Publications sur la fabrication additive
Caractérisation des matières premières pour la FA
SE BRIKA, V BRAILOVSKI, A novel apparatus for the optimization of powder recoating in powder bed-based additive manufacturing processes, JPMM, 2023/7/28, March 2023.
Brika S. et al., Influence of particle morphology and size distribution on the powder flowability and laser powder bed fusion manufacturability of Ti-6Al-4V alloy, J. Additive Manufacturing, 31 – 100929.
Brika S. et al., Influence of powder particles morphology on the static and fatigue properties of laser powder bed-fused Ti-6Al-4V components, J. Manuf. Mat. Proc. 4 (4).
Relation structure-propriétés dans la fusion laser sur lit de poudre (LPBF)
A LECLERCQ, V BRAILOVSKI, Improving the laser powder bed fusion printability of tungsten powders using simulation-driven process optimization algorithms, under review, Int. J. Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, October 2023
C DESROSIERS, M LETENNEUR, F BERNIER, F GUIBAULT, B PROVENCHER, F CHERIET, N PICHE, V BRAILOVSKI, Automated Porosity Segmentation in Laser Powder Bed Fusion Part Using Computed Tomography: A Validity Study, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, under review, October 2023
E MOQUIN, M LETENNEUR, A KREITCBERG, J-R POULIN-MASSON, V BRAILOVSKI, Fatigue resistance of laser powder bed fused Ti-6Al-4V parts with purposely-induced porosity: process-structure-property relationship, under review, Additive Manufacturing, January 2023.
EM FAYED, V BRAILOVSKI, M JAHAZI, M MEDRAJ, Effect of microwave hybrid heat treatment on the microstructure and hardness of 3D printed Inconel 718 superalloy, Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly, accepted, March 2023
EJ HERRERA-JIMENEZ, A KREITCBERG, E MOQUIN, M LETENNEUR, V BRAILOVSKI, Influence of post-processing conditions on the microstructure and fatigue resistance of laser powder bed fused Ti-6Al-4V components, JMPP 2022, 6(4), 85
A KREITCBERG, V BRAILOVSKI, Effect of Fe and C contents on the microstructure, room and high temperature mechanical properties of IN625 alloys processed by laser powder bed fusion, Materials 2022, 15(19), 6606
M. TSATURYANTS, V. SHEREMETYEV … A. POPOVICH, V. BRAILOVSKI, Structure and properties of Ti-50.2Ni alloy processed by laser powder bed fusion and subjected to a combination of thermal cycling and heat treatments, Shape Memory and Superelasticity, 2022, 8(1), 16-32
E. M. FAYED, V. BRAILOVSKI, .M JAHAZI, M. MEDRAJ, Stability of the microstructure and elevated-temperature mechanical properties of additively manufactured Inconel 718 superalloy subjected to long-term in-service thermal cycling, MSEA, Volume 838, 24 March 2022, 142790
A. KREITCBERG, V. BRAILOVSKI, Effect of Fe and C contents on the microstructure, room and high temperature mechanical properties of IN625 alloys processed by laser powder bed fusion, under review JALCOM, April 2022
W. TURNIER-TROTTIER, A. KREITCBERG, V. BRAILOVSKI, Structure and mechanical properties of laser powder bed-fused and wrought PH13-8Mo-type precipitation hardening stainless steels: Comparative study, JMMP, 2021, 5 (3), 67.
Brailovski V. et al., Control of density and grain structure of a laser powder bed-fused superelastic Ti-18Zr-14Nb alloy: Simulation-driven process mapping, Metals 10 (12), 1697.
Fayed E.M. et al., Influence of homogenization and solution treatments time on the microstructure and hardness of Inconel 718 fabricated by LPBF process, Materials. 13–11, 2574.
Letenneur M. et al., Laser powder bed fusion with intentionally-seeded porosity for prototyping of powder metallurgy parts, J. Manuf. Mater. Proc., 4, 119.
Letenneur M. et al., The average grain size and grain aspect ratio in metal laser powder bed fusion: Modeling and experiment, J. Manuf. Mater. Proc 4 (1), 25.
Poulin J.R. et al., Fatigue limit prediction of laser powder bed fusion IN625 containing intentionally-seeded defects, Int. J. Fatigue, 132 1015394.
Inaekyan K. et al., Microstructure and mechanical properties of laser powder bed-fused IN625 alloy, MSEA 768 -138481.
Kreitcberg A. et al., Temperature and time-dependent mechanical behavior of post treated IN625 alloy processed by laser powder bed fusion, J. Manuf. Mater. Proc. 3 - 75.
Letenneur M. et al., Optimization of LPBF processing using a combination of the melt pool modeling and design of experiment approaches: Density control, J. Manuf. Mater. Proc. (21).
Poulin J.R. et al., Long fatigue crack propagation behavior of laser powder bed-fused IN625 with intentionally-seeded porosity. Int. J. Fatigue, 127, 144-156.
Kreitcberg A. et al., New biocompatible near-beta Ti-Zr-Nb alloy processed by laser powder bed fusion: Process optimization, JMPT, 252, 821-829.
Mostafa A. et al., Hot compression behavior and microstructure of selectively laser-melted IN718 alloy, Int. J. Adv. Manuf. Technol, 96, 1-4, 371-385.
Poulin J.R. et al., Long fatigue crack propagation behavior of IN625 processed by LPBF: influence of build orientation and post-processing conditions, Int. J. Fatigue, 116, 634-647.
Kreitcberg A. et al., Effect of laser powder bed fusion parameters on the microstructure and texture development in superelastic Ti-18Zr-14Nb, Shape Mem. Super. 3 (4) 361-372.
Kreitcberg A. et al., Elevated temperature mechanical behavior of in625 alloy processed by laser powder-bed fusion, MSEA 700, 540-553.
Letenneur M. et al., Laser powder-bed fusion of water-atomized iron-based powder: Process optimization, J. Manuf. Mater. Proc. 1 (2) 23.
Post-traitements du volume et des surfaces des pièces FA
E. M. FAYED, V. BRAILOVSKI, M. JAHAZI, M. MEDRAJ, Effect of microwave hybrid heat treatment on the microstructure and hardness of 3D printed Inconel 718 superalloy, under review. Additive. Manuf., March 2022
E.J. HERRERA-JIMENEZ, A. KREITCBERG, E. MOQUIN, M. LETENNEUR, V. BRAILOVSKI, Influence of post-processing conditions on the microstructure and fatigue resistance of laser powder bed fused Ti-6Al-4V components, under review JALCOM, April 2022
E.M. FAYED, D. SHAHRIARI, M. SAADATI, V. BRAILOVSKI, M. JAHAZI, M. MEDRAJ, Optimization of the Post Process Heat Treatment of Additively Manufactured Inconel 718 Superalloy using Laser Powder Bed Fusion Process, Metals 11 (1), 144, 2021.
V. KALINICHEVA, V. SHEREMETYEV, M. LETENNEUR, A. KONOPATSKY, S. PROKOSHKIN, V. BRAILOVSKI, Effect of thermal treatment on the structure and hardness of the laser powder bed-fused Ti-Zr-Nb shape memory alloy, IOP Conf.Ser: Materials Science and Engineering 1014 (1), 012016, 2021.
J.-R. POULIN, A. KREITCBERG, P. TERRIAULT, V. BRAILOVSKI, Effect of hot isostatic pressing of laser powder bed fused Inconel 625 with purposely induced defects on the residual porosity and fatigue crack propagation behavior, Additive Manufacturing (47) 2021, 102324.
Fayed E.M. et al., On the elevated-temperature mechanical behavior of Inconel 718 superalloy fabricated by laser powder bed fusion: Effect of homogenization and solution treatments times, Scientific Reports, 11 (1).
Fayed, E., Shahriari, D., Brailovski, V., Jahazi, M. et Medraj, M., Influence of homogenization and solution treatments time on the microstructure and hardness of Inconel 718 fabricated by laser powder bed fusion process, Materials 13 (11) 2574.
Bouland C. et al., Abrasive flow machining of laser powder bed fused parts: Numerical modeling and experimental validation, J. Mater. Proc. Tech. 273:116262.
Kreitcberg A. et al., Optimization of post-processing annealing conditions of LPBF Ti-18Zr-14Nb SMA: structure and functional properties, Shape Mem. Super, 5:172-181.
Mohameddian N. et al., Electropolishing of laser powder bed-fused IN625 components in green electrolyte, J. Manuf. Mater. Process. 3 (4), 86.
Mohammadian N. et al., Surface finish control of AM IN625 components using combined chemical-abrasive flow polishing, JMPT 252, 728-738.
Seede R. et al., Microstructural and microhardness evolution from homogenization and hot isostatic pressing on SLM IN718: structure, texture, and phases. J. Manuf. Mater. Proc.
Kreitcberg A. et al., Effect of heat treatment and hot isostatic pressing on the microstructure and mechanical properties of IN625 alloy processed by SLM, MSEA, 689, 1–10.
Mostafa A. et al., Structure, texture and phases in 3D printed IN718 subjected to homogenization and HIP treatments, Metals, 7 (6) 196.
Urlea V. et al., Electropolishing and electropolishing-related allowances for powder-bed selectively laser-melted Ti-6Al-4V alloy components, JMPT 242, 1-11.
Urlea V. et al., Electropolishing and electropolishing-related allowances for IN625 alloy components fabricated by laser powder-bed fusion, Int. J. Adv. Manuf. Technol., 92 (9), 4487-4499.
Conception, modélisation et test de structures poreuses régulières et stochastiques construites par LPBF
A TIMERCAN, V BRAILOVSKI, A simulation-driven process optimization of laser powder bed fusion of superelastic NiTi lattice structures: an experimental and numerical study, under review Materials and Design, December 2023
A TIMERCAN, P TERRIAULT, V BRAILOVSKI, Axial tension/compression and torsional loading of diamond and gyroid lattice structures: simulation and experiment, submitted, Materials and Design, 2023/1/2, 111585.
A. TIMERCAN, V. SHEREMETYEV, V. BRAILOVSKI, Mechanical properties and fluid permeability of gyroid and diamond lattice structures for intervertebral devices: Functional requirements and comparative analysis, Science and Technology of Advanced Materials (STAM), 2021.
Jetté B. et al., Development and in vitro validation of a numerical model for the design of a biomimetic femoral stem, JMBBM, 77, 539-550.
Jetté B. et al., Femoral stem incorporating a cubic diamond lattice structure: design, manufacture and testing, JMBBM, 77, 58-72.
Soul H. et al., Static and fatigue behavior of AlSiMg alloy plain, notched and lattice specimens fabricated by laser powder bed fusion, J. Manuf. Mater. Proc. 2 (2) 25.
Terriault P. et al., Modeling and simulation of large, conformal, porosity-graded and lightweight lattice structures made by AM, Finite Elem. Analysis & Design, 138, 1-11.
Dumas M. et al., Modelling and characterization of a porosity graded structure for additively manufactured biomaterials, Mater. Design, 121, 383-392.
Simoneau S. et al., Development of a porous metallic femoral stem: design, manufacturing, simulation and mechanical testing, Mater. Design. 114, 546-556.
Terriault P. et al., Influence of boundary conditions on the simulation of a diamond-type lattice structure, Adv. Mater. Sci. Eng., 6471209.
Simoneau C. et al., Design, Additive manufacturing and tensile properties of stochastic porous open-cell metallic structures, Mech. Mater, 94, 26-37.
Zongo F. et al., Geometric deviations of laser powder bed fused AlSi10Mg components: numerical predictions versus experimental measurements, Int. J. Adv. Manuf. Technol.
Zongo F. et al., Scale effect, material concentration, stress relief and part removal effects on the dimensional behaviour of selected AlSi10Mg components manufactured by LPBF, J. Manuf. Mater. Proc., 3 (2), 49.
Zongo F. et al., Examination of intra and inter-repeatability of profile deviations for laser powder bed fusion processed AlSi10Mg alloy components, J. Manuf. Mater. Proc., 2 (3), 56.
Applications industrielles et médicales des composants FA
M LLIDO, V BRAILOVSKI, L LE BRAS, B SÉGUIN, I MASSEAU, Y. PETIT, B LUSSIER, Muscular Morphometric Study of the Canine Shoulder with In Silico Functional Modelling of Personalized 3D-Printed Endoprostheses in Dogs with Osteosarcoma of the Proximal Humerus: A Pilot Cadaveric Study by MRI, Am. J Vet Res. 2023/6/1, 84-6
PK DUBOIS, A LANDRY-BLAIS, S SIVIC, R GAZZAH, V BRAILOVSKI, M PICARD, Cooling performance of additively manufactured pin fins in stacked microchannels for the inside-out ceramic turbine shroud-cooling ring, J. Turbomach. Jul 2022, 144(7): 071004
L-A. LE BRAS, A. TIMERCAN, M. LLIDO, Y. PETIT, B. SEGUIN, B. LUSSIER, V. BRAILOVSKI, Personalized endoprostheses for the proximal humerus and scapulo-humeral joint in dogs: Biomechanical study of the muscles’ contributions during locomotion, PLOS ONE, 17(1) 2022
Séguin B. et al., Limb sparing in dogs using patient-specific 3D-printed endoprosthesis and cutting guide for distal radial osteosarcoma. Veterinary Compar. Oncology, Mar; 18 (1): 92-104.
Samoilenko M. et al., Design, manufacture and testing of porous materials with ordered and random porosity: Application to porous medium burners, Appl. Therm. Eng. 158:113724.
Timercan A. et al., Design, additive manufacturing, numerical modeling and in vitro testing of patient-specific endoprostheses for limb-sparing in dogs, Med. Eng. & Physics, 71, 17-29.