Regulatory Framework

Recognized for its expertise and appreciated for its collaboration, the Secretary-General’s Office comprises a team of about 40 people who apply their experience and knowledge in the service of ÉTS.
The mission of the Legal Affairs Department is to see to the good governance of ÉTS, support its decision-making bodies, preserve its institutional memory and ensure the legality and compliance of its actions and decisions.
Its role is structured around three areas of activity:
The human resources management philosophy, which is a key factor in the positioning of École de technologie supérieure (ÉTS) as a preferred employer, focuses on three main pillars:
This is the perspective from which the HRS at ÉTS puts its talents to use to provide the ÉTS management team, along with current and future employees, with an extensive range of services, advice and programs.
The HRS at ÉTS is proud of its contribution to the vitality and sustained growth of ÉTS, and to providing the best possible living and working environment, where safety, wellness and respect are fundamental values.
The role of the HRS revolves around two primary sectors of activity:
Transparency is an important contributor to the public’s confidence in its institutions. This is why public organizations such as universities are subject to the Act respecting Access to Documents Held by Public Bodies and the Protection of Personal Information. This is also the reason that ÉTS makes certain information available periodically.
In virtue of the Act respecting Access to Documents Held by Public Bodies and the Protection of Personal Information, anyone may make an Access to Information request to ÉTS, as long as the information requested can be found in an existing document and is not among the exceptions provided for in the Act.
No. The Act provides several exceptions to the principle of access. For example, personal information relating to a third person will not be provided to you. Similarly, information that could have a negative impact on intergovernmental relations, negotiations between public agencies, the administration of justice or public safety will not be provided. If the information you request cannot be provided, we will inform you and we will state the reasons for our decision. If you do not agree with our decision, you may appeal to Quebec’s Commission d’accès à l’information (the access to information commission).
In accordance with the Act, ÉTS has 20 working days to send you its response. In some cases, such as if the information is difficult to locate, we may take an additional 10 working days. The time may also be extended if your request concerns industrial, financial, commercial, scientific, technical or trade-union information provided by a third party. If the processing time for your application must be extended, we will let you know.
Access to documents is free, but if you wish to obtain copies of documents, we may charge you fees for reproduction, transcription and/or delivery. If this is the case, we will provide you an estimate of the costs in advance.
The simplest way is to send your request in writing to the person in charge of access to information. At ÉTS, the Secretary-General is responsible for access to information:
Subject: Request for Access to Information
École de technologie supérieure (ÉTS)
1100, rue Notre-Dame Ouest, bureau A-3828
Montréal (Québec) H3C 1K3
514 396-8800 ext. 7107
In collaboration with the other institutions making up the University of Quebec network, ÉTS publishes a joint annual report.
ÉTS also publishes an annual report on its research and innovation activities.
The ÉTS Development Fund (FDETS) publishes an annual report.
ÉTS submits an annual report on its performance and prospects for development to the Quebec National Assembly.
You are on the page for consultation with respect to an appointment to a senior position.