LG2 – Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Laboratory
About the laboratory
The activities of the Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Laboratory (LG2) are focused on characterizing and modelling the hydrogeomechanical and hydrogeochemical behaviour of unconsolidated deposits of geological and anthropogenic origin as they interact with the human environment.
Overview of LG2 research projects:
- Enhancing the representativeness of geotechnical and geoenvironmental characterizations;
- Developing a geovalorization approach pertaining to contaminated soils and residual materials;
- Improving the safety of geotechnical structures and the prediction of natural geological hazards (e.g.: landslides, liquefaction).

Research at ÉTS
ÉTS provides an ideal environment for conceiving and creating the ideas that will shape the world of the future.