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51 Résultats pour : « Portes ouvertes »

L'ÉTS vous donne rendez-vous à sa journée portes ouvertes qui aura lieu sur son campus à l'automne et à l'hiver : Samedi 18 novembre 2023 Samedi 17 février 2024 Le dépôt de votre demande d'admission à un programme de baccalauréat ou au cheminement universitaire en technologie sera gratuit si vous étudiez ou détenez un diplôme collégial d'un établissement québécois.

ETS Emergency Measures

Receive alerts

Whenever there is an emergency situation or a serious unexpected event on campus, all members of the ÉTS community will be advised via their ÉTS e-mail and/or mobile device.


There are a number of situations that may require the evacuation of a building at ÉTS. Here is the procedure to follow if an emergency measure requires an evacuation.

Emergency Measures

Certain weather conditions may result in ÉTS closing the campus, suspending or postponing courses and teaching activities.

Suspension of courses and teaching activities

If ÉTS decides to suspend all activities, this information will be communicated to the community following the schedule listed below, to the extent possible:

  • In the case of suspension of morning activities, the decision will be posted before 6:00 a.m.;
  • In the case of suspension of afternoon activities, the decision will be posted before 10:00 a.m.;
  • In the case of suspension of evening activities, the decision will be posted before 3:00 p.m.

If no notice is issued, you should assume that all activities will be held as scheduled.

Criteria for suspending courses and teaching activities

ÉTS will make its decisions based on safety criteria, relying on information issued by the competent authorities, and taking into account the following information:

  • Weather conditions and forecasts issued by Environment Canada;
  • Difficulties experienced by the relevant transit authorities in terms of providing proper service;
  • Road conditions as determined by Transports Québec and the relevant police forces;
  • On campus: The condition of parking lots, streets and entrances to the various buildings, as determined by building and security personnel;
  • The logistics associated with postponing courses and activities, especially with respect to the availability of rooms.

ÉTS may decide to hold its activities as scheduled, even if some parts of the road network are affected by harsh weather conditions. Each individual is responsible for ensuring their own personal safety.

Note to employees: The suspension of courses and teaching activities does not necessarily mean that ÉTS is closed. You are responsible for contacting your immediate supervisor in order to validate your presence at work.

Rescheduling of exams

If an exceptional situation makes it impossible to hold an exam, it will be postponed to a later date. Rescheduled exam dates will be announced to students via the MonÉTS portal or by the professor.

A package or letter that exhibits any combination of the following characteristics should be considered suspicious:

  • Missing or fictitious return address;
  • Exposed electrical wires;
  • Excessive packaging material (adhesive tape);
  • Oil stains, discolouration or crystallization on the packaging;
  • Irregularly shaped package;
  • Recipient’s name and address badly typed or written;
  • Excessive postage;
  • Spelling errors;
  • Recipient’s title instead of name;
  • Solid or thick envelope;
  • Originating from a foreign country;
  • Restrictive instructions (marked as confidential).

A package that exhibits any of the following characteristics may be suspected of containing nuclear, radioactive, biological or chemical materials:

  • It is damaged;
  • It is leaking;
  • It contains liquid, powder or granules;
  • It gives off an unusual odour;
  • It emits a gas or vapour;
  • There is seepage or bubbling;
  • It contains aerosols;
  • It shows signs of corrosion.

Procedure to follow

  • Move away from the package;
  • Do not use your cellular phone near the package, and turn it off if possible;
  • Contact Security at extension 55 or by calling 514-396-8800, extension 55;
  • Give the dispatcher as much information as possible, and do not hang up until you are advised to do so.



  • Do not touch, shake, smell or taste the suspicious article;
  • Isolate the article and evacuate the surrounding area immediately;
  • Anyone who has had contact with the article should immediately wash their hands with soap and water.

Returning to the building

  • Authorization to return to the building will be communicated at the meeting point.

There are a number of situations that may require the evacuation of a building at ÉTS. Here is the procedure to follow if an emergency measure requires an evacuation.

Follow these instructions if you notice a gas leak or the smell of gas.

Gas smell or leak

  • Avoid producing any flame or spark. Do not activate any piece of equipment, including light switches or cellular phones. Static electricity can cause a spark;
  • Leave the area (e.g.: laboratory, kitchen in the cafeteria, etc.);
  • In case of emergency, contact Security at extension 55 (internal telephone system) using a phone located in another area;
  • Do not activate the fire alarm (red station).

Do not touch anything

  • If any equipment is on, leave it on;
  • If any equipment is off, leave it off.

Evacuation order

If evacuation is required, Security will advise you.

  • Remain calm;
  • Move directly to the nearest emergency exit and leave the building;
  • Do not use the elevators;
  • Do not make a detour to collect your personal effects;
  • Go directly to the assigned meeting point for your building;
  • Do not go back inside the building for any reason.

If you see a fire, your first reflex is to exit the premises.

If you see flames or smoke

  • Assist anyone who is in immediate danger, as long as doing so does not represent a risk to your life;
  • Exit the premises;
  • Close all doors behind you to hinder the spreading of the fire;
  • Activate the fire alarm (fire alarm stations are located near emergency exits);
  • Call 911 once you are at a safe location;
  • Do not go back inside the premises for any reason.

 If you hear a fire alarm go off

  • Remain calm;
  • Move directly to the nearest emergency exit and leave the building;
  • Do not use the elevators;
  • Do not make a detour to collect your personal effects;
  • Go directly to the assigned meeting point for your building;
  • Do not go back inside the building for any reason.

Meeting points

Returning to the building

  • Authorization to return to the building will be communicated at the meeting point.

Follow these instructions if you are trapped inside an elevator or if you witness someone in this situation.

If you are trapped inside an elevator

  • Do not attempt to open the doors yourself;
  • Remain calm and press the call button located inside the cabin. This will put you in direct communication with Security;
  • If the call button does not work, use your cellular phone to call 514-396-8900. You will be transferred to Security;
  • The elevator company will be contacted immediately to free you;
  • In case of sickness, inform the Security Officer immediately, and they will contact Emergency Services.

If you witness someone trapped inside an elevator

  • Do not attempt to save them by opening the door;
  • Reassure them, and inform them that help is on the way;
  • Ask if anyone is injured or requires emergency assistance (e.g.: claustrophobic), and ask how many people are trapped inside the elevator;
  • Contact the Security Office at extension 55 (internal system) or 514-396-8900;
  • Remain on the scene until help arrives, and continue to reassure those trapped inside;
  • If someone’s condition worsens, call 911 immediately.

Power outages are generally of short duration and limited to specific locations. However, widespread power outages are possible.

What to do during a power outage

  • Remain calm;
  • Stay at your work station;
  • If you are in a room with no lighting, slowly make your way to a lighted location and wait until the power is restored;
  • Look for individuals who may be in rooms with no lighting (washrooms, storage rooms, etc.);
  • Verify whether the outage is limited to the area you are in;
  • Ask the individual in charge of your group to contact Security at extension 55;
  • Cease any dangerous activities (e.g.: handling chemical products);
  • Store any hazardous products;
  • Extinguish heat sources or burners;
  • Listen for instructions broadcast over the intercom system.

Please note that there may be a delay between the beginning of an outage and the activation of emergency systems.

Widespread power outage

  • Wait for instructions from Security.

If evacuation is required

  • Remain calm;
  • Move directly to the nearest emergency exit and leave the building;
  • Do not use the elevators;
  • Do not make a detour to collect your personal effects;
  • Go directly to the assigned meeting point for your building;
  • Do not go back inside the building for any reason.

When power is restored

  • Wait for instructions from the Security Office before entering the building;
  • If the outage persist, you will receive further instructions.

If a Code Silver is announced, you have two options, namely lockdown or Run, Hide, Fight, depending on your location. It is important to be familiar with your surroundings in order to choose the most appropriate confinement method, taking into account your environment.

The following are some specific actions you can take, depending on which confinement option you choose.


(example locations: closed office, classroom)

  • Stay silent;
  • Turn off the lights, lock the door and close any curtains. If the door cannot be locked, block the opening mechanism;
  • Place heavy objects in front of the door;
  • Silence telephone ringers and notifications;
  • Get on the ground in a corner of the room or behind a desk;
  • If you are in a room with outdoor-facing windows (on the street) affix a piece of paper to the window indicating the room number, the number of people present and the number of injured people, if applicable. If nobody is injured, indicate 0. This will allow Emergency Services to prioritize locations where there are injured persons;
  • If you hear the fire alarm, ignore it, but remain vigilant for signs of smoke or fire;
  • Wait for instructions from the police, and do not open the door for anyone. The police will open the door when the location is secured;
  • Keep your hands empty and in plain sight in the air. Do not make any sudden movements, and listen to the instructions given by the police.

Run, Hide, Fight

(example locations: open area, cafeteria, library, corridor, outdoors, gymnasium, washroom)
No matter where you are, you should use one of the active confinement methods (Run, Hide, Fight). The objective of all of the proposed methods is to get to safety quickly. You can change methods at any time during the event if the method you chose is no longer ensuring your safety. You can even go back to a previously used method.

The actions described below should be taken without placing your life in danger:

  • Run away: find an exit route, a corridor that leads you to the exterior of the building (when you exit, keep your hands empty and in the air and do not make any sudden movements so that you are not mistaken for an assailant). Remain calm and move toward the police officers;
  • Hide: find a spot where you will not be seen or found. Shelter in place;
  • Disengage: obey, comply, demonstrate to the assailant that you are not a threat, lower your eyes, raise your hands to show that you accept their authority;
  • Lock down: lock yourself in a room by completely blocking access to isolate and protect yourself;
  • Fight: disarm, immobilize or disable;
  • If you are not able to run away or hide, lay down on the ground;
  • If you are in a washroom, one option is to lock the door to the room and then go into one of the stalls and wait there for the police.


  • Do not activate a manual fire alarm;
  • Adapt your method of protection based on the evolution of the situation;
  • Do not put your life in danger.

During an earthquake, it is important to take shelter quickly. If you find a safe location, stay there until the earthquake is over.

When you feel an earthquake:

  • Stay indoors;
  • Get down: As soon as you feel the first tremors, your first reflex should be to crouch down on the ground to avoid falling;
  • Find shelter: Once you are crouched down, find and move toward a location where you can take shelter (e.g.: under your desk or work table);
  • Hold on: Once you are sheltered, hold on tight to the furniture and stay there until the earthquake is over;
  • Remain sheltered when the tremors have subsided;
  • Security will broadcast an appropriate voice message for your area.

When to evacuate

  • If a fire breaks out in your vicinity;
  • If Security orders an evacuation of your area.

How to evacuate the building

  • Do not use the elevators;
  • Follow the instructions broadcast by Security using the voice message system;
  • Security may indicate which exit routes you should use;
  • Once you are outside the building, monitor your surroundings to avoid falling objects that could harm you;
  • Go to the meeting point (Place des réflexions – corner of Peel and Notre-Dame).

If a person’s life is in danger, call 911.

Prioritize your safety

  • Evaluate your environment and the security of the area before trying to help.

If the person is conscious, ask for the following information:

  • Their name;
  • Details concerning the incident;
  • Details concerning their injuries;
  • Questions about their allergies and health problems;
  • Contact Security at extension 55 (internal telephone system);
  • Do not approach the victim if the dispatcher advises you not to;
  • Administer first aid if you have received the proper training, and wait for a Security Officer to arrive;
  • Keep people away from the victim to give them space and facilitate the work of emergency workers;
  • Do not move the victim unless the situation represents a danger to them;
  • Do not give the victim anything to eat or drink, even if they request it;
  • Remain in contact with Security if possible;
  • If the victim’s condition worsens, call 911.

When a Security Officer arrives

  • A Security Officer will travel to the location that you have indicated to take charge of the situation;
  • Remain on site to assist the Security Officer and provide information concerning the victim.

Threat delivered by phone

  • Do not try to end the call, allow the caller to hang up first;
  • Attempt to obtain as much information as possible;
  • Have the caller repeat the message on the pretext of having difficulty hearing properly, with a view to gaining more time;
  • Pay particular attention to the following elements:
    • Gender;
    • Age;
    • Accent;
    • Language;
    • Tone of voice (high or low);
    • Pace of speech and emotions (angry, calm, agitated);
    • Background noise.
  • Try to obtain the following information:
    • The time when the bomb is expected to explode;
    • The type of bomb;
    • Targets (group, individual);
    • Motive;
    • The location of the bomb;
    • The name and number that appears on the phone screen;
  • Contact Security at extension 55 or by calling 514 396-8800, extension 55 to report the situation and convey all relevant information. 

Threat delivered by another method

(e.g.: paper found on site, information received by e‑mail or posted on social media)

  • Contact Security immediately;
  • Save the proof and send it to Security as quickly as possible;
  • Follow instructions given by Security.


Returning to the building

  • Authorization to return to the building will be communicated at the meeting point.

How to receive alerts

Whenever there is an emergency situation or a serious unexpected event on campus, all members of the ÉTS community will be advised via their ÉTS e-mail and/or mobile device.

  • Download the free Rave Guardian application from Google Play or the Apple App Store.
  • Enter your phone number. You will receive an authentication code;
  • Type the authentication code you received;
  • Enter your ÉTS e-mail address to confirm your identity.

In case of an alert, you will receive a message in your ÉTS e-mail inbox.

If you use an ÉTS computer, it is possible that a message will be automatically displayed on your screen in the case of an alert.

Additional functionalities

The Rave Guardian application offers a number of other functionalities to enhance the safety of members of our community:

  • Virtual Escort when travelling: Use the security timer to set an arrival time, and the person you have selected will be advised when you reach your destination. See how to activate the Virtual Escort function (PDF).
  • The Text function, which allows you to communicate with a member of the Bureau de la prévention et de la sécurité (BPS) to report a security issue on campus.