Since 2020, ÉTS has been making various efforts to promote urban biodiversity on its campus.
Two new parks have been created, 64 trees have been planted in collaboration with Soverdi, two ornithological inventories have been completed and other inventories, focusing on flora, bats and insects, will be carried out in 2022. ÉTS has also launched a number of other initiatives, including the creation of grasslands, honey-producing gardens and spaces with differentiated management. These spaces, which contain plants that are rich in nectar and pollen, along with the natural materials required for the nesting of pollinators, have been specifically designed to promote urban biodiversity.

Art and culture
Arts and Culture Integration Program
In the spring of 2021, ÉTS launched an expansive initiative to develop an Arts and Culture Integration Program, pursuant to the recommendations arising from consultations held within the context of the Campus Urban Development Plan. This initiative included an internal multiparty committee, and called upon external partners to work with ÉTS to make the campus a more welcoming environment. One of the components of the Program focuses on technological art, and as an engineering school, ÉTS intends to make a unique contribution.
Visual art
The collection at ÉTS, comprising works in keeping with the policy of 1% integration of art into architecture and the environment (in French), includes private acquisitions and donations. Individuals or groups that would like to monitor the evolution of works of art on the ÉTS campus are invited to contact
Consult the catalogue of works of art at ÉTS (in French)
Technological art
Technological art includes a variety of artistic approaches, using devices borrowed from the applied sciences and modern techniques as raw materials. There are currently three works of technological art on campus.
Performing arts
ÉTS offers free shows for the academic community through the Rendez-vous culturels. Since 2017, approximately thirty shows involving some fifty Québec artists have been produced on campus.
Community involvement
ÉTS has always encouraged its student community to get involved in extracurricular projects. The social or environmental character of the various student groups and clubs contributes to creating committed citizens and open-minded, resourceful and versatile engineers.
Some of our initiatives:
- PRÉCI (Programme de regroupement étudiant pour la cooperation internationale – Students for international cooperation program): Every year, a team of six individuals design and execute an engineering project in a developing country.
- Formule ÉTS: Student club that designs and builds electric-powered race cars.
- SerreÉTS: Design of energy efficient greenhouses and development of automated agricultural systems.
- Plastic Loop: Student club that designs and builds machines to recycle and produce plastic products at the local level.
- Engineers Without Borders, ÉTS Chapter
For its part, ÉTS launched Objectif féminin pluriel (objective: increase female representation), a call to action intended to multiply the presence of women at ÉTS on every level.
ÉTS takes its role as a leader and good corporate citizen seriously, encouraging its community to mobilize for the common good.
Some of our initiatives:
- Working in cooperation with Moisson Montréal, the food bank distributes approximately 130 baskets of food every month to members of the community student who are in need.
- The annual Centraide campaign benefits from the generosity of ÉTS employees, who always answer the call in great numbers. More than $56,000 was raised in 2021.
Responsible investment
In March 2019, following in the footsteps of the global movement known as La planète s’invite à l’université, ÉTS committed to divesting itself of fossil energy sources, and achieved that goal the same year. Section 3.2 of the Politique de placement du Fonds de développement de l’ÉTS (ÉTS development fund investment policy, in French) sets out this commitment.
Fonds de développement durable de l’Association étudiante de l’ÉTS (FDDAÉÉTS) (ÉTS student association sustainable development fund)
Students can make a voluntary contribution of $5 per session to the FDDAÉÉTS. ÉTS contributes to the fund at the rate of $1 per student per year, up to a maximum of $10,000 per year.
The FDDAÉÉTS accepts requests from any individual or group belonging to the ÉTS community. Projects originating from students and those that involve mobilizing the ÉTS community are given priority.