Ergonomics entails adapting work, tools, equipment and the environment to an individual to allow them to carry out their duties in a safe, comfortable and efficient manner.
The occurrence of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) in working environments is generally associated with ergonomic shortcomings. Risk factors include intensity of effort, working position, work duration and frequent or repetitive gestures.
MSDs can produce a wide range of symptoms. The affected individual may experience pain, discomfort, weakness, stiffness, tingling or numbness. (Source: CNESST - TMS, une démarche simple de prévention – in French)
The development of MSDs can be prevented by adopting a process aimed at identifying work situations that present these types of risks, correcting such situations and ensuring management of the corrective measures that are applied.
Useful link: CNESST | Votre travail comporte-t-il des risques de TMS? (in French)
Ergonomics at a computerized workstation
The goal of office ergonomics is to prevent the development of discomfort, pain and injury by ensuring the ergonomic configuration and adjustment of computerized workstations.
When working with a display screen at an office, the arms and back are subjected to particular strain because of the static seated position.
The computerized workstations provided at ÉTS have integrated adjustability that allows them to be adapted to individual characteristics. Please feel free to contact the Occupational Health and Safety Division of the Prevention and Safety Office, (PSO-OHS) if you require assistance related to the ergonomics of your workstation.

Manual materials handling
Activities related to handling materials can cause musculoskeletal injuries. The following are some of the risk factors that may lead to the development of MSDs:
- Intensity of effort;
- Working position;
- Work duration;
- Frequent gestures;
- Repetitive gestures.
Feel free to consult the following references for more detailed information concerning prevention measures to be implemented to prevent these types of injuries: