Bureau du respect de la personne (Respectful Campus Office)
If you need help
The BRP is here for you. It’s not easy to face the psychological and physical repercussions of harassment or sexual violence alone. Consult the professionals at the BRP, who will listen to you without judging, provide you with advice, support and assistance, and offer solutions to bring an end to the situation that is affecting you.
Bureau du respect de la personne
355 de la Montagne St.
Montréal (Québec) H3C 0L7
514 396-8800, ext.7075 or 7050
Psychological Support
Free, bilingual and confidential, accessible 24 hours a day and 7 ways a week throughout Québec.
Telephone : 1 888 933-9007
Telephone : 514 873-7061
Toll free : 1 800 265-1414
Telephone : 514 873-5146
Toll free : 1 800 361-6477
- Design, develop and put in place prevention, education and sensitization tools and programs in the field of conflict management, psychological harassment and sexual harassment.
- Develop, implement, manage and promote awareness-raising and educational activities in the field of harassment;
- Offer information and awareness activities on harassment.
- Organize and conduct information and sensitization sessions on harassment.
- Provide coaching services, notably to persons in management roles, to support them in implementing preventive and curative measures.
- Advise persons requiring its services, assess the nature and extent of the situation and decide on actions to take in compliance with the provisions of the Policy.
- Support and advise staff and students with a view to finding the best solutions for conflict resolution and, as required, ensuring that the necessary steps are taken to stop any form of harassment.
- Lead a problem resolution or mediation process between the parties involved.
- Act as an intervener or facilitator in handling situations that could injure the dignity of persons.
- Liaise with other administrative units involved.
- Receive reports, complaints and requests from staff and students related to potential situations of harassment, and collect related information.
- Analyze the admissibility of complaints and, if needed, enlist the help of a lawyer, psychologist, human resources management advisor or any other person whose assistance is deemed appropriate.
- Manage and track requests and complaints.
- Coordinate the process of initiating and supporting external investigations, and oversee the monitoring and assessment of these interventions as appropriate.
- Liaise with other units involved when necessary, including Human Resources, Office of Student Life, Registrar's Office, Cooperative Education Department, Student Association, etc.
- In collaboration with the departments and units concerned, ensure that students continue to progress in their studies.
- Liaise with departments and units involved in responding to a report or a formal complaint and foster a coordinated approach among the stakeholders; inform the Secretary General when required.
- Recommend to the competent persons the measures that should be taken if the integrity of a person who considers themselves injured is threatened.
- Within its area of competence, provide support and advice to senior management of the School and the Secretary General.
- Be on the lookout for risky situations; when required, inform and issue recommendations to the Secretary General, who is responsible for the application of the Policy.
- Produce an annual report on its activities and deliver it to the Board of Directors and the Executive.

Our mission

Our framework of reference

Our approach

Our values
Anyone can consult the BRP, in strict confidence and without obligation, for advice or for information concerning the available avenues of recourse.
More specifically, the BRP offers the following services:
Coaching involves helping a person to achieve an objective or resolve a problem. People require support when they experience, witness or are informed of a situation involving conflict, violence or harassment. Many people feel powerless, and do not know how to manage the situation.
With a view to bringing an end to a situation of incivility, violence or harassment, it may be necessary for an advisor to intervene directly with individuals who are named in a report. The advisor will then inform the named individual or individuals with respect to expected behaviour in connection with the policies and Code of Conduct in effect at ÉTS.
Assistance involves providing a person with support by helping them through the process leading to the resolution of a problem. Assistance may be required if the situation they are experiencing is particularly difficult, or if the person requires the physical presence of someone at their side during certain meetings.
The goal of accommodation is to ensure the security and the physical and psychological integrity of those who request the services of the BRP, and to allow for the normal performance of activities related to studying and working. To accomplish this, the BRP calls upon people who are in a position to facilitate and implement the required accommodation measures.
In the case of a management intervention, the advisor contacts the manager (of a service, department or association) in order for that individual to intervene with a view to preventing or bringing an end to a problem situation. The advisor provides the manager with the support required to effectively intervene in the situation.
Problem solving is the preferred approach at the BRP. This approach involves a voluntary process among the individuals involved with a view to finding solutions to the problems that have been identified. The focus is on identifying solutions rather than assigning guilt. The process leads to an agreement governing acceptable interactions that is approved by both parties. The BRP monitors compliance with the agreement over the following weeks or months.
Frequently asked questions
The BRP is here to listen to you and advise, support, and guide you through the process.
You have the right to work, study, and live in an environment free from harassment and sexual violence. Only the person who harasses you or is violent towards you is responsible for their behaviour. You bear no responsibility for their actions.
You can contact us to discuss the situation confidentially. We can help you understand what’s happening and work with you to find solutions.
If you do not want to report the situation to the BRP, you can:
- Speak with the person exhibiting problematic behaviour. If this possible and safe, make it clear that their behaviour is unwelcome, offensive, intimidating, or humiliating.
- You can do this verbally, preferably with a witness present, or in writing. If you do it in writing, keep a copy of your letter.
- Confide in someone you trust.
- Get help for dealing with the psychological impact of the situation (employee assistance program, Office of Student Life, etc.). Report any difficulties you encounter to your supervisor or any other person in a position of authority.
- Document events. Record incident details such as the date, time, location, names of witnesses, actions taken, words spoken, feelings, reactions, whom you spoke to, etc. Keep all evidence (emails, screenshots, other types of verbal or written exchanges such as Messenger threads, texts, etc.).
A report is made as soon as the BRP is informed of a situation. Reports are meant to bring a situation of concern or inappropriate behaviour to light and to see what steps can be taken to put an end to it and prevent it from getting worse. You can report a situation to the BRP either as a witness or a victim. Incivility, conflict, harassment, and sexual violence can be reported.
A complaint applies only to situations of sexual harassment or violence. Complaints are submitted in writing by the victim on the BRP form. Complaints are meant to trigger a situation assessment that—if the complaint is deemed admissible—can lead to an investigation and, if necessary, disciplinary or administrative measures. This is another way to put an end to a situation. To fill out a complaint form, please contact BRP directly, who can guide you through the process.
You can play a critical role in putting an end to the situation or preventing it from getting worse. You can use words or actions to show that respect is important at ÉTS and that abuse in any form is not tolerated here. Your support can also be invaluable to the person experiencing abusive or disrespectful behaviour.
As a witness, you can confidentially ask the BRP for guidance. Do not downplay what you have just heard or seen.
If you do not want to report the situation to the BRP, you can:
- Offer help: Check with the person to see if they want your help and make sure your actions do not make the situation worse.
- Show that you disagree: Let the person know that this behaviour is unacceptable at ÉTS. Remind them that ÉTS has policies on harassment and sexual violence.
- Support the person. Direct them to resources. Encourage them to contact the BRP or speak with someone they trust in a position of authority. Offer to go with them to the BRP.
You can confidentially ask the BRP for personalized advice.
Also, consider these approaches and solutions:
- Empathize with the person who confided in you.
- Make them feel welcome and listen to them without judgment.
- Don’t downplay what they tell you.
- Ask them to express their needs, i.e., ask what they want to do about the situation and how you can help.
- Refer the person to the BRP or the Prevention and Safety Office as needed.
- Offer the person your support.
Dealing with a report or complaint can be difficult.
If you think you may be the subject of a report or complaint, you can confidentially ask the BRP for advice, information about its processes, and the applicable regulatory framework.
Our expertise
Psychological harassment
Harassment is any vexatious behaviour in the form of repeated and hostile or unwanted conduct, verbal comments, actions or gestures that affects the dignity or the psychological or physical integrity of a member of the university community, and that results in a harmful working, studying or living environment for that person.
A single serious incidence of such behaviour that has a lasting harmful effect on the person who is subjected to it may also constitute psychological harassment.
In order for a case of psychological harassment to be identified, the following five criteria must be present and established:
- Vexatious behaviour;
- Repeated;
- Hostile or unwanted conduct, verbal comments or gestures;
- Affecting the dignity or the psychological or physical integrity of a person;
- Resulting in a harmful working or studying environment.
Harassment can be manifested in many different ways, as in the following examples:
- Preventing a person from expressing herself: Constantly interrupting them, preventing them from speaking with others, destroying work, depriving them of any opportunity to express themselves.
- Isolating the person: No longer speaking to them in public, no longer speaking to them at all, denying their presence, leaving them out, depriving them of means of communication (telephone, computer, mail, etc.), preventing others from speaking to them.
- Discrediting the person: Spreading rumors about them, ridiculing them, humiliating them, calling into question their convictions or their private life, insulting them or harassing them sexually.
- Belittling the person: No longer assigning them tasks to perform, forcing them to perform tasks that are demeaning, absurd, or below their abilities, causing them to fail, blaming them for professional errors, denigrating them in front of others.
- Threatening, assaulting the person: Yelling at them, shoving them, damaging their property.
- Destabilizing the person: Making fun of their convictions, their tastes, their political choices, their weak points; making disagreeable allusions without ever explaining them; calling into question their judgment and their decision-making abilities.
Examples taken from the Commission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail website.
Normal exercise of the management right
The exercise of management activities by representatives of an employer does not constitute harassment. The management right is defined as the day-to-day management of performance at work or absenteeism, the assignment of tasks, the application of the scale of sanctions and dismissal.
These actions do not constitute psychological harassment insofar as the exercise of the management right is not carried out in an abusive or discriminatory manner.
Conflicts at work or in an academic environment
Workplaces and academic environments are no different from other environments in that conflicts may arise. A conflict does not constitute psychological harassment, but it may be a risk factor. Conflicts that are properly managed may result in the clarification of responsibilities and the development of improved relationships. On the other hand, conflicts that are poorly managed or left unresolved may lead to psychological harassment.
Difficult working conditions and professional constraints
Difficult working conditions, professional constraints and organizational changes that are justified and that affect personnel in a non-arbitrary and non-discriminatory manner do not constitute psychological harassment.
Educational assessment
Within the context of academic activities, assessing knowledge and competencies based on predetermined requirements, and requesting correction of identified gaps and difficulties, does not constitute psychological harassment insofar as it is not carried out in an abusive or discriminatory manner.
Stress related to work or studies
Stress related to work or studies may stem from sources other than psychological harassment. However, an accumulation of stress factors may constitute a situation of increased risk.
Source: Commission des normes du travail du Québec
Sexual violence
The concept of sexual violence encompasses all forms of non-consensual violence committed in connection with sexual practices or that targets sexuality, including sexual assault.
The concept also encompasses any other type of misconduct that may occur, especially that involving unwanted gestures, verbal comments, conduct or attitudes of a sexual nature, including those related to sexual diversity or gender, expressed either directly or indirectly, including via technological media.
- Sexism, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia;
- Disseminating degrading sexual images or videos;
- Insistent unwanted verbal advances or propositions of a sexual nature;
- Abusive expressions of unwanted interest;
- Comments, allusions, pleasantries, confrontations or insults of a sexual nature;
- Acts of voyeurism or exhibitionism;
- Sexual harassment;
- Cyber-stalking;
- Production or distribution of sexual images or videos of a person without their consent;
- Unwanted physical advances, fondling, caressing, pinching, kissing;
- Imposition of inadvertent sexual intimacy;
- Promises of reward or threats of reprisal, either implicit or explicit, linked to the acceptance or refusal of any request of a sexual nature.
Consult the Policy to Prevent and Combat Violence of a Sexual Nature (in French).
Sexual violence can manifest itself in person, on the phone, verbally or in writing and by technological means, on the Internet and social networks.
Sexual violence can take the following forms, but is not limited to:
- Make jokes of sexual nature;
- Make comments with sexual overtones about a person's body or appearance;
- Sexual leering;
- Urge someone to go out despite their refusal or silence;
- Refer to one's own sexual activity in front of other people;
- Ask a person about their sexual practices;
- Not respecting a limit expressed;
- Force kiss;
- Unwanted sexual touching;
- Stuck or isolate a person in order to force sexual behavior;
- Intoxicate a person in order to sexually abuse them;
- Any gesture that goes against the concept of consent;
- Sexist and misogynist remarks;
- Obscene gestures or indecent facial experssions;
- Degrading sexual images;
- Obscene phone calls;
- Taking or broadcasting sexual images of a person without their consent;
- Forcing a person to view sexual material;
- Sexual exploitation.
Consent is an express, free, sustained and informed agreement by a person to engage in a specific intimate, sexual or romantic activity. It must be obtained.
- It should never be obtained by threat or coercion. It must be given voluntarily by the person.
- It is never presumed or implied. Silence or the absence of refusal is not consent.
- It cannot be given if the person is under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or if the person is unconscious.
- It cannot be obtained if the perpetrator abuses a position of trust, power or authority.
- It is no longer valid if the person manifests, along the way, her/his disagreement with the pursuit of sexual practices by way of words or behavior.
Reference documents
- Signalement ou plainte? (Complaint or report? – in French)
- Annual reports (in French): 2020-2021 | 2019-2020 | 2018-2019 | 2017-2018