Construction Metamaterials
Metamaterials represent a paradigm shift in material engineering, offering capabilities beyond the constraints of natural materials. Originally conceived for light manipulation, they have expanded their reach to control diverse wave phenomena like acoustics and mechanics, resulting in structures with exotic performances such as for example unconventional deformation or filtering of undesired waves. Notably, modern additive manufacturing aligns seamlessly with metamaterials, enabling the fabrication of complex structures essential for desired functionality
This ongoing revolution holds the potential to inspire new avenues in construction materials and structures. The goal of the PhD is to exploit the possibilities of metamaterials in the field of construction, with an additional focus on sustainability—a crucial aspect for the successful deployment of such structures at scale. To achieve this, the study will utilize the latest fabrication techniques, specifically robotic 3D printing. This approach aims to minimize material usage while enabling the development of complex structures with exceptional performance characteristics.
The PhD candidate will undertake the full design process, including the fabrication of structures and theoretical studies employing advanced numerical simulators to optimize the performance of the structures. This work will involve analytical studies to grasp the physics of targeted phenomena and select appropriate materials. Ultimately, the research will culminate in experimental demonstrations of the developed structures. Foreseen applications include the creation of lightweight and durable structures capable of filtering harmful acoustic, hydraulic, and seismic waves. The candidate will plan and perform the experiments and simulations to design sustainable metamaterials for publication in peer-reviewed journal articles and conferences. Material sustainability will be a crucial consideration in the selection of components. Additionally, the candidate will have the opportunity to learn and operate a robotic 3D concrete printer. A co-direction with Professor Miguel Beruete at UPNA is considered.
Required knowledge
- Degree in engineering, physics, or relevant field
- Ability to perform experiments and simulation (COMSOL, python, matlab, others);
- Ability to read, write, and communicate in English (required) and French (preferred for ÉT or interest to learn it);
- Self-motivated and autonomous;
- Interest to work in an international team.