LATIS is a preferred collaborator in advancing research into the integration of health information for a large number of partners.
Are you interested in collaborating with us? Contact one of the professors associated with the lab!
- Centre de recherches mathématiques (CRM): Jean-Marc Lina is a Regular Member of the CRM. Focusing on applied mathematics in the biomedical field and industrial mathematics, the CRM is a privileged partner in organizing thematic sessions.
- Canadian Space Agency: LATIS previously collaborated with the Canadian Space Agency on a project involving the acquisition of images of genetically modified plants. We plan to continue this partnership, especially since one of our former students (Talal Abboud, Master degree under the supervision of Rita Noumeir) is an Engineer at the CSA, working in the area of space exploration operations.
- Laboratoire de phonétique at UQAM: This laboratory, headed by Professor Lucie Ménard, is dedicated to the study of locution and the biomechanics of speech. LATIS collaborates with the Laboratoire de phonétique to analyze movements of the tongue through the use of ultrasound video sequences.
- Speech Production Laboratory (U. Indiana): This laboratory, headed by Professor Steven Lulich, is also dedicated to the study of locution and the biomechanics of speech. LATIS collaborates with the Speech Production Laboratory on analyzing 3D vocal tract images.
- Center for Advanced Research in Sleep Medicine (CARSM): The CARSM is one of the main components of the Hôpital du Sacré-Coeur-de-Montréal Research Centre. LATIS is involved in the development of methods for analyzing EEG and MEG signals for multiple research protocols related to sleep among individuals who are aging normally or those with specific pathologies (Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s).
- Montreal Neurological Hospital: The MNH is internationally recognized for its clinical expertise in a large number of cerebral dysfunctions. LATIS has partnered with the research group run by Professor Jean Gotman from the Montreal Neurological Institute and the research group run by Professor Christophe Grova from the Biomedical Engineering Department at McGill University to study epilepsy.
- Sainte-Justine University Hospital Research Centre: The Research Group on Musculoskeletal Deformities at Sainte-Justine University Hospital Research Centre comprises a number of specialists in orthopedic research (surgeons, physiotherapists, engineers, etc.), including Research Associate Catherine Laporte. LATIS is currently working with this Research Group on the problem of scoliosis, which represents a new field of application for ultrasound scanning. LATIS has also teamed up with Dr. Marie Laberge-Malo, Dr. Marie-Claude Miron and Dr. Ramy El Jalbout in connection with a number of problems related to ultrasound scanning. In addition, LATIS is working with Dr. Philippe Jouvet, Dr. Guillaume Emeriaud, Dr. Michaël Sauthier and Dr. Sandrine Essouri of the Intensive Care Unit on the use of artificial intelligence to assist with diagnoses.
- Hôpital du Sacré-Cœur-de-Montréal Research Centre: The neuroscience focus of this Centre involves research activities in various areas related to the electrophysiology of sleep, in addition to those of the CARSM (mentioned above). More specifically, LATIS has trained Engineers for the Genetics and Sleep Research Group. The expertise that LATIS has acquired in the multifractal analysis of signals is also the lynchpin of its collaboration with the Sleep Research Group in Molecular Biology.
- Centre hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal (CHUM): A number of graduate and post-graduate students supervised by Rita Noumeir have worked and continue to work on research projects in close collaboration with the management team at CHUM, with a view to improving care flow.
- Canada Health Infoway: An independent organization funded by the Canadian government, Infoway was created to promote and accelerate the development and adoption of digital health file systems. Infoway is seeking to develop architecture for implementing electronic health records based on the use of various coding and telecommunication standards.
- Clarius Mobile Health: Located in British Columbia, Clarius develops wireless miniature ultrasound scanners intended for new users and new applications, especially Point-of-care Ultrasound.
- Aerosystems International Inc. (ASI): ASI is a long-established systems integrator that offers RF (radiofrequency) surveillance systems with integrated commercially-available sensors (COTS: receivers, antennas, etc.) in its software suite to facilitate automated remote surveillance in the RF spectrum. LATIS works with the ASI team on research projects involving video surveillance.