Our projects
The members of the Numérix Laboratory are currently working on numerous research problems, some of which have been proposed by industrial partners operating in a variety of sectors. The shared objective is to develop innovative solutions, both in theory and in practice.
Digital modelling as a prevention and decision-making tool in occupational health and safety
Lead Researcher: Louis Rivest
Co-Directors: Sylvie Nadeau and Conrad Boton
Every industrial facility is constructed for the purpose of operation, and is subject to maintenance requirements while in use. The decisions that are made at the design phase in terms of the selection and layout of equipment and the general configuration of the facility have a significant impact on the ability of workers to safely execute operational and maintenance tasks. Within the context of this project, we explore the potential of using digital modelling during the design phase to prevent occupational health and safety (OHS) risks related to maintenance and operational work in industrial facilities at the source, with a view to promoting the adoption of the most effective prevention methods. These facilities are the subject of intersecting BIM (Building Information Modeling) and PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) studies, so we have adopted a methodology that focuses on comparing the approaches using BIM and PLM models for preventing OHS risks. Once completed, the study will result in a methodology for preventing OHS risks at the source at facilities for which models have been prepared using CATIA v5.
3D modelling vs. 2D paper drawings: Cognitive load and performance
Lead Researcher: Louis Rivest
Co-Directors: James Lapalme and Alexandre Moïse
The use of new technology and information technology is becoming more and more common in the construction sector. The digital shift and the proliferation of BIM (Building Information Modeling), with the inevitable use of 3D models, is a growing trend within the industry. This reality raises a number of challenges to be overcome by organizations and their employees. This project studies the hesitation that some engineers have shown with respect to validating, signing off on and approving digital modelling. The objective of this research project is to test and validate the hypothesis that some degree of cognitive overload would result from a shift from 2D paper drawing to digital 3D modelling during the execution of certain key engineering tasks.
Developing an integrated cost-based sharing and optimization model for the allocation of forest resources
Lead Researcher: Mohammed Said Radjef
Co-Directors: Tasseda Boukherroub and Margarida Carvalho
Allocating public natural resources to various companies competing for the same limited resource is challenging. This project aims at proposing an integrated approach combining a cost-based sharing model and an optimization mathematical model to determine the right quantities of forest resources to allocate to multiple players. The allocation process attempts to ensure equity among the players. It considers both their contribution in reducing operational cost through collaboration (i.e., harvesting, road network development/maintenance, and transportation) as well as their individual sustainability performance (economic, environmental and social aspects).
Development of a collaborative planning approach in the forestry sector
Lead Researcher: Tasseda Boukherroub
Co-Director: Angel Ruiz
One of the objectives of the integrated management of forest resources is to meet the needs of the large number of stakeholders that are involved in or affected by the management of public forest territories through the use of collaborative or participative planning mechanisms. Each of these stakeholders has their own values, objectives, organizational culture and education, which can lead to widely diverging interests, and sometimes to conflicts. In light of this, collaborative and participative processes can be complex, lengthy and costly. In order to help improve collaborative and participative planning, this project focuses on proposing a conceptual framework for ascertaining the concerns of stakeholders and integrating them into decision support models more effectively, and for enhancing the understanding and application of preferences in order to generate alternative solutions that are aligned with needs.
Development of a power sport vehicle simulator
Lead Researcher: Louis Rivest
Co-Director: Guy Gauthier
The objective of the Sekonride project is to reproduce the sensation of riding a power sport vehicle while on a simulator equipped with a virtual reality headset and various actuators. The user can choose from among various types of experiences with different vehicles (snowmobiles, jet skis and ATVs). The experiences are pre-recorded thanks to a collection device that was developed for the project, which includes a 360° camera and an inertial sensor.
Multidisciplinary product development in the digital and connectivity era
Lead Researcher: Louis Rivest
Co-Directors: Matthieu Bricogne
The goal of this project is to propose an approach for providing companies with guidance during the evolution of their development structure with a view to supporting the development of new multidisciplinary products within the context of the transition toward the ubiquitous digital and connectivity era. The structure is built on a four-level model – approaches, processes, methods and tools – and relies on a variety of “concepts and techniques”. Our approach includes a “scientific literature” component, which translates to a cartography for developing multidisciplinary products identified within the scientific literature, and an “industrial practices” component, which documents how ten companies developed these types of products. An analysis of the divergences between these two components led to the proposal of an approach aimed at mitigating the two deficiencies that were identified in connection with the variety and structuring of the concepts and techniques that were used.
Socioenvironmental accountability among fashion and clothing companies in Québec
Lead Researcher: James Lapalme
The context of globalization and the linear economy has created problems related to transparency in the supply chain for some companies, especially in the fashion and clothing industry. With a view to adopting new accountability standards, organizations that operate in this sector must review their practices and their product offer. This research project involves steering the commitments made by Québec companies that adopt values related to accountability in connection with their clothing design and manufacturing activities. We are seeking to understand how best practices based on the concepts of sustainable development are integrated into their processes, and how this will enable them to adhere to the new social, environmental and economic paradigms, despite the structural challenges of the existing system within the fashion and clothing industry.
Design of a sustainable and intelligent supply chain for recycling medical masks
Lead Researcher: Tasseda Boukherroub
Co-Director: Lucas Hof
The reconfiguration of supply chains for medical personal protective equipment is crucial for ensuring adequate, continuous and responsible supply for the entire Canadian population. Among other aspects, this reconfiguration includes the repatriation to Canada of outsourced production sites, the optimization of the production and logistical flow of medical supplies and the responsible and efficient recovery and elimination of these products at the end of their useful life, within the context of a circular and intelligent economy. Toward this end, this project is helping to build the medical supply chains of the future, incorporating the principles of the circular economy and industry 4.0. The project focuses primarily on the design and optimization of the supply chain for medical masks, including the reverse logistics for masks at the end of their useful life (collection, elimination, recycling and reselling of recycled materials). A mathematical optimization model will be developed to allow for the design of a supply chain that is optimized with respect to economic performance and environmental impact.
Development of a multi-criteria approach for the deployment and orientation of organizational performance within the health care and social services network
Lead Researcher: Tasseda Boukherroub
Co-Director: Claude Olivier
In order to meet government departmental requirements and provide accessible and quality services to its clients, the CIUSSS du Centre-Sud-de-l'Île-de-Montréal (CCSMTL) has developed a quality performance model, which places the client in the centre and takes into consideration a variety of dimensions and sub-dimensions related to performance (quality, accessibility, efficiency, etc.). However, the operationalization of the model presents a number of challenges. For example, measurable and coherent performance indicators must be identified, selected and validated for each dimension and sub-dimension. This project proposes an approach for implementing a more efficient performance measurement system. First, the SWOT method (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) is used to analyze the data collected in the field and identify any deficiencies in the model. Next, based on a review of the literature and the results of the SWOT analysis, a Balanced Scorecard (BSC) is used for the dual purposes of enhancing the alignment of the quality performance model with the strategic objectives of the CCSMTL and proposing coherent indicators. Finally, a five-phased approach using the AHP method (analytic hierarchy process) and min-max normalization, among others, is developed to structure the performance indicators and incorporate them into performance indices based on the dimensions of the quality performance model. This approach is applied to the CCSMTL’s physical and intellectual disability and autism spectrum disorder programs.
Optimizing truck platooning transportation planning in forestry products supply chains
Lead Researcher: Tasseda Boukherroub
Co-Directors: Mikael Rönnqvist
A truck platoon is a group of virtually connected trucks that use automated driving technology to move closely behind each other. Truck platooning benefits include cost savings, fuel use reduction, and increased road capacity utilization. This project explores the impact of integrating truck platooning in forestry products supply networks. To implement truck platooning efficiently, companies need to know how and where to use platoon trucks in their transportation networks to minimize costs. Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) and cost sharing models are developed to optimize the tactical transportation planning of forestry supply chains using truck platoons and analyze potential collaboration benefits.
Improving the sustainability of freight transportation systems
Lead Researcher: Armin Jabbarzadeh
Freight transportation systems have become more complex and interconnected, and as a result, they are more vulnerable to disruptions caused by natural catastrophes and human-induced events than ever before. However, according to the academic literature, the potential impact of disruptions on performance in terms of the sustainability of hazardous materials transportation systems has not been studied in depth. This project delves into this subject to allow for the design of emergency response systems that can react quickly to the release of hazardous materials when there is a risk of disruption.
- Artefact for Scheduling Operating Room by Considering Post Anesthesia Beds and Intensive Care Unit to Improve Efficiency During the COVID-19 Pandemic with Machine Learning (Yvan Beauregard)
- The Optimization of Machine Learning Algorithms Applied for Predictive Maintenance of Mechanical Bearings (Yvan Beauregard)
- Investigation on Capability of the Cloud Manufacturing Concept for Improving the Utilities of Bio-inspired Production Systems in Global Supply Chains (Yvan Beauregard)
- Support for short- and long-term planning of stoppages (RTFT) (Yvan Beauregard)
- Managing home-office cybersecurity risks caused by the COVID-19 pandemic (Yvan Beauregard)
- Applying project management tools within the context of monitoring fixed-cost reduction initiatives in an industrial company (Yvan Beauregard)
- Studying the importance of project management tools for successfully completing software development projects within the context of an expanding business (Yvan Beauregard)
- A Co-Creative Model Based on User-Generated Content and Decision-Making Environments to Identify New Product Ideas (Yvan Beauregard)
- Optimal choices of big data analytics techniques and strategies in the field of product development (Yvan Beauregard)
- A Risk Management Evaluation Toolkit for Mega Size Industrial Project (Aerospace) (Yvan Beauregard)
- Improved Risk and Uncertainty Management in Product Development (Yvan Beauregard)
- A Critical Investigation of Risk Management Practices Influence on Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Performance (Yvan Beauregard)
- The transformation toward 4.0 and the impact on project management concepts and practices (Yvan Beauregard)
- Design of incentive-based staff compensation methods in agile projects (Yvan Beauregard)
- Implementation Barriers of Industry 4.0 with lean Canada's Aerospace Manufacturing Companies (Yvan Beauregard)
- Optimization of a lean supply chain, risk management and resilience (Yvan Beauregard)
- A lean model for improving predictive maintenance performance (Yvan Beauregard)
- Guide for selecting connection sub-systems in fall-arrest systems (Yvan Beauregard)
- Enhancing resilience of supply chain systems using data-driven decision-making approaches (Armin Jabbarzadeh)
- Designing health care supply chain systems utilizing Internet of Things (IoT) (Armin Jabbarzadeh)
- Improving sustainability of energy systems using mathematical optimization (Armin Jabbarzadeh)
- Optimization of waste management systems based on circular economy (Armin Jabbarzadeh)