Alessandro Lameiras Koerich
Département de génie logiciel et TI
B.Ing (UFSC, Brésil), M.Sc. (Unicamp, Brésil), Ph.D. (ÉTS)
Lameiras Koerich, Alessandro
Research units
Research axes
- Software Systems, Multimedia and Cybersecurity
- Intelligent and Autonomous Systems
Areas of expertise
- Multimodal Machine Learning
- Incremental Learning
- Affective Computing
- Trustworthy Machine Learning
- En codirection avec : Éric Granger
Learning Models for Multimodal Expression Recognition from Videos Captured In-The-Wild, par Muhammad Haseeb Aslam
Automne 2024 - Image Classification Methods Based on Texture Analysis and Characterization, par Steve Tsham Mpinda Ataky
Automne 2022 - En codirection avec : Alceu de Souza Britto Jr.
Large-Margin Representation Learning for Small-Size Datasets, par Jonathan De Matos
Été 2023 - En codirection avec : Patrick Cardinal
Towards Reliable Data-Driven Sound Recognition Models: Developing Attack and Defense Algorithms, par Mohammad Esmaeilpour
Hiver 2022 - En codirection avec : Patrick Cardinal
End-to-End Deep Learning for Audio Classification: From Waveforms to a Security Perspective, par Sajjad Abdoli
Automne 2021
- En codirection avec : Patrick Cardinal
Automatic Audio Anonymization, par Guillaume Baril
Automne 2021 - En codirection avec : Patrick Cardinal
Emotion Recognition Using Fusion of Audio And Video Features, par Juan David Silva Ortega
Hiver 2019 - En codirection avec : Éric Granger
Reconnaissance multi-dimensionnelle de l’émotion par apprentissage profond de caractéristiques spatio-temporelles sur séquences vidéo, par Thomas Teixeira
Automne 2020
- Implémentation d'un algorithme d'apprentissage machine distribué dans un contexte de Big Data, par Karl Ritchie
Automne 2020 - Séparation des sources sonores et analyse du contenu musical, par Georges Hassana Maigary
Hiver 2021 - Architecture de réseau neuronal convolutif 1D pour la reconnaissance des émotions dans la musique, par Mehdi Alloune
Hiver 2020 - Architectures des réseaux neuronaux convolutifs 2D pour la reconnaissance des émotions dans la musique, par Fadoua Alkorachi
Été 2019 - Analyse des méthodes de croisement de bases de données sur un réseau neuronal convolutif pour la classification d'expressions faciales, par Dylan Cohen Tannugi
Été 2018 - En codirection avec : Christine Tremblay
Évaluation d’une technologie de mesures de vibrations dans les réseaux de télécommunications par réflectométrie optique, par Constant Chardon
Automne 2024 - Évaluation de l'équité des modèles d'apprentissage profond préentraînés, par Wajih Mghazli
Été 2023 - Analyse comparative et intégration de diverses architectures pour la classification des genres musicaux, par Mohamed El Amine Meguenani
Été 2024 - Attention croisée conjointe pour la fusion de l'électrocardiogramme et de la parole pour la reconnaissance des émotions, par Mahyl Zaaboub
Automne 2024
- En codirection avec : Rémi Trudeau
Développement de modèles d'apprentissage machine pour la maintenance prédictive des moteurs équipant la flotte de VIA Rail Canada, par Mounir Mazouari
Été 2020 - En codirection avec : Fazil Chouakri
Étude, conception, développement et évaluation des méthodes d'amélioration de la migration de données, par Ahmed Mehdi Bachar
Été 2018 - En codirection avec : Martial Humblot
Ingénierie de la donnée : évaluation des risques climatiques, par Louis-Sinan Cappoen
Hiver 2021 - En codirection avec : Evan Henri
Beehive strenght modeling using multiclass supervised machine learning, par Basile Roth
Été 2021
- Stage en modélisation de données, par Mehdi Alloune
Hiver 2020 - Développement Back-end, par Wajih Mghazli
Été 2023 - Conception et développement d'un analyseur d'annotations Spring Boot pour la détection des paramètres nécessaires à la configuration des modules, par Zakariya El Kssir
Été 2023 - Internship Report-Data Analyst, par Philippe Alain Ngani Sigue
Hiver 2021 - Développement d'un tableau de bord interactif pour le processus "Development For Quality (DFQ)", par Mohamed El Amine Meguenani
Été 2024
- Comparaison des architectures 1D-CNN pour la classification de genres musicaux, par Safaa Allamy
Hiver 2021 - Classification des genres musicaux en utilisant des descripteurs de textures Bio-Inspirés (BiT), par Armel Lacdo Jiazet
Été 2021
- Analyse de l'équité de modèles CNN, par Zakariya El Kssir
Été 2023
- Steve Tsham Mpinda Ataky, Alessandro Lameiras Koerich. 2023 « E-BiT: Extended bio-inspired texture descriptor for 2D texture analysis and characterization ». Electronics vol. 12 , nº 9
- Steve Tsham Mpinda Ataky, Alessandro Lameiras Koerich. 2023 « Multiresolution texture analysis of histopathologic images using ecological diversity measures[Formula presented] ». Expert Systems with Applications vol. 224
- Steve Tsham Mpinda Ataky, Diego Saqui, Jonathan de Matos, Alceu de Souza Britto Junior, Alessandro Lameiras Koerich. 2023 « Multiscale analysis for improving texture classification ». Applied Sciences vol. 13 , nº 3
- Jonathan de Matos, Luiz Eduardo Soares de Oliveira, Alceu de Souza Britto Junior, Alessandro Lameiras Koerich. 2023 « Large-margin representation learning for texture classification ». Pattern Recognition Letters vol. 170. p. 39-47
- Bernardo Bentes Gatto, Juan Gabriel Colonna, Eulanda Mirando dos Santos, Alessandro Lameiras Koerich, Kazuhiro Fukui. 2023 « Discriminative singular spectrum classifier with applications on bioacoustic signal recognition ». Digital Signal Processing vol. 133
- Voncarlos M. Araujo, Alceu S. Britto, Luiz S. Oliveira, Alessandro L. Koerich. 2022 « Two-view fine-grained classification of plant species ». Neurocomputing vol. 467. p. 427-441
- Steve Tsham Mpinda Ataky, Alessandro Lameiras Koerich. 2022 « A novel bio-inspired texture descriptor based on biodiversity and taxonomic measures ». Pattern Recognition vol. 123
- Mohammad Esmaeilpour, Patrick Cardinal, Alessandro Lameiras Koerich. 2022 « From environmental sound representation to robustness of 2D CNN models against adversarial attacks ». Applied Acoustics vol. 195
- Mohammad Esmaeilpour, Patrick Cardinal, Alessandro Lameiras Koerich. 2022 « Multidiscriminator sobolev defense-GAN against adversarial attacks for end-to-end speech systems ». IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security vol. 17. p. 2044-2058
- Thiago M. Paixao, Rodrigo F. Berriel, Maria C. S. Boeres, Alessandro L. Koerich, Claudine Badue, Alberto F. De Souza, Thiago Oliveira-Santos. 2022 « A human-in-the-loop recommendation-based framework for reconstruction of mechanically shredded documents ». Pattern Recognition Letters vol. 164
- Jonathan de Matos, Steve Tsham Mpinda Ataky, Alceu de Souza Britto, Luiz Eduardo Soares de Oliveira, Alessandro Lameiras Koerich. 2021 « Machine learning methods for histopathological image analysis: A review ». Electronics vol. 10 , nº 5
- Mohammad Esmaeilpour, Patrick Cardinal, Alessandro Lameiras Koerich. 2021 « Cyclic defense GAN against speech adversarial attacks ». IEEE Signal Processing Letters vol. 28. p. 1769-1773
- Bernardo B. Gatto, Eulanda M. dos Santos, Alessandro L. Koerich, Kazuhiro Fukui, Waldir S. S. Júnior. 2021 « Tensor analysis with n-mode generalized difference subspace ». Expert Systems with Applications vol. 171
- Thomas Teixeira, Eric Granger, Alessandro Lameiras Koerich. 2021 « Continuous emotion recognition with spatiotemporal convolutional neural networks ». Applied Sciences vol. 11 , nº 24
- Mohammad Esmaeilpour, Patrick Cardinal, Alessandro Lameiras Koerich. 2020 « A robust approach for securing audio classification against adversarial attacks ». IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security vol. 15 , nº 1. p. 2147-2159
- Mohammad Esmaeilpour, Patrick Cardinal, Alessandro Lameiras Koerich. 2020 « Unsupervised feature learning for environmental sound classification using Weighted Cycle-Consistent Generative Adversarial Network ». Applied Soft Computing vol. 86
- Alexandre R. Mello, Marcelo R. Stemmer, Alessandro L. Koerich. 2020 « Incremental and decremental fuzzy bounded twin support vector machine ». Information Sciences vol. 526. p. 20-38
- Thiago M. Paixão, Rodrigo F. Berriel, Maria C. S. Boeres, Alessandro L. Koerich, Claudine Badue, Alberto F. De Souza, Thiago Oliveira-Santos. 2020 « Self-supervised deep reconstruction of mixed strip-shredded text documents ». Pattern Recognition vol. 107
- Sajjad Abdoli, Patrick Cardinal, Alessandro Lameiras Koerich. 2019 « End-to-end environmental sound classification using a 1D convolutional neural network ». Expert Systems with Applications vol. 136. p. 252-263
- Daniel Vriesman, Alceu S. Britto, Alessandro Zimmer, Alessandro L. Koerich, Rodrigo Paludo. 2019 « Automatic visual inspection of thermoelectric metal pipes ». Signal, Image and Video Processing vol. 13 , nº 5. p. 975-983
- Jhony K. Pontes, Alceu S. Britto, Clinton Fookes, Alessandro L. Koerich. 2016 « A flexible hierarchical approach for facial age estimation based on multiple features ». Pattern Recognition vol. 54. p. 34-51
- Paulo R. L. De Almeida, Luiz S. Oliveira, Alceu S. Britto, Eunelson J. Silva, Alessandro L. Koerich. 2015 « PKLot-A robust dataset for parking lot classification ». Expert Systems with Applications vol. 42 , nº 11. p. 4937-4949
- Rodrigo A. Seger, Marcelo M. Wanderley, Alessandro Koerich L.. 2014 « Automatic detection of musicians’ ancillary gestures based on video analysis ». Expert Systems with Applications vol. 41 , nº 4, Part 2. p. 2098-2106
- Hideson Alves da Silva, Alceu de Souza Britto Jr, Luiz Eduardo Soares de Oliveira, Alessandro L. Koerich. 2013 « Network infrastructure design with a multilevel algorithm ». Expert Systems with Applications vol. 40 , nº 9. p. 3471-3480
- Thiago H. H. Zavaschi, Alceu S. Britto Jr, Luiz E. S. Oliveira, Alessandro Koerich L.. 2013 « Fusion of feature sets and classifiers for facial expression recognition ». Expert Systems with Applications vol. 40 , nº 2. p. 646-655
- Y. M. G. Costa, L. S. Oliveira, A. L. Koerich, F. Gouyon, J. G. Martins. 2012 « Music genre classification using LBP textural features ». Signal Processing vol. 92 , nº 11. p. 2723-2737
- L. Oliveira, A. L. Koerich, M. Mansano, A. S. Britto. 2011 « 2D principal component analysis for face and facial-expression recognition ». Computing in Science & Engineering vol. 13 , nº 3. p. 9-13
- Israel Rios, Alceu de Souza Britto Jr., Alessandro Lameiras Koerich, Luis Eduardo Soares Oliveira. 2011 « An OCR free method for word spotting in printed documents: the evaluation of different features sets ». Journal of Universal Computer Science vol. 17 , nº 1. p. 48-63
- Thomas Lidy, Carlos N. Silla Jr, Olmo Cornelis, Fabien Gouyon, Andreas Rauber, Celso A. A. Kaestner, Alessandro L. Koerich. 2010 « On the suitability of state-of-the-art music information retrieval methods for analyzing, categorizing and accessing non-Western and ethnic music collections ». Signal Processing vol. 90 , nº 4. p. 1032-1048
- Cheila Bergamini, Luis S. Oliveira, Alessandro L. Koerich, Robert Sabourin. 2009 « Combining different biometric traits with one-class classification ». Signal Processing vol. 89 , nº 11. p. 2117-2127
- C. N. Silla, A. L. Koerich, C. A. A. Kaestner. 2009 « A feature selection approach for automatic music genre classification ». International Journal of Semantic Computing vol. 3 , nº 2. p. 183-208
- P. R. Kalva, F. Enembreck, A. Koerich L.. 2008 « WEB image classification using combination of classifiers ». IEEE Latin America Transactions vol. 6 , nº 7. p. 661-671
- Luiz E. S. Oliveira, Paulo R. Cavalin, Alceu S. Britto Jr., Alessandro L. Koerich. 2008 « Inspeção automática de defeitos em madeiras de pinus usando visão computacional ». Revista de Informática Teórica e Aplicada vol. 15 , nº 2. p. 203-217
- R. Ribeiro, A. P. Borges, G. Ulbricht, Alessandro Koerich L.. 2008 « Discovering of action policies in dynamic environments ». Agora. Revista de Divulgaçao Cientifica vol. 15 , nº 1. p. 175-185
- Carlos N. Silla, Alessandro L. Koerich, Celso A. A. Kaestner. 2008 « A machine learning approach to automatic music genre classification ». Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society vol. 14 , nº 3. p. 7-18
- E. Vellasques, Luiz S. Oliveira, Alceu de Souza Britto, Alessandro L. Koerich, Robert Sabourin. 2008 « Filtering segmentation cuts for digit string recognition ». Pattern Recognition vol. 41 , nº 10. p. 3044-3053
- R. Ribeiro, Alessandro Koerich L., F. Enembreck. 2007 « Reinforcement learning: adaptive agents for discovery of policies of action ». Agora. Revista de Divulgaçao Cientifica vol. 14 , nº 1. p. 9-24
- Alessandro L. Koerich, Robert Sabourin, Ching Y. Suen. 2005 « Recognition and verification of unconstrained handwritten words ». IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence vol. 27 , nº 10. p. 1509-1522
- Alessandro L. Koerich. 2004 « Reconhecimento de palavras manuscritas usando modelos de Markov ». IEEE Latin America Transactions vol. 2 , nº 2. p. 132-141
- Alessandro L. Koerich, Robert Sabourin, C. Y. Suen. 2003 « Large vocabulary off-line handwriting recognition : a survey ». Pattern Analysis and Applications vol. 6 , nº 2. p. 97-121
- Alessandro L. Koerich, Robert Sabourin, Ching Y. Suen. 2003 « Lexicon-driven HMM decoding for large vocabulary handwriting recognition with multiple character models ». International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition vol. 6 , nº 2. p. 126-144
- Alessandro Koerich L., L. L. Lee. 2001 « Processamento automático de cheques bancários: Armazenamento e recuperação de informações ». Revista Controle & Automaçäo vol. 12 , nº 1. p. 52-63
- Luan L. Lee, Miguel G. Lizarraga, Natanael R. Gomes, Alessandro Koerich L.. 1997 « A prototype for Brazilian bankcheck recognition ». International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence vol. 11 , nº 4. p. 549-569
- C. Galup-Montoro, M. C. Schneider, A. L. Koerich, R. L. O. Pinto. 1994 « MOSFET threshold extraction from voltage-only measurements ». Electronics Letters vol. 30 , nº 17. p. 1458-1459
- L. E. S. de Oliveira, A. S Britto Jr., A. L. Koerich. 2007-10 « Computational process for wood image analysis ». Brevet brésilien PI0704329-5.
- L. E. S. de Oliveira, A. S. Britto Jr., A. L. Koerich. 2006-03 « A method to inspect containers ». Brevet brésilien PI0600752-0.
- A. L. Koerich, L. L. Lee. 1998-04 « A method and system for automatic extraction of filled-in Information from bankchecks ». Brevet brésilien PI9801896-5.
- L. L. Lee, M. E. Lizarraga, N. R. Gomes, Alessandro Koerich L.. 1997 « A prototype for Brazilian bankcheck recognition in automatic bankcheck processing ». In Automatic bankcheck processing vol. 28. p. 87-108. World Scientific Publishing
- D. A. Corso, R. H. P. Almeida, A. S. Britto Jr., A. L. Koerich, L. E. S. Oliveira. 2006 « Utilizando momentos invariantes para o reconhecimento de padrões em um sistema de visão computacional ». Communication lors de la conférence : XV Encontro Anual de Iniciação Científica (EAIC) (Ponta Grossa, Brasil, Aug. 22-25, 2006)
- D. A. Corso, R. H. P. Almeida, A. S. Britto Jr., A. L. Koerich, L. E. S. Oliveira. 2006 « Visão computacional: sistemas de visão aplicados a inspeção industrial ». Communication lors de la conférence : XV Encontro Anual de Iniciação Científica (EAIC) (Ponta Grossa, Brasil, Aug. 22-25, 2006)
- T. E. Szczepanik, G. M. Rocha, A. L. Koerich. 2006 « Classificação de objetos de interesse em vídeo digital ». Communication lors de la conférence : XIV Seminário de Iniciação Científica & VIII Mostra de Pesquisa da PUCPR (Curitiba, Brasil, Oct., 2006)
- M. Y. Yee, A. L. Koerich. 2006 « Reconhecimento de texto em vídeo digital ». Communication lors de la conférence : XIV Seminário de Iniciação Científica & VIII Mostra de Pesquisa da PUCPR (Curitiba, Brasil, Oct., 2006)
- R. Nagornni Jr., A. L. Koerich. 2005 « Localização e segmentação de texto em vídeo digital ». XIII Seminário de Iniciação Científica e VII Mostra de Pesquisa (Curitiba, Brasil, Nov., 2005)
- G. M. Rocha, T. E. Szczepanik, A. L. Koerich. 2005 « Detecção e segmentação de objetos de interesse em vídeo digital ». XIII Seminário de Iniciação Científica e VII Mostra de Pesquisa (Curitiba, Brasil, Nov., 2005)
- C. H. L. Costa, A. L. Koerich. 2004 « Busca e recuperação automática de áudio digital baseada na análise do conteúdo ». Communication lors de la conférence : XII Seminário de Iniciação Científica e VI Mostra de Pesquisa (Curitiba, Brasil, Nov., 2004)
- J. D. Valle Jr., A. L. Koerich. 2004 « Técnicas de pré-processamento e extração de características de áudio para a classificação de gêneros musicais ». XII Seminário de Iniciação Científica e VI Mostra de Pesquisa (Curitiba, Brasil, Nov., 2004)
- A. L. Koerich, M. C. Scheneider. 1994 « A new approach for MOSFET features extraction ». Communication lors de la conférence : X South Brazilian Conference of Science and Technology (Blumenau, Brazil, Nov., 1994)
- A. L. Koerich, M. C. Scheneider. 1994 « A new approach for MOSFET features extraction ». Communication lors de la conférence : IV State Conference of Science (Florianópolis, Brazil, Aug., 1994)
- A. L. Koerich, M. C. Scheneider. 1994 « Compound transistors for high gain and high frequency applications ». Communication lors de la conférence : X South Brazilian Conference of Science and Technology (Blumenau, Brazil, Nov., 1994)
- A. L. Koerich, M. C. Scheneider. 1994 « MOSFET features extraction ». Communication lors de la conférence : X Brazilian Conference of Science and Technology (São Carlos, Brazil, Dec., 1994)
- A. L. Koerich, M. C. Scheneider. 1994 « Series-parallel association of FET's for high gain and high frequency applications ». Communication lors de la conférence : X Brazilian Conference of Science and Technology (São Carlos, Brazil, Dec., 1994)
- A. L. Koerich, M. C. Scheneider. 1993 « Application of compound transistors in analog circuits design using sea-of-transistors ». Communication lors de la conférence : IX South Brazilian Conference of Science and Technology (Santa Maria, Brazil, Nov., 1993)
- A. L. Koerich, M. C. Scheneider. 1993 « Compound transistors for analog MOS integrated circuits design on digital gate-arrays ». Communication lors de la conférence : IV State Conference of Science (Florianópolis, Brazil, Aug., 1993)
- Muhammad Osama Zeeshan, Muhammad Haseeb Aslam, Soufiane Belharbi, Alessandro Lameiras Koerich, Marco Pedersoli, Simon Bacon, Eric G. Granger. 2024 « Subject-based domain adaptation for facial expression recognition ». IEEE 18th International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG) (Istanbul, Turkey, May 27-31, 2024) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
- Muhammad Haseeb Aslam, Muhammad Osama Zeeshan, Marco Pedersoli, Alessandro L. Koerich, Simon Bacon, Eric Granger. 2023 « Privileged knowledge distillation for dimensional emotion recognition in the wild ». IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (Vancouver, BC, Canada, June 17-24, 2023) IEEE Computer Society
- Guillaume Baril, Patrick Cardinal, Alessandro Lameiras Koerich. 2022 « Named entity recognition for audio de-identification ». International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) (Padua, Italy, July 18-23, 2022) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
- Caio Da S. Dias, Alceu De S. Britto, Jean P. Barddal, Laurent Heutte, Alessandro L. Koerich. 2022 « Pattern spotting and image retrieval in historical documents using deep hashing ». IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC) (Prague, Czech Republic, Oct. 09-12, 2022) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
- Bruna Rossetto Delazeri, Leonardo Leon Vera, Jean Paul Barddal, Alessandro L. Koerich, S. Britto Alceu de. 2022 « Evaluation of self-taught learning-based representations for facial emotion recognition ». International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) (Padua, Italy, July 18-23, 2022) IEEE
- Mohammad Esmaeilpour, Patrick Cardinal, Alessandro Lameiras Koerich. 2022 « Towards robust speech-to-text adversarial attack ». 47th IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (Singapore, Singapore, May 23-27, 2022) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
- R. G. Praveen, W. C. de Melo, N. Ullah, H. Aslam, O. Zeeshan, T. Denorme, M. Pedersoli, A. L. Koerich, S. Bacon, P. Cardinal, E. Granger. 2022 « A joint cross-attention model for audio-visual fusion in dimensional emotion recognition ». IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW) (New Orleans, LA, USA, June 19-20, 2022) IEEE
- Safaa Allamy, Alessandro Lameiras Koerich. 2021 « 1D CNN architectures for music genre classification ». IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI) (Orlando, FL, USA, Dec. 05-07, 2021) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
- Mohammad Esmaeilpour, Patrick Cardinal, Alessandro Lameiras Koerich. 2021 « Class-conditional defense GaN against end-to-end speech attacks ». IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP) (Toronto, ON, Canada - En ligne, June 06-11,, 2021) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
- Sevegni Odilon Clement Allognon, Alceu S. De Britto, Alessandro Lameiras Koerich. 2020 « Continuous emotion recognition via deep convolutional autoencoder and support vector regressor ». International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) (Glasgow, United Kingdom, July 19-24, 2020) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
- Mohammad Esmaeilpour, Patrick Cardinal, Alessandro Lameiras Koerich. 2020 « Detection of adversarial attacks and characterization of adversarial subspace ». IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) (Barcelona, Spain, May 04-08, 2020) IEEE
- Karl Michel Koerich, Mohammad Esmailpour, Sajjad Abdoli, Alceu De S. Britto, Alessandro Lameiras Koerich. 2020 « Cross-representation transferability of adversarial attacks: From spectrograms to audio waveforms ». International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) (Glasgow, United Kingdom, July 19-24, 2020) IEEE
- Steve Tsham Mpinda Ataky, Jonathan De Matos, Alceu De S. Britto, Luiz E. S. Oliveira, Alessandro L. Koerich. 2020 « Data augmentation for histopathological images based on gaussian-laplacian pyramid blending ». International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) (Glasgow, United Kingdom, July 19-24, 2020) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
- Thiago M. Paixao, Rodrigo F. Berriel, Maria C. S. Boeres, Alessandro L. Koerich, Claudine Badue, Alberto F. De Souza, Thiago Oliveira-Santos. 2020 « Fast(er) reconstruction of shredded text documents via self-supervised deep asymmetric metric learning ». IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) (En ligne, June 13-19, 2020) IEEE Computer Society
- Jonathan de Matos, Alceu de S. Britto Jr, Luiz E. S. de Oliveira, Alessandro L. Koerich. 2019 « Texture CNN for histopathological image classification ». IEEE 32nd International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS) (Cordoba, Spain, June 05-07, 2019) IEEE Computer Society
- Jonathan de Matos, Alceu Jr. de S. Britto, Luiz E. S. Oliveira, Alessandro L. Koerich. 2019 « Double transfer learning for breast cancer histopathologic image classification ». International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) (Budapest, Hungary, July 14-19, 2019) IEEE
- Juan D. S. Ortega, Patrick Cardinal, Alessandro L. Koerich. 2019 « Emotion recognition using fusion of audio and video features ». IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC) (Bari, Italy, Oct. 06-09, 2019) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
- D. C. Tannugi, A. S. Britto, A. L. Koerich. 2019 « Memory integrity of CNNs for cross-dataset facial expression recognition ». Conference Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (Bari, Italy, Oct. 06-09, 2019) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
- Daniel Vriesman, Alceu S. Britto, Alessandro Zimmer, Alessandro Lameiras Koerich. 2019 « Texture CNN for thermoelectric metal pipe image classification ». IEEE 31st International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI) (Los Alamitos, CA, USA, Nov. 04-06, 2019) IEEE Computer Society
- K. L. Wiggers, A. S. Britto, L. Heutte, A. L. Koerich, L. S. Oliveira. 2019 « Image retrieval and pattern spotting using siamese neural network ». Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (Budapest, Hungary, July 14-19, 2019) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
- Voncarlos M. Araújo, Alceu S. Jr. Britto, André L. Brun, Luiz E. S. Oliveira, Alessandro L. Koerich. 2018 « Fine-grained hierarchical classification of plant leaf images using fusion of deep models ». IEEE 30th International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI) (Volos, Greece, Nov. 5-7, 2018) IEEE Computer Society
- Kelly L. Wiggers, Alceu S. Britto, Laurent Heutte, Alessandro L. Koerich, Luiz Eduardo S. Oliveira. 2018 « Document image retrieval using deep features ». 2018 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2018) (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 08-13, 2018) IEEE
- Voncarlos Araújo, Alceu S. Britto, André L. Brun, Alessandro L. Koerich, Rosane Palate. 2017 « Multiple classifier system for plant leaf recognition ». 2017 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC) (Banff, AB, Canada, Oct. 05-08, 2017) IEEE
- Jhony K. Pontes, Clinton Fookes, Alceu Britto Jr, Alessandro L. Koerich. 2017 « Two-stage facial age prediction using group-specific features ». 42nd IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) (New Orleans, LA, USA, Mar. 05-09, 2017) IEEE
- Eunelson J. Silva, Alceu S. Britto, Luiz S. Oliveira, Fabricio Enembreck, Robert Sabourin, Alessandro L. Koerich. 2017 « A two-step cascade classification method ». 2017 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) (Anchorage, AK, USA, May 14-19, 2017) IEEE
- Marcelo J. Cossetin, Julio C. Nievola, Alessandro L. Koerich. 2016 « Facial expression recognition using a pairwise feature selection and classification approach ». 2016 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) (Vancouver, BC, Canada, July 24-29, 2016) IEEE
- Mohammed Senoussaoui, Patrick Cardinal, Najim Dehak, Alessandro L. Koerich. 2016 « Native language detection using the i-vector framework ». 17th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH) (San Francisco, CA, USA, Sept. 08-16, 2016) International Speech and Communication Association
- Patrick Cardinal, Najim Dehak, Alessandro Koerich Lameiras, Jahangir Alam, Patrice Boucher. 2015 « ETS System for AV+EC 2015 Challenge ». Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Audio/Visual Emotion Challenge (Brisbane, Australia, Oct. 26-30, 2015) ACM
- Andreia Marini, A. J. Turatti, A. S. Britto, Alessandro L. Koerich. 2015 « Visual and acoustic identification of bird species ». Proceedings of the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing ICASSP 2015 (Brisbane, Australia, Apr. 19-24, 2015)
- Leila M. Vriesmann, Alceus S. Jr. Britto, Luiz S. Oliveira, Alessandro L. Koerich, Robert Sabourin. 2015 « Combining overall and local class accuracies in an oracle-based method for dynamic ensemble selection ». 2015 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) (Killarney, Ireland, July 12-17, 2015) IEEE
- V. Godoy, A. S. Britto, A. Koerich, J. Facon, L. E. S. Oliveira. 2014 « An HMM-based gesture recognition method trained on few samples ». 2014 IEEE 26th International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI) (Limassol, Cyprus, Nov. 10-12, 2014)
- Paulo Almeida, Luiz S. Oliveira, Eunelson Silva Jr, Alceu Britto Jr, Alessandro Koerich. 2013 « Parking space detection using textural descriptors ». 2013 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, SMC 2013, October 13, 2013 - October 16, 2013 (Manchester, UK, Oct. 13-16, 2013) IEEE Computer Society
- Y. Costa, L. Oliveira, A. Koerich, F. Gouyon. 2013 « Music genre recognition based on visual features with dynamic ensemble of classifiers selection ». 2013 International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing (IWSSIP), 7-9 July 2013 (Bucharest, Romania, July 7-9, 2013) IEEE
- Yandre Costa, Luiz Oliveira, Alessandro Koerich, Fabien Gouyon. 2013 « Music genre recognition using gabor filters and LPQ texture descriptors ». 18th Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition, CIARP 2013, November 20, 2013 - November 23, 2013 (Havana, Cuba, Nov. 20-23, 2013) Springer Verlag
- Alessandro L. Koerich. 2013 « Improving the reliability of music genre classification using rejection and verification ». Proceedings of the 14th International Society for Music Information Retrieval, ISMIR 2013 (Curitiba, Brasil, Nov. 4-8, 2013)
- Andreia Marini, Jacques Facon, Alessandro L. Koerich. 2013 « Bird species classification based on color features ». 2013 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, SMC 2013, October 13, 2013 - October 16, 2013 (Manchester, UK, Oct. 13-16, 2013) IEEE Computer Society
- Andréia Marini, Alessandro L. Koerich, Irapuru H. Florido. 2013 « Classificação de espécies de pássaros utilizando características de textura ». X Encontro Nacional de Inteligencia Artificial e Computacional (ENIAC) (Fortaleza, Ceara, Brasil, Oct. 20-24, 2013)
- R. Ribeiro, F. Favarim, M. A. C. Barbosa, A. L. Koerich, F. Enembreck. 2013 « Combining learning algorithms: An approach to Markov decision processes ». Enterprise Information Systems : 14th International Conference, ICEIS 2012, Wroclaw, Poland, June 28 - July 1, 2012, Revised Selected Papers (Wroclaw, Poland, June 28-July 01, 2012) Springer Verlag
- R. A. Seger, M. M. Wanderley, A. L. Koerich. 2013 « Detecçao de movimentos auxiliares de clarinetistas atraves de visao computacional ». 14th SBCM - Brazilian Symposium on Computer Music 2013, Proceedings (Brazilia, Brasil, Oct. 31-Nov. 2, 2013)
- Yandre M. G. Costa, Luiz S. Oliveira, Alessandro L. Koerich, Fabien Gouyon. 2012 « Comparing textural features for music genre classification ». 2012 Annual International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, IJCNN 2012, Part of the 2012 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, WCCI 2012, June 10, 2012 - June 15, 2012 (Brisbane, Australia, June 10-15, 2012) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
- F. Dittrich, A. L. Koerich, L. E. S. Oliveira. 2012 « People counting in crowded scenes using multiple cameras ». 2012 19th International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing (IWSSIP) (Vienna, Austria, Apr. 11-13, 2012)
- P. R. Lisboa de Almeida, A. de Souza Britto, E. J. da Silva Junior, L. E. Soares de Oliveira, T. Montes Celinski, A. L. Koerich. 2012 « Music genre classification using dynamic selection of ensemble of classifiers ». 2012 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC2012). Proceedings (Seoul, South Korea, Oct. 14-17, 2012) IEEE
- R. Ribeiro, F. Favarim, M. A. C. Barbosa, A. Pinz Borges, O. Betazzi Dordal, A. L. Koerich, F. Enembreck. 2012 « Unified algorithm to improve reinforcement learning in dynamic environments an instance-based approach ». ICEIS 2012. 14th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems. Proceedings (Wroclaw, Poland, June 28-July 1, 2012) INSTICC Press
- Y.M.G. Costa, F. Gouyon, A. L. Koerich, L.E.S. Oliveira. 2011 « Classificaçao de gêneros musicais por texturas no espaço de frequência ». XXXVIII Seminário Integrado de Software e Hardware (SEMISH 2011) (Natal, Brasil, July, 2010)
- Yandre M. G. Costa, Luiz S. Oliveira, Alessandro L. Koerich, Fabien Gouyon. 2011 « Music genre recognition using spectrograms ». 2011 18th International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing, IWSSIP 2011, June 16, 2011 - June 18, 2011 (Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, June 16-18, 2011) IEEE Computer Society
- M. T. Lopes, C. A. A. Kaestner, C. N. Silla Jr., A. L. Koerich. 2011 « Identificação automática de espécies de pássaros a partir da análise do canto ». 13th Brazilian Symposium on Computer Music (SBCM) (Vitoria, Brasil, Aug. 31-Sept. 3, 2011)
- M. T. Lopes, A. Lameiras Koerich, C. Jnr Nascimento Silla, C. A. Alves Kaestner. 2011 « Feature set comparison for automatic bird species identification ». 2011 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 9-12 Oct. 2011 (Anchorage, AK, USA, Oct. 9-12, 2011) IEEE
- Marcelo T. Lopes, Lucas L. Gioppo, Thiago T. Higushi, Celso A. A. Kaestner, Carlos N. Silla Jr, Alessandro L. Koerich. 2011 « Automatic bird species identification for large number of species ». Proceedings - 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia, ISM 2011 (Dana Point, CA, USA, Dec. 5-7, 2011) IEEE Computer Society
- M. Mansano, L. Pavesi, L. S. Oliveira, A. Britto Jr, A. Koerich. 2011 « Inspection of metallic surfaces using Local Binary Patterns ». 37th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2011, November 7, 2011 - November 10, 2011 (Melbourne, VIC, Australia, Nov. 7-10, 2011) IEEE Computer Society
- C. N. Silla Jr., C. A. A. Kaestner, A. L. Koerich. 2011 « Classificação de gêneros musicais utilizando vetores de característica híbridos ». 13th Brazilian Symposium on Computer Music (SBCM) (Vitoria, Brasil, Aug. 31-Sept. 3, 2011)
- H. A. Silva, A. S. Britto, L. E. S. Oliveira, A. L. Koerich. 2011 « A multilevel algorithm for the network design problem ». IECON 2011 - 37th Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics, 7-10 Nov. 2011 IEEE
- T. H. H. Zavaschi, A. L. Koerich, L. E. S. Oliveira. 2011 « Facial expression recognition using ensemble of classifiers ». ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings (Prague, Czech Republic, May 22-27, 2011) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
- A. L. Koerich, A. de S Britto, L. E. S. de Oliveira. 2010 « Verification of unconstrained handwritten words at character level ». Proceedings 2010 12th International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition (ICFHR 2010) (Kolkata, India, Nov. 16-18, 2010) IEEE Computer Society
- Alessandro L. Koerich, Luiz Eduardo Soares de Oliveira, Alceu S. Britto Jr.. 2010 « Face recognition using selected 2DPCA coefficients ». IWSSIP 2010 - 17th International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, June 17-19, 2010)
- Miguel Lopes, Fabien Gouyon, Alessandro L. Koerich, Luiz E. S. Oliveira. 2010 « Selection of training instances for music genre classification ». Proceedings - 2010 20th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, ICPR 2010 (Istanbul, Turkey, Aug. 23-26, 2010) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
- Israel Rios, Alceu S. Britto Jr, Alessandro L. Koerich, Luiz E. S. Oliveira. 2010 « Evaluation of different feature sets in an OCR free method for word spotting in printed documents ». APPLIED COMPUTING 2010 - Proceedings of the 25th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (Sierre, Switzerland, Mar. 22-26, 2010) Association for Computing Machinery
- Carlos N. Silla Jr, Alessandro L. Koerich, Celso A. A. Kaestner. 2010 « Improving automatic music genre classification with hybrid content-based feature vectors ». APPLIED COMPUTING 2010 - Proceedings of the 25th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (Sierre, Switzerland, Mar. 22-26, 2010) Association for Computing Machinery
- Richardson Ribeiro, Andre P. Borges, Alessandro L. Koerich, Edson E. Scalabrin, Fabricio Enembreck. 2009 « A strategy for converging dynamic action policies ». 2009 IEEE Symposium on Intelligent Agents, IA 2009 - Proceedings (Nashville, TN, USA, Mar. 30- Apr. 2, 2009) Inst. of Elec. and Elec. Eng. Computer Society
- Murilo Santos, Albert Hung-Ren Ko, Luis S. Oliveira, Robert Sabourin, Alessandro L. Koerich, Alceu de Souza Britto. 2009 « Evaluation of different strategies to optimize an HMM-based character recognition system ». 10th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR) (Barcelona, Spain, July 26-29, 2009) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Computer Society
- Cheila Bergamini, Luiz S. Oliveira, Alessandro L. Koerich, Robert Sabourin. 2008 « Fusion of biometric systems using one-class classification ». IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) (Hong Kong, China, June 1-8, 2008) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
- A. Marini, Alessandro Koerich L.. 2008 « Estratégias de rejeiçao para problemas multiclasses ». XXXIV Conferencia Latinoamericana de Informatica (CLEI 2008) (Santa Fé, Argentina, Sept. 8-12, 2008)
- M. Santos, L. Oliveira, Robert Sabourin, A. Koerich, A. Britto Jr.. 2008 « Combinando caracteristicas complementares em modelos escondidos de markov: uma otimizaçao para o reconhecimento de caracteres manuscritos ». Conferencia Latinoamericana de Informatica (CLEI) (Santa Fe, Argentina, Sept. 8-12, 2008)
- Carlos N. Silla Jr, Alessandro L. Koerich, Celso A. A. Kaestner. 2008 « The latin music database ». 9th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval, ISMIR 2008, September 14, 2008 - September 18, 2008 (Philadelphia, PA, USA, Sept. 14-18, 2008) Drexel University
- Carlos N. Jr Silla, Alessandro L. Koerich, Celso A. A. Kaestner. 2008 « Feature selection in automatic music genre classification ». 10th IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia, ISM 2008 (Berkeley, CA, USA, Dec. 15-17, 2008) IEEE
- Jr. Valle, L. E. S. Oliveira, Alessandro L. Koerich. 2008 « Automatic people counting in videos from oblique viewing cameras ». IEEE Andescon 2008 (Cuzco, Peru, Oct. 15-17. 2008)
- A. G. Hochuli, A. S. Britto, A. L. Koerich. 2007 « Detection of non-conventional events on video scenes ». IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 2007. ISIC
- A. G. Hochuli, L. E. S. Oliveira, A. S. Britto, A. L. Koerich. 2007 « Detection and classification of human movements in video scenes ». Advances in Image and Video Technology. Second Pacific Rim Symposium, PSIVT 2007, 17-19 Dec. 2007 (Santiago, Chile, Dec. 17-19, 2007) Springer-Verlag
- P. R. Kalva, F. Enembreck, A. L. Koerich. 2007 « WEB image classification based on the fusion of image and text classifiers ». Ninth International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, 2007. ICDAR 2007 (Parana, Brazil, Sept. 23-26, 2007)
- R. Ribeiro, A. L. Koerich, F. Enembreck. 2007 « Noise tolerance in reinforcement learning algorithms ». IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology, 2007. IAT '07 (Fremont, CA, USA, Nov. 2-5, 2007)
- C. N. Silla Jr., C. A. A. Kaestner, A. L. Koerich. 2007 « The latin music database: uma base de dados para a classificaçao automatica de generos musicais ». SBCM 2007 Proceedings (São Paulo, Brazil, Sept. 1-3, 2007)
- C. N. Silla, C. A. A. Kaestner, A. L. Koerich. 2007 « Automatic music genre classification using ensemble of classifiers ». IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 2007. ISIC (Montreal, QC, Canada, Oct. 7-10, 2007)
- J. D. Valle, L. E. S. Oliveira, A. L. Koerich, A. S. Britto. 2007 « People counting in low density video sequences ». Advances in Image and Video Technology : Second Pacific Rim Symposium, PSIVT 2007 Santiago, Chile, December 17-19, 2007 Proceedings (Santiago, Chile, Dec. 17-19, 2007) Springer Berlin Heidelberg
- P. Cavalin, L. S. Oliveira, A. L. Koerich, A. S. Britto. 2006 « Wood defect detection using grayscale images and an optimized feature set ». IECON 2006 - 32nd Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics (Paris, France, Nov. 6-10, 2006)
- B. C. de Paula, F. Enembreck, A. L. Koerich. 2006 « Agente inteligente para jogos de estrategia baseados em turnos : uma abordagem utilizando planejamiento baseado em casos ». Digital Proceedings of the V Brazilian Symposium on Computer Games and Digital Entertainment (Recife, Brazil, Nov. 8-10, 2006)
- Alessandro L. Koerich, Alceu S. Britto Jr, Luiz E. S. Oliveira, Robert Sabourin. 2006 « Fusing high- and low level features for handwritten word recognition ». 10th International Workshop on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition (IWFHR) (La Baule, France, Oct. 23-26, 2006)
- Richardson Ribeiro, Fabrício Enembreck, Alessandro L. Koerich. 2006 « A hybrid learning strategy for discovery of policies of action ». Advances in Artificial Intelligence - IBERAMIA-SBIA 2006 : 2nd International Joint Conference, 10th Ibero-American Conference on AI, 18th Brazilian AI Symposium, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil, October 23-27, 2006. Proceedings (Ribeirão Preto, Brazil, Oct. 23-27, 2006) Springer Berlin Heidelberg
- Richardson Ribeiro, Alessandro L. Koerich, Fabrício Enembreck. 2006 « Uma nova metodologia para avaliaçao da performance de algoritmos baseados em aprendizagem por reforço ». Anais do XXVI Congresso da SBC. SEMISH XXXIII Seminário Integrado de Software e Hardware (Campo Grande, Brasil, July 14-20, 2006)
- C. N. Silla, C. A. A. Kaestner, Alessandro L. Koerich. 2006 « Automatic genre classification of Latin music using ensemble of classifiers ». Anais do XXVI Congresso da SBC. SEMISH XXXIII Seminário Integrado de Software e Hardware (Campo Grande, Brazil, July 14-20, 2006)
- Carlos N. Jr. Silla, Celso A A. Kaestner, Alessandro L. Koerich. 2006 « Time-space ensemble strategies for automatic music genre classification ». Advances in Artificial Intelligence - IBERAMIA-SBIA 2006 : 2nd International Joint Conference, 10th Ibero-American Conference on AI, 18th Brazilian AI Symposium, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil, October 23-27, 2006. Proceedings (Ribeirão Preto, Brazil, Oct. 23-27, 2006) Springer Berlin Heidelberg
- E. Vellasques, L.S. Oliveira, A. S. Britto Jr, A. L. Koerich, Robert Sabourin. 2006 « Modeling segmentation cuts using support vector machines ». 10th International Workshop on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition (IWFHR) (La Baule, France, Oct. 23-26, 2006)
- A. L. Koerich, P. R. Kalva. 2005 « Unconstrained handwritten character recognition using metaclasses of characters ». IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2005. ICIP 2005 (Genoa, Italy, Sept. 11-14, 2005)
- A. L. Koerich, C. Poitevin. 2005 « Combination of homogeneous classifiers for musical genre classification ». 2005 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (Waikoloa, HI, USA, Oct. 10-12, 2005)
- C. N. Silla Jr., C. A. Kaestner, A. L. Koerich. 2005 « Classificação automática de gêneros musicais utilizando métodos de bagging e boosting ». 10th Brazilian Symposium on Computer Music (SBCM) (Belo Horizonte, Brasil, Oct. 3-5, 2005)
- C. H. L. Costa, J. D. Valle, A. L. Koerich. 2004 « Automatic classification of audio data ». 2004 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (The Hague, Netherlands, Oct. 10-13, 2004)
- A. L. Koerich. 2004 « Rejection strategies for handwritten word recognition ». Ninth International Workshop on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition, 2004. IWFHR-9 2004 (Tokyo, Japan, Oct. 26-29, 2004)
- Alessandro L. Koerich, Robert Sabourin, Ching Y. Suen. 2004 « Fast two-level HMM decoding algorithm for large vocabulary handwriting recognition ». Ninth International Workshop on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition (IWFHR-9) (Tokyo, Japan, Oct. 26-29, 2004) Institute of electrical and Electronics Engineers Computer Society
- A. L. Koerich. 2003 « Improving classification performance using metaclasses ». IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 2003 (Washington, DC, USA, Oct. 5-8, 2003)
- A. L. Koerich. 2003 « Unconstrained handwritten character recognition using different classification strategies ». IAPR - TC3 International Workshop on Artificial Neural Networks in Pattern Recognition (Florence, Italy, Sept. 12-13, 2003)
- A. L. Koerich. 2003 « Verification of handwritten words at character level ». Proceedings of the fifth IASTED International Conference on Signal and Image Processing, August 13-15, 2003, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA (Honolulu, HI, USA, Aug. 13-15, 2003) ACTA Press
- A. L. Koerich, Yann Leydier, Robert Sabourin, Ching Y. Suen. 2002 « Système hybride de reconnaissance de mots manuscrits sur un grand vocabulaire utilisant des réseaux neuronaux et des modèles de Markov cachés ». CIFED '2002 : colloque international francophone sur l'écrit et le document : Hammamet, 21-23 octobre 2002 (Hammamet, Tunisie, 21-23 oct. 2002) INRIA
- Alessandro L. Koerich, Yann Leydier, Robert Sabourin, Ching Y. Suen. 2002 « A hybrid large vocabulary handwritten word recognition system using neural networks with hidden Markov models ». 8th International Workshop on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition (IWFHR) (Ontario, Canada, Aug. 6-8, 2002) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Computer Society
- Alessandro L. Koerich, Robert Sabourin, Ching Y. Suen. 2002 « Fast two-level Viterbi search algorithm for unconstrained handwriting recognition ». IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (Orlando, FL, USA, May 13-17, 2002) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
- Alessandro L. Koerich, Robert Sabourin, Ching Y. Suen. 2001 « A distributed scheme for lexicon-driven handwritten word recognition and its application to large vocabulary problems ». 6th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (Seattle, WA, USA, Sept. 10-13, 2001) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Computer Society
- Alessandro L. Koerich, Robert Sabourin, Ching Y. Suen. 2001 « A time-length constrained level building algorithm for large vocabulary handwritten word recognition ». Second International Conference on Advances in Pattern Recognition (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, March 11-14, 2001) Springer-Verlag
- A. L. Koerich, R. Sabourin, C. Y. Suen, A. El-Yacoubi. 2000 « A syntax directed level building algorithm for large vocabulary handwritten word recognition ». Fourth IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems, (DAS 2000) (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 10-13 December 2000)
- A. L. Koerich, L. L. Lee. 1999 « A novel approach for automatic extracting the user-entered data from bankchecks ». Document analysis systems : theory and practice ; third IAPR workshop ; selected papers (Nagano, Japan, Oct., 1998)
- A. L. Koerich, L. L. Lee. 1999 « Automatic storage, retrieval and visualization of bank check images ». Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, 1999. ICDAR '99 (Bangalore, India, Sept. 20-22, 1999) IEEE
- A. L. Koerich, L. L. Lee. 1998 « A system for automatic extraction of the user-entered data from bankchecks ». Proceedings SIBGRAPI'98. International Symposium on Computer Graphics, Image Processing, and Vision (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Jan. 20-23, 1998) IEEE
- A. L. Koerich, Ling Lee Luan. 1997 « Automatic extraction of filled information from bankchecks ». 1997 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 1997. Computational Cybernetics and Simulation (Orlando, FL, USA, Oct. 12-15, 1997)
- A. L. Koerich, Ling Lee Luan. 1997 « Compression of bank cheque images based on layout knowledge ». 1997 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 1997. ICASSP-97 (Munich, Germany, Apr. 21-24, 1997)
- A. L. Koerich, L. L. Lee. 1997 « A methods for bankchecks image storage based on layout knowledge ». XV Brazilian Symposium of Telecommunications (SBT'97) (Recife, Brazil, Sept. 8-11, 1997)
- Alessandro L. Koerich, Luan Ling Lee. 1997 « Automatic extraction of filled-in information from bankchecks based on prior knowledge about layout structure ». Advances in Document Image Analysis. First Brazilian Symposium, BSDIA'97 Curitiba, Brazil, November 2–5, 1997 Proceedings (Curitiba, Brazil, Nov. 2-5, 1997) Springer Berlin Heidelberg
- M. C. Schneider, C. Galup-Montoro, A. L. Koerich, R. L. O. Pinto. 1994 « MOSFET threshold extraction from voltage-only measurements ». IX Brazilian Microelectronics Congress (SBMICRO'1994) (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Aug., 1994)
- A. L. Koerich, H. J. Muller, R. Sander. 1993 « Dielectric constants in oxadiazol series ». 45th Meeting of Brazilian Society for the Progress of Science (SBPC) (Recife, Brazil, July, 1993)
- A. L. Koerich, H. J. Muller, R. Sander. 1993 « Ferroelectrical properties of pentilcarboxi-anilina ». 45th Meeting of Brazilian Society for the Progress of Science (Recife, Brazil, July, 1993)
- Alessandro L. Koerich. 2002 « Large vocabulary off-line handwriting recognition ». Thèse de doctorat. Montreal, QC, Canada, École de technologie supérieure.
- Alessandro Koerich L.. 1997 « A proposal for bank cheques images processing: information extraction and storage ». Mémoire de maîtrise. Brazil, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Campinas, Brazil.