Indoor environmental quality (IEQ) measurement
- Testo 435-4 multifunction indoor air quality meter
- Piezoresistive differential pressure sensor
- Hot wire anemometer (Ø 12 mm)
- CO2, dry-bulb temperature, relative humidity and absolute pressure sensors
- Testo 735-2 multichannel thermometer
Portable thermal comfort measuring system with adjustable-height tray equipped with:- Type K thermocouple rapid reaction contact sensor
- Type K thermocouple air temperature sensor
- Watertight immersible RTD temperature sensor
- Q-TRAK 7575 multifunction indoor air quality monitor
- CO2, dry-bulb temperature, relative humidity and absolute pressure sensors
- Alnor 6050P-1 and Fluke 922 pitot tubes
- ThermCondSys 5500 system
Portable thermal comfort measuring system with adjustable-height tray equipped with:- Omnidirectional anemometer
- PT100 air temperature sensor
- Barometric pressure sensor
- Black bulb thermometer (Ø 75 mm)
- QUESTemp 15 heat stress monitor
- REED R6250SD heat stress monitor with wet-bulb thermometer
- TSI 8347 and TSI 9545 anemometers
- Piccolo SLM-P3 sound level meter
- HHC230 light meter
- GASTEC pumps
- Met One GT-526S particle sizer (OPS)
- MiniREA 3000 photo-ionization detector
On-site energy measurement
- Power demand measurements
- Fluke 1730 three-phase electrical energy logger
- Fluke i40s-EL current transformer clamp
- Fluke iFlex i1730 current sensor
- Dynasonic DXNP-AHS-NN and DXNP-ABS-NN ultrasonic flow meters
- FLIR-E64501 thermal imaging camera with 10 mm, 45° lens
- Minneapolis Blower Door System with DG-700 pressure and flow sensor
Characterization of materials
- TPS Tenney Jr. thermal chamber
Small thermal chamber that can maintain a temperature of -70 °C to 200 °C, allowing for the measurement of the thermal performances of samples of construction or wall assembly materials.
- C-Therm Trident
Instrument for measuring the thermal conductivity of materials from 0.03 to 10 W/m∙K, accurate to within 5%, which makes it possible to analyze solid, liquid, powder or paste samples between ‑50 °C and 200 °C without damaging or changing their properties. Allows for use of the Modified Transient Plane Source (MTPS), Transient Plane Source (TPS) and Transient Line Source (TLS) methods, and meets ISO 22007-2, ASTM D7984, D5334 and D5930 standards.
Test benches
Controlled environment test bench (BE2C)
- Two “Calibrated Hot Box” thermal chambers for maintaining specific environmental conditions (indoor and outdoor), which allows for evaluation of hygrothermal performances and the thermal resistance of wall assembly samples.
- Delmhorst hygrometers
- FluxTeq PHFS-09e heat flux sensors and thermistors
- Moisture detection tape, relative humidity and condensation sensors
- Load cell (500 lb)
Air distribution test bench
53 m3 model room equipped with two variable-flow ventilation systems that can be used alternately: a floor-level ventilation system (2.5 m3·min-1) and a ceiling vent system (5.2 m3·min-1).