Composition of the jury
The written (DGA1032) and oral (DGA1033) doctoral exams are evaluated by a jury of at least three people, who are joined by the co-supervisor, if applicable.
These people are:
- The research supervisor.
- An ÉTS professor with a doctorate who works in a closely related field.
- An ÉTS professor with a doctorate who is external to the department of the research supervisor and, preferably, who works in a closely related field to the project, to act as jury chair.
- The co-supervisor, if applicable.
In addition to these people, there can be:
- An ÉTS professor with a doctorate.
- An external member with a doctorate who is a member of the research or university communities.
- An external member with an interest in the project from the industrial, academic or research communities. This person must have at least a master’s degree.
In the case of a confidential project, the research supervisor must ensure that all jury members sign a Recognition of Confidentiality Agreement (available at the Graduate Studies Office). See Confidentiality of dissertation or thesis.
During the session in which the student has registered for Research Problem (DGA1031), the research supervisor undertakes the process of composing the jury for the second and third sections of the exam. This ensures that everything is in place for the start of the semester during which the written doctoral exam will take place and gives the student the chance to quickly obtain the list of books to study.
In the middle of the same semester, the Graduate Studies Office will send the research supervisor all relevant documents to make the jury composition official.
Nomination of members
The Dean of Studies office nominates the jury following the research supervisor’s proposal. Jury members will receive an e-mail confirmation of their nomination, to which the present procedure is attached. The student is also informed of the nominations at the same time.
Duties of the chair
The jury chair is responsible for ensuring that the doctoral exam goes smoothly and that all regulations and procedures are applied. If the chair notices irregularities, it is his or her responsibility to advise the Dean of Studies.
The chair is an ÉTS professor and must assume the responsibility that this position confers with impartiality and stringency. The jury chair receives support services from the Office of the Dean of Studies as well as assistance and collaboration from the doctoral program director.
Duties of the research supervisor with respect to the doctoral exam
The research supervisor acts as a liaison between jury members and the Office of the Dean of Studies. Along with other jury members, he or she coordinates the content of the doctoral exam and the choice of reference documents. He or she communicates with the student concerning core subjects, specific topics of interrogation and the list of books to study in preparation for the exam. He or she is in charge of sending the results of each section of the exam to the Graduate Studies Office within the specified time frame.
Contact us
Graduate Studies Hub
Room A-1700
514 396-8954