Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
Providing a studying, working and living environment where every individual is free to develop their full potential and evolve in a climate of respect and open-mindedness. Contributing to the training of a new and diversified generation of engineers. Promoting innovation and creativity. That is the vision that guides the actions and initiatives implemented by ÉTS when it comes to equity, diversity and inclusion.
Diversity is a source of value and excellence, by François Gagnon, Chief Executive Officer of ÉTS from 2019 to 2024
Video and text transcription available in French only.
The following initiatives reflect the commitment that ÉTS has made toward equity, diversity and inclusion:
- The Code of Conduct, which promotes a respectful and harmonious living, studying and working environment where individuals are treated with civility;
- Adoption of the EDI Action Plan, which meets the requirements of the Canada Research Chairs program;
- Endorsement of the Dimensions Charter, which aims to foster excellence in research, innovation and creativity within the post-secondary sector while promoting EDI;
- The presence of equity among the five fundamental values that guide the decision-making process at ÉTS in the Strategic Action Plan.
In today’s world, taking equity, diversity and inclusion into consideration in connection with every research project is a given, from the project concept stage to the composition of the academic team to the training of highly qualified professionals.
This is great news! In effect, diversified teams are more conducive to dialogue, innovation and creativity, and at the end of the day, they produce better results. They are also able to avoid "group think", which can stifle creativity and critical thinking.
Inclusive campus
ÉTS is committed to providing a learning, working, and living environment where each person feels welcome, respected, and safe, and that meets the diverse needs of our community.
Here you’ll find all the details about services and facilities that are improving accessibility and inclusiveness on the ÉTS campus, as well as news about upcoming projects.
Student groups
- Les Ingénieuses de l’ÉTS leads a network to promote women in engineering.
- L’Intégrale ÉTS (in French only) supports the integration of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community at ÉTS.
Specialized services
- International students: ÉTS offers support services to help international students settle in. Activities and workshops are frequently scheduled.
- Students with disabilities (webpage in French only): A success support team offers a variety of services for students with a permanent or temporary disability.
- Trans and non-binary students: the Office of Student Life offers trans and non-binary students the opportunity to be informed about the use of a chosen first name and, if necessary, to be accompanied by a counsellor in this regard. You can take advantage of this service by making an appointment by telephone at 514 396-8942 or by email at sve.esh@etsmtl.ca.
- First Nations and Inuit students: A learning support advisor from Student Life Services acts as a resource person. He can be reached by telephone at 514 396-8800 ext. 7534 or by email at bruno.boileau@etsmtl.ca.
Pavilion A
- Barrier-free entrance:
- Via Murray Street
- Via 1110 Notre-Dame Street West
- Barrier-free elevator: Yes
Pavilion B
- Barrier-free entrance: Via 1111 Notre-Dame Street West
- Barrier-free elevator: Yes
Pavilion C – Centech
- Barrier-free entrance: Via 1000 Saint-Jacques Street
- Barrier-free elevator: No
Pavilion D
- Barrier-free entrance:
- Via 1219 William Street
- Via Murray Street
- Barrier-free elevator: Yes
Pavilion E
- Barrier-free entrance:
- Via Murray Street
- Via 1220 Notre-Dame Street West
- Barrier-free elevator: Yes
Pavilion I – INGO
- Barrier-free entrance: Via 355 Peel Street
- Barrier-free elevator: Yes
Residences | Phases 1 and 2
- Barrier-free entrance: Via 311 Peel Street
- Barrier-free elevator: Yes
Residences | Phase 3
- Barrier-free entrance:
- Via 425 de la Montagne Street
- Via 420 Eleanor Street
- Barrier-free elevator: Yes
Residences | Phase 4
- Barrier-free entrance:
- Via 355 de la Montagne Street
- Via 400 Eleanor Street
- Barrier-free elevator: Yes
Pavilion A
- Accessible tunnel between pavilions A and E
- Accessible tunnel with assistance between pavilions A and B only
- Barrier-free parking space: Basement Level 2
Pavilion B
- Accessible tunnel with assistance between pavilions A and B only
- Barrier-free parking space: Basement Level 1
Pavilion D
- Accessible underground passageway between pavilions D and E, in basement level 2
Pavilion E
- Accessible tunnel between pavilions A and E
- Accessible underground passageway between pavilions D and E via the parking lot in basement level 2
- Barrier-free parking space: Basement Level 1
Residences | Phase 3
- Barrier-free parking space: Basement Level 2
Individual washrooms are inclusive and available to everyone. In areas where work is being done, depending on available space certain washrooms will provide barrier-free access and will accommodate breastfeeding and breast pump use, access to a changing table, and the use of non-disposable menstrual products. In addition, some facilities will have been designed to accommodate specific medical needs (shelf and/or locker for storing equipment).
Pavilion A
- Barrier-free toilet stall: Yes, on each floor in large washrooms
- Barrier-free individual washroom: Forthcoming, A-0188
- Individual washrooms: A-0560 and A-0561
- Space and lockers for breastfeeding, medical conditions: A-0188
Pavilion B
- Barrier-free toilet stall: Yes, on each floor in large washrooms
- Individual and barrier-free changing room at the Sports Centre, 3rd floor
- Individual barrier-free washroom with change table: B-0502
- Space and lockers for breastfeeding, medical conditions: B-0502
Pavilion C – Centech
- Barrier-free toilet stall: Yes, in large washrooms
Pavilion D
- Barrier-free toilet stall: Yes, on each floor in large washrooms
- Individual barrier-free washroom with change table: D-1000
Pavilion E
- Barrier-free toilet stall: Yes, on each floor in large washrooms
Pavilion F
- Individual barrier-free toilet with changing table: yes, on each floor near the large washrooms
Pavilion I – INGO
- Barrier-free toilet stall: Yes, on each floor in large washrooms
Barrier-free housing available at residences in phases 1, 2, 3, and 4.
In order to support menstrual equity, self-service dispensers providing eco-friendly and health-conscious menstrual products are available in the following locations throughout the Campus :
- Pavilion A : A-0188, A-1196, A-1536, A-3860, A 0560, A-0561
- Pavilion B : B-0502, B-1110
- Pavilion D : D-1000, D-3002
- Pavilion E : E-2002
- Pavilion F : F-1005, F-2005, F-3005, F-4005, F-5005
Thank you for using the menstrual products thoughtfully and in moderation, so that everyone can benefit. Let’s practice respect and solidarity!
Initiatives and achievements
Place for First Nations at ÉTS
Within the context of the National Building Reconciliation Forum (2021), ÉTS took advantage of the opportunity to flesh out its commitment to increasing its contribution to reconciliation efforts and to take action aimed at promoting success among members of First Peoples within its academic community. To find out more, consult the presentation of proposed measures (PDF).
Place for women in engineering
ÉTS acknowledges the importance of working to expand the presence of women in engineering. Its commitment in this area is evidenced by the initiatives it has implemented within the ÉTS community and its many collaborations with those launched by its partners. ÉTS is proud to have been recognized for this commitment when it received the 2020 Prix Égalité Thérèse-Casgrain (Thérèse Casgrain Equality Award) in the Alliés (Allies) category. ÉTS also received the Parity Certification from the Women in Governance organization in recognition of its position on parity in the workplace. To find out more, consult the Women and engineering section.
Inclusive teaching
Since 2022, a committee made up of ÉTS faculty and staff has been leading workshop-discussions and developing tools to promote the inclusion of diversity in teaching practices. Workshop content and tools are made available to teaching staff in the resources offered by the Bureau de soutien à l’enseignement.
Training, awareness raising and advice
Since 2019, ÉTS has been raising awareness among its managers, staff, faculty and instructors with respect to unconscious bias through training sessions delivered by ÉTS Formation.