 will enable you to do the following:

  • Question your perception of suicide or suicidal individuals;
  • Develop your ability to detect the presence of suicidal ideation;
  • Recognize individuals who are vulnerable to suicide;
  • Be equipped to encourage and guide individuals experiencing distress in requesting assistance;
  • Play an active role in suicide prevention.

This 3-hour in-person training session comprises practical exercises, role-playing and group discussions aimed at enhancing the learning experience.

Please note that you must have completed Component 1 to register for Component 2.

Emergency Response Service

Are you experiencing a suicidal crisis or any other serious situation that could affect your personal, social or professional well-being? Office of Student Life (Services à la vie étudiante – SVE) offers an emergency consultation service that is available during SVE business hours

A counsellor (psychologist or psychosocial practitioner) will take charge of your case the same day to provide you with the support you need and guide you toward the appropriate resources, as required.

You can also contact Kevin Phaneuf, Outreach Worker, Student Life Office, to receive immediate support without having to fill out a form.
Faculty member in plaid shirt, standing confidently in a modern university building.
Student Life Office

Phone : 514 396-8800, ext. 6938
Teams or e-mail
 : kevin.phaneuf@etsmtl.ca
 : weekdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and evenings by appointment


Psychologists do not offer psychological assessment for the purpose of issuing a certificate of incapacity to pursue studies or to attend an exam. If this is what you need, consult your family doctor or a medical doctor at an emergency clinic.



24/7 support via phone, text, chat and online tools

Suicide Action Montréal

Suicide Action Montréal

514 723-4000 or 1 866 APPELLE (277-3553)

Professional phone counselling that is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.



514 935-1105

Phone counselling service that is available 24 hours a day for people in distress.



514 288-2266 ou 1 800 263-2266

Phone counselling service for young people, online or by phone.



1 866 738-4873

Québec-based association that offers support to people with anxiety, depression or bipolar disorder.

La Clé des champs

La Clé des champs

514 334-1587

Peer support network for people with anxiety.

Association québécoise de prévention du suicide
Phobies Zéro

Phobies Zéro

514 276-3105 or 186 6922-0002

Support group for youth and adults with anxiety. Support groups in Montréal and by region.



514 866-0103

For people concerned with sexual and gender diversity

Ordre des psychologues du Québec