Thien-My Dao
Département de génie mécanique
B.Sc.A., M.Sc.A., Ph.D. (Université de Sherbrooke)
Dao, Thien-My
Research axe
- Intelligent and Autonomous Systems
Research areas
- Système manufacturier
- Conception de systèmes
- Gestion manufacturière
- Modélisation
- Simulation
- Optimisation de systèmes
- Réseau de neuronnes
- Recherche tabou
- Méthodes méta-heuristiques
- Ordonnancement des opérations
Awards and honors
2015 : Prix d'excellence du c.a. pour les services à la communauté 2015 | École de technologie supérieure
- Conception optimale des cellules de fabrication flexibles basée sur l'approche des réseaux de neurones, par Barthélémy Hugues Ateme-Nguema
Hiver 2007
- En codirection avec : Victor Songmene
Understanding of the Cutting Tool Edge Preparations and their Impacts on Machining Process Performance, par Zakaria Ahmed M Tagiuri
Été 2024 - En codirection avec : Amin Chaabane
Optimization of Integrated Construction Supply Chain and BIM-based Logistics Planning, par Phuoc Luong Le
Été 2020 - Optimization the Scheduling Strategy using Meta-heuristics Approach in the Context of Cellular Manufacturing with Multiples Products, par Mahmoud Alzidani
Hiver 2021 - En codirection avec : Hakim A. Bouzid
The effect of bolt spacing on the tightness behavior of bolted flange joints, par Tan Dan Do
Hiver 2012 - En codirection avec : Amin Chaabane
Construction Supply Chain Planning Model: The Value of Collaboration and Integration, par Walid El Mughrabi
Hiver 2021 - The Optimization of the Lean Supply Chain Management Using Meta-Heuristic Approach, par Thi Hong Dang Nguyen
Hiver 2020 - En codirection avec : Henri Champliaud
Asymetrical Roll Bending Process Study : Dynamic Finite Element Modeling and Experiments, par Hoang Quan Tran
Été 2014 - En codirection avec : Ruxandra Botez
New Methodologies for Calculation of Flight Parameters on Reduced Scale Wings Models in Wind Tunnel, par Abdallah Ben Mosbah
Été 2016 - Optimization of the Design of the Flexible Manufacturing System, par Hassan Mroue
Été 2016 - En codirection avec : Van Ngan Lê
Hard Optimization of Structural Design Subjected to Buckling Using the Evolutionary Computation Approach, par Ali Elmbrok Salem Ahmid
Été 2021 - En codirection avec : Zhaoheng Liu
Optimization of Systems Reliability by Metaheuristic Approach, par Essa Abrahim Abdulgader Saleem
Hiver 2019 - En codirection avec : Yvan Beauregard
Développement et optimisation des stratégies de réponse à l’obsolescence via des modèles prédictifs, par Yosra Grichi
Automne 2020 - En codirection avec : Ruxandra Botez
New Concept of Multidisciplinary Optimization for Weight Saving and Stiffness Improvement of a Morphing Variable Span of Tapered Wing MVSTW - Application to the UAS-S4, par Mohamed Elelwi
Automne 2022 - En codirection avec : Tony Wong
Cost Optimization of Blockchain-enabled Supply Chain System, par Seyedhossein Havaeji
Hiver 2024 - En codirection avec : Tony Wong
Cost Optimization of the Supply Chain System (SCS) in Construction using the Blockchain Technology and Metaheuristics Approaches, par Khaled Alajnf
Hiver 2025 - En codirection avec : Tan Pham
Welded Aluminum Alloy Material Mechanical Behavior under High Temperature Condition, par Mohammed Alkhabbat
Hiver 2025 - En codirection avec : Hanen Bouchriha Temimi
Problème intégré d'allocation des zones d'accostage et de grues de manutention dans un terminal à conteneurs : Application au terminal tunisien de Radès, par Neila El Asli
Été 2017
- En codirection avec : Victor Songmene
Nouvelle approche hybride d'optimisation multiobjective basée sur la méthode des surfaces de réponse et le système de colonies de fourmis, par Félicia Etsinda Mpiga
Hiver 2008 - En codirection avec : Henri Champliaud
Modélisation paramétrique du pressage d'aubes de turbines, par Thibaut Bellizzi
Automne 2007 - En codirection avec : Henri Champliaud
Influences des paramètres du roulage à trois rouleaux asymétriques sur la qualité de la pièce formée, par Jamel Salem
Automne 2011 - Optimisation de l'ordonnancement cellulaire avec métaheuristiques, par Abdallah Ben Mosbah
Automne 2010 - Commande optimale stochastique appliquée aux systèmes manufacturiers avec des sauts semi-Markoviens, par Thang Diep Thanh
Automne 2011 - En codirection avec : Françoise Marchand
Supply Chain Management Optimization Using Meta-Heuristics Approaches Applied to a Case in the Automobile Industry, par Marwan Hfeda
Été 2018
- Modèle d'aide à la décision pour le choix optimal de procédé mécanosoudé pour la fabrication de la couronne d'une roue Francis, par Anne-Marie Carita
Automne 2006 - Optimisation de l'ordonnancement par l'approche hybride basée sur les réseaux de neurones, par Makrem Cherif
Automne 2004 - En codirection avec : Zhaoheng Liu
Optimisation de fiabilité des systèmes mécaniques par l'approche métaheuristique, par Jian Hua Zhao
Été 2005 - En codirection avec : Victor Songmene
Approche hybride basée sur les machines à vecteurs de support et les algorithmes génétiques pour l'estimation des coûts de fabrication, par Neila El Asli
Hiver 2008
- Conception et mise en oeuvre d'un système de base de connnaissances pour l'ordonnancement dynamique de gestion de priorités basé sur l'approche algorithmique, par Ziane Bensalah
Automne 2000 - Une méthodologie de design et de fabrication de la couronne d'une roue Francis, par Ricardo Libreros
Été 2002 - En codirection avec : SERAPHIN CHALLY ABOU
Reconfiguration des lois de commande en présence de défauts critiques, par Mokhtar Mechti
Été 2005 - En codirection avec : Gheorghe Marcel Gabrea
Conception du système de transmission OFDM codé pour les applications à haut débit, par Abdelali El Khettabi
Hiver 2008
- En codirection avec : Tony Wong
, par Sonia Bourachdi
Automne 2003 - Étude de réduction des coûts de production du caisson d'échappement des turbines SGT-A65 de Siemens, par Jean de Laure Sonkin Tenessong
Été 2018
- Méthodologie de design optimal des composantes de turbines hydrauliques par l'analyse et l'optimisation de l'écoulement 3D, par CAROLE LAPRISE
Hiver 2000
- Optimisation de la fiabilité du design des systèmes mécaniques par la logique floue., par QUY NGUYEN
Été 1998 - Développement logiciel dans une entreprise spécialisée en logiciels scientifiques, par Luu Dung Tran
Automne 2002
- En codirection avec : Alain Bouchard
Optimisation du procédé de fabrication; la stabilité dimensionnelle en production de boulangerie artisanale, par Myriam Larouche-Tremblay
Hiver 2015
- Optimisation de l'agencement des unités de transformation chez Moulure Algonquin, par Jean Sébastien Vaillancourt
Été 2012
- H. C. Imen zaabar, Léo Mougel, Niamkey Sablin, Yosra Grichi, Yvan Beauregard, T. M. Dao, M. Paquet. 2015 « Dynamic forecasting of avionics obsolescence to enhance sustainability ». Affiche présentée lors de la conférence : Sustainability 2015 : An International Conference on Environmental Sustainability in Air Vehicle Design and Operations of Helicopters and Airplanes (AHS 2015) (Montreal, QC, Canada, Sept. 22-24, 2015)
- Mohammed Alkhabbat, François Nadeau, Fatemeh Mirakhorli, Thien-My Dao, Xuan Tan Pham. 2023 « Effect of laser welding parameters with different fillers on solidification cracking and mechanical properties of AA7075 ». Metals vol. 13 , nº 10
- Hossein Havaeji, Thien-My Dao, Tony Wong. 2023 « Cost prediction in blockchain-enabled pharmaceutical supply chain under uncertain demand ». Mathematics vol. 11 , nº 22
- Hossein Havaeji, Thien-My Dao, Tony Wong. 2023 « Supervised learning by evolutionary computation tuning: An application to blockchain-based pharmaceutical supply chain cost model ». Mathematics vol. 11 , nº 9
- Mohamed Elelwi, Felipe Schiavoni Pinto, Ruxandra Mihaela Botez, Thien My Dao. 2022 « Multidisciplinary optimization for weight saving in a variable tapered span-morphing wing using composite materials—application to the UAS-S4 ». Actuators vol. 11 , nº 5
- Hossein Havaeji, Thien-My Dao, Tony Wong. 2022 « Cost optimization of blockchain technology-enabled supply chain system using evolutionary computation approaches: A healthcare case study ». World Wide Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development vol. 8 , nº 3. p. 27-42
- Phuoc Luong Le, Amin Chaabane, Thien-My Dao. 2022 « BIM contributions to construction supply chain management trends: An exploratory study in Canada ». International Journal of Construction Management vol. 22 , nº 1. p. 66-84
- Zakaria Ahmed M. Tagiuri, Thien-My Dao, Agnes Marie Samuel, Victor Songmene. 2022 « A numerical model for predicting the effect of tool nose radius on machining process performance during orthogonal cutting of AISI 1045 Steel ». Materials vol. 15 , nº 9
- Zakaria Ahmed M. Tagiuri, Thien-My Dao, Agnes Marie Samuel, Victor Songmene. 2022 « Numerical prediction of the performance of chamfered and sharp cutting tools during orthogonal cutting of AISI 1045 steel ». Processes vol. 10 , nº 11
- Ali Ahmid, Thien-My Dao, Ngan Van Le. 2021 « Enhanced hyper-cube framework ant colony optimization for combinatorial optimization problems ». Algorithms vol. 14 , nº 10
- M. Elelwi, T. Calvet, R. M. Botez, T. M. Dao. 2021 « Wing component allocation for a morphing variable span of tapered wing using finite element method and topology optimisation - Application to the UAS-S4 ». Aeronautical Journal vol. 125 , nº 1290. p. 1313-1336
- Mohamed Elelwi, Ruxandra Mihaela Botez, Thien-My Dao. 2021 « Structural sizing and topology optimization based on weight minimization of a variable tapered span-morphing wing for aerodynamic performance improvements ». Biomimetics vol. 6 , nº 4
- Phuoc Luong Le, Imen Jarroudi, Thien-My Dao, Amin Chaabane. 2021 « Integrated construction supply chain: An optimal decision-making model with third-party logistics partnership ». Construction Management and Economics vol. 39 , nº 2. p. 133-155
- Abdallah Ben Mosbah, Ruxandra Mihaela Botez, Soumaya Medini, Thien-My Dao. 2020 « Artificial neural networks-extended great deluge model to predict actuators displacements for a morphing wing tip system ». INCAS Bulletin vol. 12 , nº 4. p. 13-24
- M. Elelwi, M. A. Kuitche, R. M. Botez, T. M. Dao. 2020 « Comparison and analyses of a variable span-morphing of the tapered wing with a varying sweep angle ». Aeronautical Journal vol. 124 , nº 1278. p. 1146-1169
- Walid Elmughrabi, Oumaima Ben Sassi, Thien-My Dao, Amin Chabaane. 2020 « Collaborative supply chain planning and scheduling of construction projects ». IFAC - Papers Online vol. 53 , nº 2. p. 10761-10766
- Phuoc Luong Le, Walid Elmughrabi, Thien-My Dao, Amin Chaabane. 2020 « Present focuses and future directions of decision-making in construction supply chain management: a systematic review ». International Journal of Construction Management vol. 20 , nº 5. p. 490-509
- Mahmoud Alzidani, Thien-My Dao. 2019 « Optimization of the cellular manufacturing scheduling using the RC-filter and EGD hybrid Meta-heuristics Approach ». International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing vol. 13 , nº 4. p. 1549-1556
- Yosra Grichi, Yvan Beauregard, Thien-My Dao. 2019 « An approach to obsolescence forecasting based on Hidden Markov Model and Compound Poisson Process ». International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (IJIEOM) vol. 1 , nº 2. p. 111-124
- Phuoc Luong Le, Thien-My Dao, Amin Chaabane. 2019 « BIM-based framework for temporary facility layout planning in construction site: a hybrid approach ». Construction Innovation vol. 19 , nº 3. p. 424-464
- Yosra Grichi, Yvan Beauregard, Thien-My Dao. 2018 « Optimization of obsolescence forecasting using new hybrid approach based on the RF method and the meta-heuristic genetic algorithm ». American Journal of Management vol. 18 , nº 2. p. 27-38
- Essa Abrahim Abdulgader Saleem, Thien-My Dao, Zhaoheng Liu. 2018 « Multiple objective optimization and design of series-parallele using novel hybrid genetic algorithm meta-heuristic approach ». World Journal of Engineering and Technology vol. 6 , nº 3. p. 532-555
- Ali Ahmid, Van N. Le, Thien M. Dao. 2017 « An optimization procedure for overhead gantry crane exposed to buckling and yield criteria ». International Journal of Technology and Engineering vol. 8 , nº 2. p. 11
- Marwan Hfeda, Françoise Marchand, Thien-My Dao. 2017 « Optimization of milk-run delivery issue in lean supply chain management by genetic algorithm and hybridization of genetic algorithm with ant colony optimization: An automobile industry case study ». Journal of Management and Engineering Integration vol. 10 , nº 2. p. 90-99
- Thi Hong Dang Nguyen, Thien-My Dao. 2017 « New strategy to optimize lean supply chain design by meta-heuristic ». American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences vol. 10 , nº 1. p. 156-164
- Essa Abrahim Abdulgader Saleem, Thien-My Dao. 2017 « Series-parallel systems reliability optimization using genetic algorithm and statistical analysis ». International Journal of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering vol. 11 , nº 5. p. 953-959
- Essa Abrahim Abdulgader Saleem, Thien-My Dao, Liu Zhaoheng. 2017 « Multi-objective optimization of multi-state reliability system using hybrid metaheuristic genetic algorithm and fuzzy function for redundancy allocation ». American Journal of Engineering Research vol. 6 , nº 10. p. 98-107
- Moussa Sinsé Bagayoko, Barthélemy Ateme-Nguema, Thien-My Dao. 2016 « Vehicle routing problem using savings-insertion and reactive tabu with a variable threshold ». American Journal of Engineering Research vol. 5 , nº 12. p. 110-118
- Moussa Sinsé Bagayoko, Thien-My Dao, Barthélemy Ateme-Nguema. 2016 « Multi-objective forest vehicle routing using savings-insertion and reactive tabu with a variable threshold ». International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications vol. 6 , nº 12. p. 56-64
- A. Ben Mosbah, R. M. Botez, T.-M. Dao. 2016 « New methodology combining neural network and extended great deluge algorithms for the ATR-42 wing aerodynamics analysis ». Aeronautical Journal vol. 120 , nº 1229. p. 1049-1080
- Abdallah Ben Mosbah, Ruxandra Mihaela Botez, Thien My Dao. 2016 « A hybrid original approach for prediction of the aerodynamic coefficients of an ATR-42 scaled wing model ». Chinese Journal of Aeronautics vol. 29 , nº 1. p. 41-52
- Neila El Asli, Thien-My Dao, Séraphin Abou. 2016 « Extended great deluge approach for the integrated dynamic berth allocation and crane assignment problem ». International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Applications vol. 2 , nº 5. p. 270-292
- Abdallah Ben Mosbah, Ruxandra Mihaela Botez, Thien My Dao, Mohamed Sadok Guezguez, Mahdi Zaag. 2016 « A neural network controller new methodology for the ATR-42 morphing wing actuation ». INCAS Bulletin vol. 8 , nº 2. p. 59-75
- Hassan Mroue, Thien-My Dao. 2016 « A time-cost heuristic algorithm for routing the parts in a flexible manufacturing system ». International Journal of Applied Engineering Research vol. 11 , nº 6. p. 4053-4058
- Jamel Salem, Henri Champliaud, Zhengkun Feng, Thien-My Dao. 2016 « Experimental analysis of an asymmetrical three-roll bending process ». International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology vol. 83 , nº 9. p. 1823-1833
- Thi-Hong-Dang Nguyen, Thien-My Dao. 2015 « Supply chain milk-run delivery optimization ». Journal of Management and Engineering Integration vol. 8 , nº 1. p. 29-40
- Tan Dan Do, Abdel-Hakim Bouzid, Thien-My Dao. 2014 « Development of a new bolt spacing formula ». Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology vol. 136 , nº 1
- Hassan Mroue, Thien-My Dao. 2014 « Manufacturing and fractional cell formation using a new binary digit grouping algorithm with a Pwavroid solution explorer toolkit ».
- Quan Hoang Tran, Henri Champliaud, Zhengkun Feng, Thien My Dao. 2014 « FE study for reducing forming forces and flat end areas of cylindrical shapes obtained by the roll-bending process ». Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation vol. 4 , nº 6. p. 467-475
- Quan Hoang Tran, Henri Champliaud, Zhengkun Feng, Thien-My Dao. 2014 « Analysis of the asymmetrical roll bending process through dynamic FE simulations and experimental study ». International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology vol. 75 , nº 5-8. p. 1233-1244
- Abdallah Ben Mosbah, Manuel Flores Salinas, Ruxandra Botez, Thien-My Dao. 2013 « New Methodology for Wind Tunnel Calibration Using Neural Networks - EGD Approach ». SAE International Journal of Aerospace vol. 6 , nº 2. p. 761-766
- Quan H. Tran, Henri Champliaud, Zhengkun Feng, Jamel Salem, Thien-My Dao. 2013 « Heat-assisted roll-bending process dynamic simulation ». International Journal of Modelling and Simulation vol. 33 , nº 1. p. 54-62
- Tan Dan Do, Hakim Bouzid, Thien-My Dao. 2012 « On the Use of Theory of Rings on Nonlinear Elastic Foundation to Study the Effect of Bolt Spacing in Bolted Flange Joints ». Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology vol. 134 , nº 6
- Abdallah Ben Mosbah, Thien-My Dao. 2012 « Optimisation of manufacturing cell formation with extended great deluge meta-heuristic approach ». International Journal of Services Operations and Informatics vol. 7 , nº 4. p. 280-293
- Ben Mosbalh Abdallah, Thien-My Dao. 2011 « Optimization of group scheduling problem using the hybride meta-heuristic extended great deluge approach : a case study ». Journal of Management and Engineering Integration vol. 4 , nº 2. p. 1-13
- Tan Dan Do, Hakim Bouzid, Thien-My Dao. 2011 « Effect of bolt spacing on the circumferential distribution of the gasket contact stress in bolted flange joints ». Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology vol. 133 , nº 4
- Seraphin C. Abou, Thien-My Dao. 2010 « Association rules mining approach to mineral processing control ». Engineering Letters vol. 18 , nº 2. p. 156-164
- Thang T. Diep, Jean-Pierre Kenné, Thien-My Dao. 2010 « Feedback optimal control of dynamic stochastic two-machine flowshop with a finite buffer ». International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations vol. 1 , nº 2. p. 95-120
- Nabil Nahas, Thien-My Dao. 2010 « Harmony search algorithm : application to the redundancy optimization problem ». Engineering Optimization vol. 42 , nº 9. p. 845-861
- Barthelemy Ateme-Nguema, Thien-My Dao. 2009 « Quantized hopfield networks and tabu search for manufacturing cell formation problems ». International Journal of Production Economics vol. 121 , nº 1. p. 88-98
- Zhengkun Feng, Henri Champliaud, Thien-My Dao. 2009 « Numerical study of non-kinematical conical bending with cylindrical rolls ». Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory vol. 17 , nº 10. p. 1710-1722
- Thien-My Dao, C. Makrem, Seraphin C. Abou. 2007 « A hybrid Hopfield neural networks based simulation approach for optimisation of manufacturing group scheduling ». Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers vol. 24 , nº 4. p. 300-308
- Jian-Hua Zhao, Zhaoheng Liu, My-Thien Dao. 2007 « Reliability optimization using multiobjective ant colony system approaches ». Reliability Engineering and System Safety vol. 92 , nº 1. p. 109-120
- Thien-My Dao, Jacques Boisclair. 1989 « Microcomputer interactive software for optimization of (GT) machine-component group formation ». Computers and Industrial Engineering vol. 17 , nº 1-4. p. 624-629
- Thien-My Dao. 1986 « Interactive software to solving the resource balancing problem ». Computers and Industrial Engineering vol. 11 , nº 1-4. p. 56-64
- Thien My Dao, M. Massoud. 1980 « Design nomographs of compression helical springs for predetermined reliability levels ». Journal of Mechanical Design vol. 103 , nº 2. p. 268-273
- Seraphin C. Abou, Thien-My Dao. 2010 « Integrated mining fuzzy association rules for mineral processing state identification ». In Machine Learning and Systems Engineering. p. 311-325. Springer, Dordrecht
- Thi Hong Dang Nguyen, Thien My Dao. 2016 « Optimization strategy of supply chain design using hybrid meta-heuristics approach in context of multi-suppliers ». Communication lors de la conférence : 5th International Conference on Engineering Optimization (Igassu Falls, Brazil, June 19-23, 2016)
- Thien-My Dao. 2011 « How the computer simulation can be used as an optimization tool in education strategies ». Communication lors de la conférence : The Annual International Education Conference (Las Vegas, NV, USA, Oct. 10-12, 2011)
- Thien-My Dao. 2010 « Optimisation de procédé industriel par une approche hybride basée sur la simulation ». Communication lors de la conférence : Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble (INPG) (Grenoble, France, 4-7 oct. 2010)
- Thien-My Dao. 2010 « People, the central work force in successful implementation of agile manufacturing ». Communication lors de la conférence : International Business and Economic Research Conference (IBER) (Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, Oct. 11-13, 2010)
- B. H. Atem-Nguema, Thien-My Dao. 2002 « Optimum design of CMS using Hopfield neural networks approach ». Communication lors de la conférence : IASTED International Conference on Robotics and Manufacturing (Cancun, Mexico, May 21-23, 2002)
- Séraphin Chally Abou, Thien-My Dao. 2001 « A new neural network based approach for optimization of manufacturing group scheduling ». Communication lors de la conférence : Annual IIE International Conference and Exhibition (Research Chapter) (Dallas, TX, USA, May, 2001)
- Thien-My Dao, Séraphin Chally Abou. 2001 « Optimization of group technology machine assignment using heuristic simulation approach ». Communication lors de la conférence : Summer Computer Simulation Conference 2001 (SCSC 2001) (Orlando, FL, USA, July, 2001)
- N. El-Ouafi, Louis Lamarche, J. O'Shea, Thien-My Dao. 2000 « Mathematical model and analysis of a grinding process using a cylindrical grinder ». Communication lors de la conférence : IASTED International Conference Applied Simulation and Modelling (ASM 2000) (Banff, AB, Canada, July, 2000)
- N. El Ouafi, Louis Lamarche, J. O'Shea, Thien-My Dao. 1999 « Conception d'un contrôleur hybride robuste pour un système de meulage ». Communication lors de la conférence : 3e Conférence Internationale sur l'Automatisation Industrielle (Montréal, QC, Canada, juin 1999)
- Michel Galopin, Thien-My Dao, Z. Changqing, S. Hansquine. 1993 « A new approach to machinability testing ». Communication lors de la conférence : Seminar and Applications Forum on a Systems Approach to Machining, Institute of Advanced Manufacturing Sciences Inc. (IAMS) (Cincinnati, OH, USA, May 04-05, 1993)
- Yosra Grichi, Héloïse Conrad, Yvan Beauregard, Marc Paquet, Thien My Dao. 2020 « Evaluation of factors driving avionic system obsolescence to enhance forecasting : a case study ». Proceedings of the 2016 Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference, ISERC 2016 (Anaheim, CA, USA, May 21-24, 2016) Institute of Industrial Engineers
- Yosra Grichi, Thien-My Dao, Yvan Beauregard. 2018 « A new approach for optimal obsolescence forecasting based on the random forest (RF) technique and meta-heuristic particle swarm optimization (PSO) ». Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (Paris, France, July 26-27, 2018) IOM Society International
- Phuoc Luong Le, Walid Elmughrabi, Thien My Dao, Amin Chabaane. 2018 « Decision-making in construction logistics and supply chain management: Evolution and future directions ». 7th International Conference on Information Systems, Logistics and Supply Chain (ILS 2018) (Lyon, France, July 08-11, 2018) INSA Lyon
- Thi Hong Dang Nguyen, Thien-My Dao. 2018 « New framework to optimise leagile supply chain design ». Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (Paris, France, July 26-27, 2018) IEOM Society International
- Thi Hong Dang Nguyen, Thien-My Dao. 2018 « New framework to optimise leagile supply chain design ». 13th International Congress on Logistics and SCM Systems (ICLS 2018) (Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, July 29-Aug. 01, 2018)
- Ali Ahmid, Van Ngan Le, Thien My Dao. 2017 « Optimization procedure for an I-beam crane subjected to yield and buckling criteria ». 2017 World Congress on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics (ASEM17) : proceedings (Seoul, Korea, 28 Aug. - 01 Sept., 2017) IASSEM Conferences
- Y. Grichi, Y. Beauregard, T. M. Dao. 2017 « A random forest method for obsolescence forecasting ». IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM) (Singapore, Singapore, Dec. 10-13, 2017) IEEE
- Yosra Grichi, Yvan Beauregard, Thien-My Dao, Imen Zaabar. 2017 « Obsolescence forecasting strategy of technological components - A comparative study of algorithms ». 7th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (IESM 2017) (Saarbrücken, Germany, Oct. 11-13, 2017) Saarland University of Applied Sciences
- T. H. D. Nguyen, T. M. Dao. 2017 « Novel framework to design reliable resilient leagile supply chain ». 47th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering: How Digital Platforms and Industrial Engineering are Transforming Industry and Services (CIE 2017) (Lisbon, Portugal, Oct. 11-13, 2017) Curran Associates Inc.
- Thi Hong Dang Nguyen, Thien My Dao. 2017 « Optimize lean supply chain design under uncertainties by hybrid meta-heuristics ». 7th Annual Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (IEOM) (Rabat, Morocco, Apr. 11-13, 2017) IEOM Society
- T. H. D. Nguyen, T. M. Dao. 2016 « Robust optimization for lean supply chain design under disruptive risk ». IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM) (Bali, Indonesia, Dec. 04-07, 2016) IEEE
- Thi Hong Dang Nguyen, Thien My Dao. 2016 « New strategy to optimize lean supply chain design by meta-heuristic ». 5th International Conference on Material Science and Engineering Technology (ICMSET) (Phuket, Thailand, Oct. 14-16, 2016)
- M. Bagayoko, Thien-My Dao, B. H. Ateme-Nguema. 2015 « Forest vehicle routing problem solved by New Insertion and meta-heuristics ». 2015 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (IEOM). Proceedings (Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Mar. 3-5, 2015) IEEE
- Abdallah Ben Mosbah, Tristan Ayrault, Manuel Flores, Ruxandra Botez, Thien-My Dao. 2015 « EGD-ANN model to predict actuators displacements for an open-loop morphing wing system ». 62nd CASI Aeronautics Conference and AGM 3rd GARDN Conference (AERO 2015) (Montreal, QC, Canada, May 19-21, 2015) Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute
- Nguyen Thi Hong Dang, Thien My Dao. 2015 « Optimizing the design of lean supply chain using the meta-heuristic approach: a case study ». Proceedings of the Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management Systems Conference (Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, Sept. 6-9, 2015) APIEM
- Hassan Mroue, Thien My Dao. 2015 « A new part routing-based decisional algorithm for urgent fabrication through a cost-time model in a flexible manufacturing system ». Proceedings of the International Conference on Operations Excellence and Service Engineering (Orlando, FL, USA, Sept. 9-11, 2015) IOM Society
- T. H. D. Nguyen, T. M. Dao. 2015 « Novel approach to optimize milk-run delivery: a case study ». IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM) (Singapore, Singapore, Dec. 6-9, 2015) IEEE Computer Society
- M. Bagayoko, T. M. Dao, B. H. Ateme-Nguema. 2014 « Optimization of forest vehicle routing using reactive tabu search metaheuristic ». IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM 2013) (Bangkok, Thailand, Dec. 10-13, 2013)
- Abdallah Ben Mosbah, Ruxandra Botez, Thien-My Dao. 2014 « New methodology for the prediction of the aerodynamic coefficients of an ATR-42 scaled wing model ». SAE 2014 Aerospace Systems and Technology Conference, ASTC 2014, September 23, 2014 - September 25, 2014 (Cincinnati, OH, USA, Sept. 23-25, 2014) SAE International
- A. B. Mosbah, Ruxandra Botez, Thien-My Dao. 2014 « New methodology for the calculation of aerodynamic coefficients on ATR-42 scaled model with neural network - EGD method ». ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE) (Montreal, QC, Canada, Nov. 14-20, 2014) American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
- Hoang Quan Tran, Henri Champliaud, Zhengkun Feng, Thien-My Dao. 2014 « Dynamic FE analysis for reducing the flat areas of formed shapes obtained by roll bending process ». ASME 2013 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition : November 15-21, 2013, San Diego, California, USA. (San Diego, CA, USA, Nov. 15-21, 2013 ) ASME
- M. Bagayoko, Thien-My Dao, B. H. Ateme-Nguema. 2013 « Optimization of forest vehicle routing using the metaheuristics: Reactive tabu search and extended great deluge ». Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (IESM) (Rabat, Morocco, Oct. 28-30, 2013) IEEE
- Abdallah Ben Mosbah, Ruxandra Botez, Thien My Dao. 2013 « New methodology for calculating flight parameters with neural network - EGD method ». AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies (MST) Conference (Boston, MA, USA, Aug. 19-22, 2013) American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc.
- Abdallah Ben Mosbah, Ruxandra Botez, Thien My Dao. 2013 « New methodology for calculating flight parameters with neural network - EGD method ». 60th Aeronautics Conference and AGM (Aero13): Aerospace Clusters: Where are we Headed? (Toronto, ON, Canada, Apr. 30-May 2, 2013) Curran Associates Inc
- Moussa Bagayoko, My-Thien Dao, H. Barthelemy, A. Nguyenma. 2012 « Optimization of the medical logistic distributing routing using reactive tabu search meta-heuristic ». 18th International Conference on Indistry, Engineering and Management Systems (Florida, FL, USA, Mar. 25-28, 2012)
- Do Tan Dan, Abdel-Hakim Bouzid, Thien-My Dao. 2012 « On the development of a new bolt spacing formula ». ASME 2012 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, PVP 2012 (Toronto, ON, Canada, July 15-19, 2012) American Society of Mechanical Engineers
- Mroue Hassam, My-Thien Dao. 2012 « Optimization manufacturing cell formation with a binary digit grouping algorithm ». 2012 International Confernence on Manufacturing System Engineering (ICMSE 2012) (Stockholm, Sweden, July 11-13, 2012)
- Hoang Quan Tran, Henri Champliaud, Zhengkun Feng, Thien-My Dao. 2012 « Analytical modeling and Fe simulation for analyzing applied forces during roll bending process ». ASME 2012 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (Chicago, IL, USA, Aug. 12-15, 2012) American Society of Mechanical Engineers
- Hoang Quan Tran, Henri Champliaud, Zhengkun Feng, Thien-My Dao. 2012 « Dynamic analysis of a workpiece deformation in the roll bending process by FEM simulation ». 24th European Modeling and Simulation Symposium, EMSS 2012 (Vienna, Austria, Sept.19-21, 2012) DIPTEM
- N. El Asli, T. M. Dao, S. Abou. 2011 « Extended great deluge approach for the integrated dynamic berth allocation and crane assignment problem ». 13th Int. Conference on Harbor, Maritime and Multimodal Logistics Modeling and Simulation, HMS 2011, Held at the International Mediterranean and Latin American Modeling Multiconference, I3M 2011 (Roma, Italy, Sept. 12-14, 2011) Caltek s.r.l.
- Quan Hoang Tran, Henri Champliaud, Zhengkun Feng, Thien-My Dao. 2011 « FE simulation of heat assisted roll bending process for manufacturing large and thick high strength steel axisymmetric parts ». IASTED International Conference on Modelling, Simulation, and Identification (MSI) (Pittsburgh, PA, USA, Nov. 7-9, 2011) ACTA Press
- Abdallah Ben Mosbah, Thien-My Dao. 2010 « Optimimization of group scheduling using simulation with the meta-heuristic Extended Great Deluge (EGD) approach ». IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM) (Macau, China, Dec. 7-10, 2010) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
- Abdallah Ben Mosbah, Thien-My Dao. 2010 « Optimization of a manufacturing process using the hybrid simulation : a case study ». IIE Annual Conference and Expo 2010 / Applied Solutions (Cancun, Mexico, June 5-9, 2010) IIE
- Thien-My Dao. 2010 « Human factors in the successful implementation of manufacturing management systems ». International Applied Business Research Conference (Orlando, Flor., USA, Jan. 4-6, 2010)
- Tan Dan Do, Hakim Bouzid, Thien-My Dao. 2010 « On the use of the theory of rings on non-linear elastic foundation to study the effect of bolt spacing in bolted flange joints ». ASME Pressure Vessel & Piping Conference (PVP) (Bellevue, Washington, July 18-22, 2010) American Society of Mechanical Engineers
- Thang T. Diep, Thien-My Dao, Séraphin C. Abou. 2009 « Real time control of stochastic manufacturing systems with jump Semi-Markov ». Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Identification, Control, and Applications, ICA 2009 (Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, Aug. 17-19, 2009) ACTA Press
- Zhengkun Feng, Henri Champliaud, Thien-My Dao. 2009 « Three-dimensional finite element analyses for pyramidal three-roll bending process ». ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE) (Lake Buena Vista, FL, USA, Nov. 13-19, 2009) American Society of Mechanical Engineers
- Zhengkun Feng, Henri Champliaud, Van Ngan Lê, Thien-My Dao. 2009 « Analysis of roll bending processes based on finite element simulation ». Proceedings of the NAFEMS World Congress (Crete, Greece, June 16-19, 2009)
- Nabil Nahas, Thien-My Dao. 2009 « A local search algorithm with a new acceptance rule : application to the flow-shop scheduling problem ». Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Identification, Control, and Applications, ICA 2009 (Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, Aug. 17-19, 2009) ACTA Press
- B. Ateme-Nguema, Thien-My Dao, Victor Songmene. 2008 « New approach based on RSM and ants colony system for multi-objective Optimization problem: a case study ». 14th International Conference on Industry, Engineering, and Management Systems (IEMS) (Cocoa Beach, FL, USA, Mar. 10-12, 2008)
- Zhengkun Feng, Henri Champliaud, Thien-My Dao. 2008 « Modeling and simulation of conical bending with cylindrical rolls ». ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference (PVP) (San Antonio, TX, USA, Jul. 22-26, 2007) American Society of Mechanical Engineers
- Zhengkun Feng, Henri Champliaud, Thien-My Dao. 2008 « Simulation analyses of a non-kinematical conical roll bending process with conical rolls ». 20th European Modeling and Simulation Symposium (EMSS) (Amantea, Italy, Sept. 17-19, 2008) Diptim-Univ Genoa
- Zhengkun Feng, Henri Champliaud, Thien-My Dao. 2008 « Simulation of a three-stage process for forming a closed cone from a plate ». ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference (PVP) (Chicago, IL, USA, Jul. 27-31, 2008) American Society of Mechanical Engineers
- D. Tan Dan, Hakim Bouzid, Thien-My Dao. 2008 « Effect of bolt spacing on the circumferential distribution of gasket contact stress in bolted flange joints ». 16th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE) (Orlando, FL, USA, May 11-15, 2008) American Society of Mechanical Engineers
- B. H. Ateme-Nguema, Thien-My Dao. 2007 « Optimization of cellular manufacturing systems design using the hybrid approach based on the ant colony and tabu search techniques ». IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM) (Singapore, Singapore, Dec. 2-4, 2007) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Computer Society
- Barthélemy Ateme-Nguema, Thien-My Dao. 2007 « Optimal selection of manufacturing routing of parts: a case study ». International Conference on Industry, Engineering and Management Systems (IEMS) (Cocoa Beach, FL, USA, Mar. 12-14, 2007)
- H. Ateme-Nguema, Thien-My Dao. 2007 « Quantized hopfield networks and tabu search for manufacturing cell formation problems, applications of metaheuristics ». Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (IESM) (Beijing, China, May 30-June 2, 2007)
- Thibault Bellizi, Jonathan Boisvert, Henri Champliaud, Thien-My Dao. 2007 « Estimation of the pressing force in blade forming application ». Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Modelling and Simulation (Montreal, Canada, May 30-June 1, 2007) ACTA Press
- Félicia Etsida Mpiga, Thien-My Dao, Victor Songmene. 2007 « The hybrid simulation approach based on RSM and ants colony system for multiobjective optimization problem ». Proceedings of the 8th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management System and Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers Conference (Kaohsiung, Taïwan, Dec. 9-12, 2007) APIEM & CIIE
- Zhengkun Feng, Henri Champliaud, Thien-My Dao. 2007 « Modelling and simulation of conical bending process with sliding rolls ». IFAC Workshop on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control (Budapest, Hungary, Nov. 14-16, 2007)
- Zhengkun Feng, Henri Champliaud, J. Zeng, Thien-My Dao. 2007 « Investigation of influence of sliding of rolls over plate on continuous bending with noncompatible conical rolls ». Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Modelling and Simulation (Montréal, Canada, May 30-June 1, 2007) ACTA Press
- Jian Hua Zhao, Henri Champliaud, Thien-My Dao. 2007 « Simulation of shear spinning process using finite element method ». Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Modelling and Simulation (Montreal, Canada, May 30-June 1, 2007) ACTA Press
- Jian-Hua Zhao, Henri Champliaud, Thien-My Dao. 2007 « Simulation of shear spinning process for pressure vessel components ». ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference (PVP) (San Antonio, TX, USA, Jul. 22-26, 2007) American Society of Mechanical Engineers
- Séraphin-Chally Abou, Maarouf Saad, Thien-My Dao. 2006 « Physical system modelling for the design and control of mechatronic systems ». Proceedings of the Eight IASTED International Conference on Control and Applications (Montreal, Canada, May 24-26, 2006) ACTA Press
- T. M. Dao, S. C. Abou, C. Makrem. 2006 « Optimisation of manufacturing group scheduling using the hybrid neural networks simulation: A case of study ». 2006 IIE Annual Conference and Exhibition (Orlando, FL, USA, May 20-24, 2006) Institute of Industrial Engineers
- Thien-My Dao, C. Makrem, Seraphin C. Abou. 2006 « A hybrid hopfield neural networks based simulation approach for optimization of manufacturing group scheduling ». 36th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering (Taipei, Taiwan, June 20-23, 2006)
- Jian Hua Zhao, Zhaoheng Liu, My-Thien Dao. 2005 « Solving reliability optimal design problem using ant colony system (ACS) approaches ». Proceedings of the 15th International CIRP Design Seminar (Shanghai, China, May 22-25, 2005)
- Jian-Hua Zhao, Thien-My Dao, Zhaoheng Liu. 2005 « Optimization of mechanical systems reliability using ant colony based simulation approach ». Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Modelling and Simulation (Cancun, Mexico, May 18-20, 2005) ACTA Press
- Séraphin Chally Abou, Thien-My Dao. 2003 « Grinding process modelling and simulation ». IASTED International Conference on Modelling, Sumulation and Optimization (Banff, Canada, Jul. 2-4, 2003) ACTA Press
- B. H. Ateme-Nguema, Thien-My Dao. 2001 « Optimum design of CMS using Hopfield neural networks approach ». IASTED International Conference on Robotics and Manufacturing (RM) (Cancum, Mexico, May 21-24, 2001) IASTED/ACTA Press
- Thien-My Dao, S. C. Abou. 2000 « Optimization of group scheduling using the neural networks based simulation approach ». Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference Robotics and Applications (Honolulu, HI, USA, Aug. 14-16, 2000) IASTED/ACTA Press
- N. El Ouafi, Louis Lamarche, Jules O'Shea, Thien-My Dao. 2000 « Mathematical Model and Analysis of a Grinding Process Using a Cylindrical Grinder ». IASTED Conference on Applied Simulation and Modeling (Banff, AB, Canada, Juil. 2000)
- Thien-My Dao, A. Thedy. 1999 « A matlab based simulation system for optimum design of cellular manufacturing system ». Industrial Engineering Research 99 Conference: proceedings: May 23-24, 1999, Phoenix, Arizona (Phoenix, AZ, USA, May 23-24, 1999) Institute of Industrial Engineers
- N. El-Ouafi, L. Lamarche, J. Oshea, T. Dao. 1999 « Conception d'un contrôleur hybride robuste pour un système de meulage ». Troisième conférence internationale sur l'automatisation industrielle, École de technologie supérieure, Montréal, 7-9 juin 1999 : actes de la conférence = Third International Conference on Industrial Automation, École de technologie supérieure, Montréal, (Montréal, QC, Canada, 7-9 juin 1999) Association internationale de l'automatisation industrielle
- T. -M. Dao, Q. Nguyen. 1998 « Reliability optimization of mechanical structural systems using the fuzzy approach ». Developments in theoretical and applied mechanics, volume XIX: proceedings of the Nineteenth Southeastern Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (Deerfield Beach, FL, USA, May 3-5, 1998) Florida Atlantic University
- Thien-My Dao. 1997 « Optimization of group scheduling using AI approach: a case study ». Eight annual meeting of the production and operations management society (POM-97) (Miami Beach, FL, USA, Apr. 12-15, 1997)
- Thien-My Dao, Michel Galopin. 1996 « Human factors in the successful implementation of cellular manufacturing systems ». Manufacturing agility and hybrid automation - I: proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Human Aspects of Advanced Manufacturing: Agility and Hybrid Automation, Maui, Hawaii, USA, August 1996. (Maui, HI, USA, Aug., 1996) IEA Press
- Thien-My Dao, Michel Galopin. 1995 « A knowledge based simulation system for optimum design of manufacturing cell system ». Proceedings of the Third IASTED International Conference Robotics and Manufacturing: June 14-16, 1995, Cancún, Mexico (Cancum, Mexico, June 14-16, 1995) International Association of Science and Technology for Development
- Thien-My Dao, S. Rodner, P. S. Benolt, Michel Galopin. 1995 « A knowledge based simulation system for solution identification in group scheduling ». IASTED 14th International Conference on Modeling, Identification and Control (Innsbruck, Austria, Feb. 20-22, 1995) IASTED-ACTA Press
- M. Thomas, J. Masounave, T. M. Dao, C. T. Le Dinh, F. Lafleur. 1995 « Rolling element bearing degradation and vibration signature relationship ». Acoustical and vibratory surveillance methods and diagnostic techniques: 2nd international symposium = Méthodes de surveillance et techniques de diagnostic acoustiques et vibratoires (Paris, France, Oct. 10-12, 1995) Société Française des Mécaniciens
- Thien My Dao, P. Bastien, Michel Galopin. 1994 « A computer aided decision system for optimum design of manipulation cell system ». The 10th ISPE/IFAC International Conference on CAD/CAM, Robotics and Factories of the Future : CARs & FOF '94 : information technology for modern manufacturing : August 21-24, 1994, Ottawa, Canada : conference proceedings (Ottawa, ON, Canada, Aug. 21-24, 1994) OCRI Publications
- Thien-My Dao, Michel Galopin. 1994 « Operating field of manufacturing process optimization using the EM-2000 modelling system ». Proceedings of IASTED Symposium Modelling, Identification and Control (Grindelwald, Switzerland, Feb. 21-23, 1994) IASTED
- Thien-My Dao, Michel Galopin. 1994 « Optimum design of manufacturing cell system using the cost based simulation approach ». European Simulation Multiconference - Modelling and Simulation (ESM) (Barcelona, Spain, June 1-3, 1994) Society for Computer Simulation International
- M. Galopin, T. M. Dao, Y. Sun, S. Hansquine. 1994 « Development of a computer-aided testing system for robotic arc welding ». Fifth International Conference Computer Technology in Welding, Paris, France 15-16 June 1994 (Paris, France, June 15-16, 1994) Abington Publishing
- M. Galopin, T. M. Dao, C. Q. Zheng, S. Hansquine. 1994 « A problem solving tool for optimization of welding processes ». Proceedings of the Fifth International Welding Computerization Conference (Golden, CO, USA, Aug. 9-12, 1994)
- Thien-My Dao, Michel Galopin, P. Bastien. 1993 « Optimum design of manufacturing cell system (MCS) using the cost based machine-component grouping technique ». Proceedings of the 15th Annual Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering (Cocoa Beach, FL, USA, Mar. 8-10, 1993) Pergamon
- Michel Galopin, Thien-My Dao, J. P. Boillot. 1993 « Arc welding procedure optimization ». International trends in welding science and technology : proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Trends in Welding Research (Gatlinburg, TN, USA, June 1-5, 1992) ASM International
- Michel Galopin, Thien-My Dao, S. Hansquine, M. Aiche, T. Zacharia. 1993 « On-line development of robust welding schedules ». Modeling and control of joining processes (Orlando, FL, USA, Dec. 8-10, 1993) American Welding Society
- Michel Galopin, Thien-My Dao, D. Gagnon. 1992 « Modélisation et optimisation du mode opératoire des procédés de fabrication ». Automatisation industrielle : conférence Canadienne et exposition : École de Technologie Supérieure Montréal, 1-3 juin 1992 : actes de la conférence = Industrial automation : Canadian conference and exhibition : Ecole de Technologie Supérieure Montre (Montréal, QC, Canada, 1-3 juin 1992) International Association for Industrial Automation
- Michel Galopin, Thien-My Dao, D. Gagnon. 1992 « The EM-2000 welding modelling system ». Computer technology in welding : fourth international conference (Cambridge, UK, June 3-4, 1992) Abington
- Michel Galopin, Thien-My Dao, Louis Lamarche. 1992 « An integrated computer-aided optimization system for process planning ». Intelligent manufacturing systems : preprints of the IFAC workshop, Dearborn, Michigan, USA, 1-2 October 1992 (Dearborn, MI, USA, Oct. 1-2, 1992) Pergamon Press Inc
- Thien-My Dao, Zhaoheng Liu, Mounir Massoud. 1991 « Mechanical-strength reliability evaluation using an iterative approach ». 1991 Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium (Orlando, FL, USA, Jan. 29-31, 1991) IEEE
- Thien-My Dao. 1989 « Using dynamic simulation for implementing design for the flexible manufacturing cell (FMC). A case study ». AUTOFACT '89 : conference proceedings (Detroit, MI, USA, Oct. 30-Nov. 02, 1989) Society of Manufacturing Engineers, Computer and Automated Systems Association
- Thien My Dao. 1985 « Cinematic motion modeling and simulation on micro-computer : An economic approach for robot time performance analysis ». Proceedings - Fall Industrial Engineering Conference (Institute of Industrial Engineers) (Chicago, IL, USA, Fall 1985) Institute of Industrial Engineers
- Thien-My Dao. 1984 « Simulation on microcomputer : An economic tool for the solution of production management problems ». Modeling and Simulation on Microcomputers (San Diego, CA, USA, 1984) Society for Computer Simulation