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51 Résultats pour : « Portes ouvertes »

L'ÉTS vous donne rendez-vous à sa journée portes ouvertes qui aura lieu sur son campus à l'automne et à l'hiver : Samedi 18 novembre 2023 Samedi 17 février 2024 Le dépôt de votre demande d'admission à un programme de baccalauréat ou au cheminement universitaire en technologie sera gratuit si vous étudiez ou détenez un diplôme collégial d'un établissement québécois.

Research Support Fund

ÉTS provides its faculty and student community with a range of measures and means, both individual and collective, to support research.

More indirect services generate expenses associated with research activities.

These include:

  • Financial management;
  • Computer support;
  • Communications services;
  • Laboratory maintenance and security;
  • Equipment purchasing;
  • Support staff.

To support these costs, the federal government provides an annual grant to Canadian universities and colleges.

The Research Support Fund (RSF), formerly known as the Indirect Costs Program, allows ÉTS to cover a portion of its research costs. The amount awarded each year is based on the research activity carried out by all researchers at the institution through the three granting councils: NSERC, SSHRC and CIHR.

As of 2018-2019, the Canadian government also funds the Incremental Project Grant (IPG) program. ÉTS has chosen to invest these funds on efforts to foster equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI).

In 2022-2023, the Canadian government introduced the Security of Research (SR) program to further support activities related to the indirect costs of security of research and to support the National Security Guidelines for Research Partnerships.

Impacts of the allocations

Research activity at ÉTS has been growing steadily for several years. The funding obtained through stipends allows us to organize research in a coherent manner and to offer a creative, safe environment that adequately supports the efforts of ÉTS researchers, while providing the student community with a stimulating learning environment that calls on them to excel.

Whether it is through the maintenance and renovation of research facilities, the enhancement of digital resources, administrative support for research projects, faculty training in equity, diversity and inclusion issues, or the administration of patent applications, the grant has a significant impact on the research organization and environment..

Among other things, the RSF has improved research management tools by implementing digital tools for more efficient in-house administration of research projects. In addition, many research facilities have been built, new infrastructures have been installed and others have received necessary upgrades, all this in a context of increased implementation of security measures, including the security of information systems.

The financial support of the federal government allows ÉTS to promote and strengthen the complementarity and synergy between all the actors involved in research and the transfer of its results, to participate in research projects of international scope and to exercise leadership in innovation closely linked to the industrial sector.

With regard to EDI, all actions undertaken by our institution since 2017 are in line with the requirements and practices in equity, diversity and inclusion formulated by the Canada Research Chairs Program in its 2019 addendum following the human rights settlement agreement ratified in 2006.

ÉTS is educating its academic community about the principles of EDI. The commitment of its senior management has resulted in the integration of good practices in EDI into our recruitment processes, the provision of training activities and the addition of an Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Advisor.

For more information: https://www.etsmtl.ca/en/research/research-support/equity-diversity-inclusion-research 

As a university that is aware of its responsibility to protect the research ecosystem, ÉTS disseminates through its university community the different concepts and mechanisms of national security by offering training and support and by raising awareness of the impacts of security management.



This amount was allocated as follows:

  • 52,76 % : research facilities;
  • 32,59 % : management and administration;
  • 8,28 % : research resources;
  • 5,49 % : intellectual property;
  • 0,89 % : for regulatory requirements.

IPG = 21 273 $

RSF allocation performance targets

Objective :
  • Meet the research facility needs of the scientific community.
    Indicator : 
    • Identification of infrastructure needs.
    Outcome  : 
    • Database, master plan and project budget.

    Objective : 
    • Improve support for grant preparation.
    Indicator :  
    • Activities conducted for faculty.
    Outcome : 
    • Increase in the number of applications selected for funding.

    Objective : 
    • Acquire new information resources and databases.
    Indicator :  
    • Inventory of tools.
    Outcome : 
    • Resources available to the faculty and student community.

    Objective : 
    • Maintain high standard of ethical and responsible conduct.
    Indicator :  
    • Portion of grant invested in ethics officer salaries, tools and community training.
    Outcome : 
    • Improve committee effectiveness.

    Objective :
    • Increase in the number of invention declarations and the number of partnerships.
    Indicator :
    • Portion of grant invested in salaries for advisors and support staff positions.
    Outcome :
    • Increase the number of contracts signed with the private and public sectors.


    RSF = 3 213 359 $

    This amount was allocated as follows:

    • 55,5 % : research facilities;
    • 37,2 % : management and administration;
    • 1,9 % : research resources;
    • 4,5 % : intellectual property;
    • 0,9 % : for regulatory requirements

    IPG = 54 755 $

    RSF allocation performance targets

    Objective :
    • Renovate and upgrade research facilities.
    Indicator : 
    • Research facility compliance.
    Outcome  : 
    • Space program, master plan and project budget.

    Objective : 
    • Improve the positioning of research.
    Indicator :  
    • Activities conducted for faculty.
    Outcome : 
    • Increase in the number of applications selected for funding.

    Objective : 
    • Acquire new information resources and databases.
    Indicator :  
    • Inventory of tools.
    Outcome : 
    • Resources available to the faculty and student community.

    Objective : 
    • Maintain a high standard of ethical and responsible conduct.
    Indicator :  
    • Portion of grant invested in ethics officer salaries, tools and community training.
    Outcome : 
    • Improve committee effectiveness.

    Objective :
    • Increase in the number of invention declarations and the nomber of partnerships.
    Indicator :
    • Portion of grant invested in salaries for advisors and support staff positions.
    Outcome :
    • Increase the number of contracts signed with the private and public sectors.


    RSF = 3 258 450 $

    This amount was allocated as follows:

    • 51,2 % : research facilities;
    • 42,3 % : management and administration;
    • 2,2 % : research resources;
    • 2,7 % : intellectual property;
    • 1,5 % : for regulatory requirements.

    IPG = 81 622 $

    RSF allocation performance targets

    Objective :
    • Improve the environment and quality of equipment in research laboratories.
    Indicator : 
    • Redesign and construction of new spaces.
    Outcome  : 
    • Functional laboratories.

    Objective : 
    • Improve the positioning of research.
    Indicator :  
    • Activities conducted for faculty.
    Outcome : 
    • Increase in the number of grant applications selected for funding.

    Objective : 
    • Provide bibliometric services.
    Indicator :  
    • Share of grant invested in librarians salaries, research tools and technical staff for servers and networks.
    Outcome : 
    • Increase services to the research and student communities.

    Objective : 
    • Maintain a high standards of ethical and responsible conduct.
    Indicator :  
    • Portion of grant invested in ethics officer salaries, tools  and community training.
    Outcome : 
    • Reduction in application processing time.

    Objective :
    • To continue efforts in technology transfer.
    Indicator :
    • Portion of grant invested in salaries for  advisors and support staff positions as well as training for the  community.
    Outcome :
    • Increase in the number of contracts signed with the private and public sectors.


    RSF = 3 317 859 $

    This amount was allocated as follows:

    • 55,6% : research facilities;
    • 36,9% : management and administration;
    • 2,3% : research resources;
    • 4,2% : intellectual property;
    • 0,9% : for regulatory requirements.

    IPG = 97 485 $

    SR = 106 889 $

    RSF allocation performance targets

    Objective :
    • Improve the environment and quality of equipment in research laboratories.
    Indicator : 
    • Redesign and construction of new spaces.
    Outcome  : 
    • Functional laboratories.

    Objective : 
    • Improve the positioning of research .
    Indicator :  
    • Activities conducted for faculty.
    Outcome : 
    • Increase in the number of grant applications selected for funding.

    Objective : 
    • Provide bibliometric services.
    Indicator :  
    • Share of grant invested in librarian salaries, research tools and technical staff for servers and networks.
    Outcome : 
    • Increase services to the research and student communities.

    Objective : 
    • Maintain a high standard of ethical and responsibleconduct.
    Indicator :  
    • Portion of grant invested in ethics officer salaries, tools and community training.
    Outcome : 
    • Reduction in application processing time by providing collaboratives management tool.

    Objective :
    • To continue efforts in technology transfer.
    Indicator :
    • Portion of grant invested in salaries for advisors and support staff positions as well as training for the community.
    Outcome :
    • Increase in the number of contracts signed with the private and public sectors and the number of transfer grants obtained.


    Research Support Fund (RSF) = $3,284,809

    Incremental Project Grants (IPG) = $90,212

    Security of Research (SR) = $100,693

    These allocations break down as follows:

    • 53.9%: research facilities
    • 37.9%: management and administration
    • 2.5%: research resources
    • 4.3%: intellectual property
    • 1.4%: regulatory requirements.

    RSF allocation performance targets

    Objective :
    • Maintain existing research spaces and develop new, safe, state-of-the-art research facilities.
    • Work on 25 laboratories is 95% complete. In 2023-2024, the following laboratories will be completed:
      • lab#21: Photonics laboratory
      • lab#12: laboratory for advanced technologies in forming, powder molding and assembly of high-strength alloys.
    Indicator : 
    • Number of operational laboratories
    Outcome  : 
    • Increase in available, efficient and functional research space accessible to the research community.  Laboratories #21 and #12 will be completed, bringing the total to 25%.

    Objective : 
    • To maintain or improve the support offered to researchers in the preparation of their grant applications in order to increase success rates and the annual amounts awarded for research. Improve the efficiency of research management processes.
    Indicator :  
    • Grant success rate, amounts awarded annually and researcher satisfaction. Mapping.
    Outcome : 
    • Continuous improvement in the success rate of grants, the increase in the amounts granted annually and the satisfaction rate of researchers with the services received.  Reduction in the time taken to process a grant application, depending on its nature..

    Objective : 
    • Implement and operationalize an institutional research data management strategy.
    • This involves 1) Setting up institutional committees 2) Developing service offerings with all the departments involved 3) Supporting professors in complying with the requirements of the main organizations and the best practices established by the institutional strategy.
    Indicator :  
    • Develop services to support researchers, help researchers comply with research data management requirements.
    Outcome : 
    • The institutional strategy adopted by the institution, at least five committee meetings, ten working sessions on research data.

    Objective : 
    • To revise the institutional research ethics policy.  Support the ÉTS community with regard to regulatory requirements by offering the following services: 1) support for researchers in preparing and submitting files relating to ethics, animal protection and conflicts of interest, and 2) practical training workshops.
    Indicator :  
    • Number of projects, number of workshops and revised institutional research ethics policy completed.
    Outcome : 
    • Maintain the quality and accessibility of the services offered, increase the number of participants in training workshops, increase the number of accompaniments and implement the revised institutional policy on research ethics.

    Objective :
    • Management of intellectual property resulting from ÉTS research projects.  Raise researchers' awareness of intellectual property issues. Support researchers in the process of protecting research results.
    Indicator :
    • Number of invention declarations obtained; number of awareness-raising workshops organised
    Outcome :
    • Increase in the number of invention declarations and in the number of people attending workshops.

    The Incremental Project Grant (IPG) will be fully dedicated to all activities related to the principles of equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI).   The four main objectives of the action plan are: 1) to make our applicant pools more diverse, 2) to promote opportunities for all applicants from underrepresented groups when they are being evaluated for CRC tenure or when they compete for faculty positions, and 3) to provide training, coaching and mentoring in order to increase the likelihood of success, 3) provide training, coaching and mentoring to improve the support and retention of Chairholders and new faculty members, and 4) improve the understanding and awareness of EDI issues and principles among the broader university community.

    The Research Security (RS) grant will help build the capacity of the ÉTS to identify, assess, and mitigate potential risks to research security.

    The funds obtained will be used entirely to support a resource with the experience and expertise to ensure compliance with all aspects of national security related to research. In addition, ÉTS is capitalizing on the strengths and expertise of this resource to disseminate the various national security concepts and mechanisms throughout the organization by providing training and support, raising awareness of the impacts of security management and the need to implement risk mitigation plans.  All while going above and beyond grantor expectations.

    ÉTS has established the following research security goals:

    • Demonstrate leadership and organizational oversight
    • Establish an expectation of openness and transparency
    • Provide and share training, support and information
    • Implement effective mechanisms for compliance with organizational policies
    • Manage potential risks associated with collaborations, data and technologies


    For the fiscal year 2024-2025, ÉTS expects to receive the following allocations:

    Research Support Fund (RSF) = $3,363,286

    Incremental Project Grants (IPG) = $111,536

    Research Safety (SR) = $106,869

    Performance Objectives for RSF

    Objective: Acquire Elsevier's Pure research management tool. Performance Indicators: Implementation of the first phase of the software. Target Outcome: Develop, in partnership with the Office of Partnership Initiatives, a mapping of researchers' expertise.

    Objective: Improve support for researchers in preparing grant applications to increase success rates. Enhance efficiency in research management processes. Performance Indicator: Success rate of grants, annual grant amounts, and researcher satisfaction. Target Outcome: Continuous improvement in grant success rates, increased annual grant amounts, and researcher satisfaction with services received. Reduction in processing time for grant applications based on their nature.

    Objective: Acquire Elsevier's Pure research management tool. Performance Indicators: Implementation of the first phase of the software. Target Outcome: Develop, in partnership with the Office of Partnership Initiatives, a mapping of researchers' expertise.

    Objective: Manage intellectual property arising from ÉTS research projects. Raise awareness among researchers about intellectual property issues. Assist researchers in protecting research results. Involve our technology transfer company, Axelys, in the valorization process when possible. Performance Indicators: Number of invention disclosures (ID) obtained, number of awareness workshops conducted. Number of IDs transferred to Axelys. Target Outcomes: Increase in the number of invention disclosures and IDs transferred to Axelys, and number of participants in workshops.

    Objective: Revise the institutional research ethics policy - Support the ÉTS community regarding regulatory requirements by providing the following services: 1) assistance to researchers in developing and submitting files related to ethics with human participants, animal protection, and conflicts of interest, and 2) training sessions offered to graduate students. Performance Indicators: Number of files, number of training sessions offered, and completion of revised institutional research ethics policy. Target Outcome: Maintain the quality and accessibility of services offered, increase in the number of participants in training sessions, increase in the number of assistance provided, and implementation of the revised institutional research ethics policy.

    Performance targets for the Incremental Projects Grant (IPG)

    The Incremental Projects Grant (IPG) will be entirely dedicated to activities related to equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI).

    Promote the engagement and mobilization of the university community, especially those from under-represented groups, in various EDI subcommittees, through membership renewal, reflection on mandates and the creation of new subcommittees.

    Expected results :

    • Renewal of EDI Faculty hiring sub-committee members.
    • Reflection on the mandate and renewal of EDI Nomination of chairholders sub-committee members.
    • Relaunch of the sub-committee on the place of women at ÉTS with a view to developing a specific gender equality plan.
    • Creation of a new sub-committee on accessibility.

    Indicators :

    • Participation of new committee members for Faculty hiring and Nomination of chairholders sub-committees.
    • Reactivation of the sub-committee on women and adoption of a specific gender equality plan.
    • Activation of an accessibility sub-committee and adoption of a working mandate.

    Promote opportunities for all candidates from under-represented groups when evaluating for CRC positions or competing for faculty positions.

    Expected results:

    • Reach a first proportion of selection committee members who have voluntarily completed the self-supporting training on inclusive recruitment.
    • Increase in the proportion of faculty members who have taken the unconscious bias training.
    • New tool developed for assembly presentations.

    Indicators :

    • 30% of selection committee members who have voluntarily completed self-study training on inclusive recruitment.
    • Number of teachers trained in unconscious bias.
    • First trials carried out of a tool to support the evaluation of candidates during assembly presentations.

    Provide training, coaching and mentoring to improve the support and retention of chairholders and faculty members.

    Expected results:

    • Participation of professors and teaching faculty in the new mentoring structure.

    Indicators :

    • Number of dyads formed.
    • Evaluation of the new program among participants.

    Performance Targets for the Research Security Funding

    1. Integrate research security guidelines into the institution's strategic plans, policies and directives
    2. Formalize the strategic vision of research security in operational procedures
    3. Support the ÉTS research community (administrative services, researchers and students) regarding regulatory requirements by providing multifactorial and proactive support to researchers throughout the life cycle of their research projects.

    1. Number of files processed/response times (Risk Analysis, Security Assessments, Security Plans, Audits, Investigations, Risk Management Plan),
    2. Cybersecurity, Safety, Research Security, Laboratory Security, Operational Procedures plans (started, revised and completed).

    1. Continuous improvement of the support provided to increase the success rates of awards (Research Security section),
    2. Improvement of the satisfaction rate of researchers with the services received,
    3. Maintain or reduce the processing time of risk analysis,
    4. Maintain and increase the quality of the service offer and the accessibility of the services offered, targeted training,
    5. Improvement of the implementation of strategic plans and operational procedures.