Hydrology, Climate and Climate Change
Areas of research
At the HC3 Laboratory, we specialize in hydroclimatology and in studying the impact of global environmental change on the hydrology of watersheds. Over the last 15 years, we have developed world-class expertise that enables us to integrate field studies, observation of hydrological processes and digital modelling into our work. We put this expertise to use in research projects conducted in partnership with local, national and international collaborators in the following research areas:
- Extreme events (floods, droughts)
- Uncertainty in hydro-climatic modelling
- Hydrological role of snow
- Operational management of hydro-power production reservoirs
- Urban hydraulics and hydrology
- Meteorological and hydrological forecasting
- Natural climate variability
- Impacts of climate change
- Impacts of changes in land use
- Impacts of glacial retreat
- Climatic databases
Areas of expertise
- Hydrometeorological measurements
- Remote sensing
- Natural tracers
- Lumped and distributed hydrological modelling
- Development of modelling tools and calibration algorithms
- Multi-modal, multi-input modelling
- Coupling of climate and hydrological models
- Forecasting at ungauged sites
Sainte-Marthe experimental watershed
Created through a collaboration between École de technologie supérieure and the municipality of Sainte-Marthe in the Montérégie region, this experimental watershed is dedicated to research into water and climate change. The permanent observatory brings together researchers from ÉTS, UQTR, the INRS, UQAM, UQAT and Université de Sherbrooke.
Covering an area of 8 km2, this open-air laboratory also constitutes an extremely useful tool for learning about hydrology and hydrogeology.